![]() Author has written 11 stories for Death Note. It's The Pyrat! Currently on hiatus :) I'm from Southern California, a writer without an agent who has a book without a publisher (for now). Call Me: Pyrat Me In A Word: Happy :D In Two More Words: Obsessive and Competitive D.O.B: August 5 Stuff My Other Accounts: DeviantART (which holds some cosplay pictures) and LiveJournal (which holds Death Note essays, reviews, and general blabber) Stuff I Love: My Matty, the love of my life :) Writing, and thinking up characters to write about. Reading, especially reading stories that leave one with a "Holy Jeevas I can't believe it, that was brilliant!" feeling. Listening to music, and imagining epic things to go along with that music. My family, mom, dad, siblings, and little dog Violette. Pencils (Number 2, Mirado Black Warrior). Useless and random little knick-knacky things, liked shaped erasers and rubber gumball machine toys. Manga, anime, and doujinshi. Death Note. Art, in all it's various styles. Travelling, and having the memories of going to awesome places. Cosplaying, Mello specifically. Favorite Books: Rai-Kirah Trilogy, The Outsiders, The Vampire Chronicles, Twilight Saga, Tex, The Thief, Ender's Shadow, Bloody Jack, The Kin, The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Great Expectations, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, Death Note: The LA BB Serial Murder Case, Everworld Series, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Last Sin-Eater, The Prince and the Pauper, Peter Pan. Favorite Manga: Death Note, Saiyuki, Naruto, Loveless. Favorite Manga/Anime Characters: The Wammy's House Boys (BB, L, Mello, Matt, and Near), Deidara, Gojyo, Hikaru and Kaoru, Soubi, Creed Diskenth and Leon Elliot. Doujinshi I Own (All Death Note): Don't Phunk With My Heart, P.S, To The West 11th Street, The Little Series (Little Encounter, Little Engagement, Little Entreaty), Pray, Mizutamari, Restart, Ouko-sama Near Lunch, Katzen Duett, Fetish, Oriental, Overflow, HG, Love, Kodukuna Tantei, Touyoukottou Omacha-ten. Favorite Movies: Death Note 1 & 2, Red Eye, Lord of the Rings 1-3, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Howl's Moving Castle, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Young Guns, King Kong, When A Stranger Calls, Castaway, Peter Pan (live-action), Diary of Anne Frank, Tuck Everlasting, The Village, old animated Disney Movies, Disney/Pixar movies, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mongol, Serendipity. Favorite Bands and Singers: My Chemical Romance, SuG, Metallica, Akon, Enya, Maximum the Hormone, 30 Seconds to Mars, Rie Fu, Black Eyed Peas, ColdPlay, Linkin Park, Beasty Boys. I listen to and enjoy every genre :) On Writing Writing is my favorite hobby, something I hope to make a career of. My fanfiction is just a way for me to have fun, get a little writing practice plus feedback from readers, and maybe give others some entertainment in the process. Original Writing: I prefer to write fantasy, and I've only written one full-length novel (of course it isn't published, or anywhere near being so). I never write poetry or short-stories. Character building is probably my favorite part of writing, and so far I've always written with male main characters. I'm not sure why that is, but I suppose it simply appeals to me more. Fan Fiction: I'll only write it for characters and series that I know really well. If I wouldn't be completly confident giving facts about the show or characters, then I won't write about it because I believe accuracy is key. Some of my stories will have yaoi, and some will have none at all. I love cliffhangers; they make me feel thrilling (joking...sort of). It makes me anxious and uncomfortable to submit a multi-chapter story before it is finished, so what I'll usually do is complete my stories before I put up even the first chapter. Reviews: I love them, but I certainly won't demand them. If you think one of my stories is good enough for you to take the time to write a review, then I am honored. I guarantee that if you give me a critique, no matter how small, I will take it into account. I appreciate the advice, and I love hearing what you thought of the writing. I try my best to reply to as many reviews as I can, but even if I don't reply just know that I appreciate the review :) If I've written something multi-chapter, I'll wait until the story is finished before responding, so I can reply to all your reviews at once (if you've submitted more than one). "If the plot drags, shoot someone." |