Disclaimer: Another one of my fan fictions and this is the necessary disclaimer: Inu-Yasha and all the other characters of this manga/anime do not belong to me but to Rumiko Takahashi, and to Shonen Sunday/Shogakukan, Ocean Productions, and Viz and any other place that brings it to the world. I am not being paid, so do not sue me; I currently do not have a summer job. :P On to the prologue.


                "Inu-Yasha," the old lady principal was saying to the teenage boy seated in the chair before her desk, "you have a lot of potential and that is why you are here, is it not?"

                "Guess," he grunted in response, watching with ennui as the little metal balls on the ends of the metronome clacked to and fro, transferring the energy from one ball, through the others, to the other ball on the end.

                She sighed. "You are a bright student, but all you seem to want to do is cause trouble." She peered over the paper she'd turned her eyes down to, and wrinkled her brow a tad as she watched him calmly wait for her to go on. She couldn't be too angry with him, but it was frustrating…it was always the same charge all the way down his record; he got in a fight with the same boy again. "Why can't you straighten out a bit? Your brother has called to see what the problem is."

                "Tch. There is no problem." The boy stretched his jean clad legs in front of himself more, raised his arms above his head, and arched his back a bit as he did. His eyes swiftly roamed over the office, taking in the many-a-time seen pictures that lined the walls and decorated the desk. Inu-Yasha heard quiet beeping the noises on principal's computer's screen saver. Settling back in the chair, and meeting with the disapproving eye, the other was a prosthetic; he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Look, Kaede," he started, as he was most informal with the principal, who acted as his surrogate grandmother, "there isn't anything to worry about. Ain't my fault that people like to pick fights with me, and end up having their faces meet the ground. I do my school work every night. You know as well as I do my grades haven't suffered, so," he, with a feeling of self-confidence, wiggled his back up the chair, sitting up taller and straighter, "what's with this whole damn meeting?"

                Kaede shook her head, the gray hair kept in a loose ponytail that shifted position on her back every time she moved her head. "Inu-Yasha, your brother and I both agree that maybe giving you some form of duty might keep you out of the way of fights."

                "Like what? An after school job?"

                "No. More like a student ambassador."

                "WHAT?!" Inu-Yasha's jaw hung open in bewilderment for a moment as the words started to break down in his head. "You mean be one of those fruity, preppy, sucking-up bastards?! No way in hell, Kaede! No way in hell!" He slammed his fist down on the desk, making spider-like cracks in the clear coating, giving it the appearance of broken glass.

                Kaede sighed again. And yet another desk of mine he has maimed. "You'll only have to help one student around for the first few days, two to three weeks, in fact. She'll need your help, so be kind to her."


                "I'm serious, Inu-Yasha," she warned, narrowing her eyes at him.

                He rolled his own eyes, leaning rearward once more. "Yeah, yeah, whatever…. Not like I got much choice, do I?"

                "Not really."

                "Keh, fine then…you old bat," he muttered as an afterthought.

                "What did you say?"



                "You mean…I got accepted there, Mom?" a young girl was asking ecstatically as her mother drove to one of the less industrialized areas of Tokyo, one of the few left.

                Her mother nodded, laughing slightly. "Yes, Kagome, you were accepted."

                "Yay!" she sounded happily, clutching her book bag closer to her chest. "I can't believe I got accepted there! I mean, they even have a place for ninth graders; I'm considered a high school student!"

                "I know. The school is rather exclusive and they only admit the best and brightest students that apply, and you, Kagome, are one of the elite."

                "Hehe! I'm so excited! I'm going to miss Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi, but I'll still see them on days off." She beamed as she watched the greener scenery go whirling by.

                "Uh-huh." Her mom patted her on the arm as they pulled into the parking and lot. They found a spot and eased the little red car into it. "Kagome, why are you wearing your old uniform?" Mama inquired when they exited the car and made their way to the school.

                "Well, uh…." She blushed, bringing a self-conscious hand to her green sailor uniform's shirt collar. "I really wasn't sure what the principal would acceptable, so…." She toed the ground, tracing a circle with one of her brown loafers. Kagome looked up at the huge gray and white mammoth building tower before her. When the light hit it, it seemed as if the roof was the resting place for the sun.

                She and her mom proceeded inside, gawking at all the sights and sounds of the school. The front lawn had been regimentally cut and the inside was just as spiffy. Trophies and other awards decorated the corridor, giving the walls and ceiling a bit of a bronze, gold, and silver rainbow effect. The architecture was superb, and from what the two could infer, the students made good use of it in any possible way.

                "W-wow…." This is unreal…and to think I made it here on my fifteenth birthday….

                They made their way to the principal's office, which was a subtle slate color. Within, there were three chairs, all burgundy, and a large wooden desk with an older lady seated at it. For some reason, the top looked funny, or at least Kagome thought so.

                The woman rose, a wizened face that is only seen in age, each memory etched in each wrinkle of her face. "Ah, good morning! I expect you are Mrs. Higurashi and this is your daughter Kagome?"

                Mama nodded with a smile, giving a polite bow to the principal, which she returned. "Yes. We are pleased to be here."

                "And we are glad you are here. Please, take a seat." Mama and Kagome did as they were told. "I believe we spoke on the phone before but let me reintroduce myself. I am the principal here. My name is Nomura Kaede."

                "Higurashi Sana and my daughter Higurashi Kagome."

                Kagome bobbed her head, giving her little, black school bag a squeeze. "I am really honored to be here, too, Ma'am."

                "Please, just Kaede. I can see you're a sweet girl." The old woman smiled kindly over at the teenager in front of her, surveying her with a curious, knowing look.

                She blushed for the second time that day. "Um, th-thank you very much." She brushed some imaginary dust off her green skirt.  She won't bite. She looks more like someone's grandmother….

                "Shikon High School is quite lax about things like dress code, and we really don't have our grades divided. You can basically pick-and-choose the courses you wish to take. We do have a recommendations list of what courses to take, but sometimes, if you pass the prerequisite test, you may not even have to take it at all and receive an automatic 'A+' in the class." She handed Kagome her schedule. "Since you have completed some classes at your middle school, attained high marks, and managed to blow any competition for your entry in the exams away, these are your recommended courses. You should be proud; some of our best students are in those classes, and they are all, ah, quite animated, unique people, indeed."

                "Thank you so much. But, um, Ms. Kaede," she reached up with a hand and twirled a lock of raven-black hair round a slender finger, choosing to settle on something better to call her new principal, "since I am supposed to be starting today, how am I going to get to my classes on time? I really don't know the school's layout all that well yet."

                "Ah," Kaede nodded her head, still grinning softly. "Well, we have that figured out for you, Kagome. There is a young man waiting for you, and he will show you around. If he gives you any trouble," the glint in her eye seemed to some indication to the young girl that he just might be a slight hassle, "be sure to come right back and see me and I will deal with him accordingly."

                Well, Kagome thought, smiling at Mama and Principal Kaede as she rose from her seat and made her way to the door, it's time to go and see what awaits me…. Holding her bag in one hand, the girl began to turn the doorknob.


A/N: Another fic, another author's note. To continue on, this is a Inu-fic I thought of when I was just kind of staring up into space or reading Harry Potter, whichever one it was, I thought this up, so some of the things will be totally different and, yes, I know, the name of the school is rather lame, but I wanted something with 'Shikon' on it. I mean, wasn't the Shikon no Tama what technically united Inu-Yasha and Kagome, and the rest of the gang? Nonetheless, I will be doing some more things just to work certain people in? Ok? Hope everyone is doing great! Write me at: [email protected] I really love reviews and love letters. Till then, ja ne!

~Moonlight Shadow

Japanese used:

ja ne—(see ya) later