Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha.
Name: (just me nickname) Kaggies
Age: 15
B-day: May 6, 1990
Nationality: 1/2 Filipino, Native American
Gender: Female
Websites: http:///soulesswonder
FavoritesAnime: Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gunslinger Girl and some others...
Manga: Inuyasha (discovered before anime), Love Hina, Negima, xxxHolic, Hellsing, Mermaid Saga, a lot of CLAMPS works (NOT Tsubasa), Dolls, recently introuduced to Hana-Kimi, Confidetial Conffessions, The Ring
Couples: A few actually...Inuyasha/Kikyou, Inuyasha/Kagome, Inuyasha/Sango, Miroku/Sango, Miroku/Kagome...heh.
Books: Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia (Just started Silver Chair), Green Angel, Tithe, A Hunter's Moon
Games: Bloody Roar 2, Inuyasha: A Feudal Combat
Color: Black, purple, burgundy
Songs: Shinjitsu no Uta
Food: pocky, rice, ramen...
Movie: Phantom of the Opera, Narnia, Finding Neverland, Pirates, War of the Worlds, The Ring and so on...
Drinks: water, coca-cola, root beer more water
Completed Story Analysis
None so far (my one-shots don't count 'cause they're not posted)
Uncompleted Story Analysis:
Dateless: chapter (well half of chapter) 9 has been posted. The rest is still being typed up.
Snowflakes: I haven't written any new poems yet. So I think for now it's finished.
Enter the Dragon: Ah! Don't mention this on! This one was a spur of the moment when I was replaying my Spyro games!
There are so many right now I've written in my notebook (summaries and such) I don't have time to type them up right now. :(