Reviews for In Between the Episodes
FangirlIssues31 chapter 32 . 12/29/2019

I don't know if you still use this account but I need to review this, it made me smile and it's so on point with the characters, I loved every chapter.

Thank you, seriously.

I know that it's 2019 but I'm binge watching Inuyasha and I love Sesshomaru and Rin, that's how I found out your fanfic.

Thank you again, it's awesome.
Rin Lovers chapter 32 . 1/17/2019
Dude. This girl is amazing! More than anything I want there to be a spin off show of this Rin! She's an even better main character than Kagome, she's a really smart girl, she's super sweet, believe it or not she has done more for the show than Kagome ever has considering she turned the huge threat that is Sesshomaru into a not so bad guy. She's obviously the most open minded because when ever there's someone who's doing a not so great thing she'll call them out of being bad even though she travels with demons...shE TRAVELS WITH DEMONS! SHE'S SUPER BADASS IN THAT ASPECT AS WELL! Have you seen her in the 3rd movie? She was the one who went out of her way to get Sesshomaru's sword, she threw the beads at that demon that was going to attack Kagome, she jumped in front of Kagome saying that Sesshomaru was going to rescue them so don't worry because the both of them were about to get killed by the bad guy, she collected the beads that were scattered from Inuyasha's necklace, she was a big motivator to get Sesshomaru to work with Inuyasha in the end. This girl hardly nags unlike the main protagonist, and when she's in major danger and absolutely defenseless she actually has a reason; she's a little girl! Unlike Kagome who is supposed to be "really powerful" and "the reincarnation of Kikiyo" and "a really good archer" and yet Kagome with all of that high priestess power gets in trouble and kidnapped all the damn time! The amount of times that Rin, the little orphan girl who practically raised herself, gets in actual danger comes no where near close to the amount of time our supposed "super strong and reliable" main character gets kidnapped and/or hurt. This is a girl who can take care of herself and legitimately help all the others around her no matter the cost not just one person. For example: the first time we see Rin she's giving food and drink to a demon that doesn't even eat human food risking getting jumped by the village people becuase she saw he was hurt, when Jaken got stung by Naraku's bugs it was Rin who went to Jenenji(? ) for the antidote even going all the way to climb up a damn cliff for it, and I'm pretty sure I mentioned everything that she did in the 3rd movie. My point is that this girl is definitely the best character in all of Inuyasha. I mean, Sesshomaru went through the trouble of saving her TWICE after all, there must be a good reason.
Rin Lovers Fan chapter 32 . 1/16/2019
Rin's so precious! I love her. She should be the better main character/heroine who will be way more mature than Kagome and Sango.
Evil Illusions chapter 32 . 1/4/2018
This is great! You filled in the gaps perfectly and each character's thoughts.
YokaiAngel chapter 32 . 11/25/2017
krisaku chapter 32 . 2/13/2017
This is awesome even though there's no romance in it. I can imagine how they interact and know each other by how you wrote them ! Thank you for writing something like this!
krisaku chapter 25 . 2/12/2017
Wowww Patience of Sesshoumaru for Rin is high XD
krisaku chapter 19 . 2/12/2017
Hahaha Rin is like a fresh air to Sesshomaru and an annoying brat to Jaken .I so love this group .I'm really happy that your writing is not out of character. Cheers
krisaku chapter 17 . 2/12/2017
Omg every chapter are satisfying to read.
krisaku chapter 9 . 2/12/2017
That is sooo cute ! He's starting to be an adorable daddy-ish to Rin hahaha
kagomeLove2 chapter 32 . 9/10/2016
Nice story.
Fluffyshipper chapter 29 . 3/26/2016
Great writing! I love how you show the development between Sesshounaru and Rin. Keep it up!
Ebony-Dove chapter 32 . 1/26/2015
Excellent story. You did a good job keeping both sesshomaru and rin in Character.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/26/2014
Love the story don't stop writing!
Haruka2016 chapter 18 . 5/17/2014
This is by far the Sess x Rin fic that I love the most. Much as I love a future for this couple, I still prefer fics that keep the relationship development really slow and make sense like yours. It's just like written straight from RT sensei.

Thank you so much for the great fic.
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