Author has written 31 stories for Hogan's Heroes.
We wrote our first ever fan fiction with the Hogan's Heroes story entitled End Game. It didn't take long until we were hooked. We presently have 31 Hogan's Heroes stories that encompass what we are now calling our Hogan's Heroes 'Game Universe'.
We've been having lots of fun writing and hope people have been able to enjoy our stories. We also realize that our stories have run the gambit in terms of plots and time frames. We have stories occurring as early as November 1942 and as late as November 1989. So to help people sort through our stories... we are going to list the stories below in 'plot date' order.
1. Game Double Play - November 20,1942 to November 30, 1942
Awarded a Gold Medal for Best Overall Story - 2004 Papa Bear Awards
Awarded a Silver Medal for Best Drama - 2004 Papa Bear Awards
2. Mind Games - February 20, 1943 to April 10, 1943
Awarded a shared Silver Medal (a 2-way tie) for Best Original Character that of Gestapo Colonel Frederick Vogel - 2003 Papa Bear Awards
3. Confidence Game - April 2, 1943 to May 5, 1943 - being posted in chapters
4. Game in Overtime - May 1, 1943 to May 9, 1943
5. Game Keeper - September 10, 1943
Awarded a Gold Medal for Best Triple Threat Challenge - 2005 Papa Bear Awards
6. Game Annexed - October 20, 1943
7. The Game's a Flatfoot - October 31, 1943 - Halloween
Awarded a Gold Medal for Best Challenge - 2004 Papa Bear Awards
Awarded a Silver Medal for Best Comedy - 2004 Papa Bear Awards
Awarded a shared Bronze Medal (a 4-way tie) for Most Unique Story - 2004 Papa Bear Awards
8. That's the Name of the Game - November 3, 1943 to November 12, 1943
Awarded a Gold Medal for Best Challenge - 2005 Papa Bear Awards
9. The Game's a Fowl - November 17, 1943 to November 18,1943 - Thanksgiving
10. Game Preserver - December 24, 1943 - Christmas Eve
11. Away Game - January 27, 1944 - February 10, 1944 - February 15, 1944 - March 5, 1944
Awarded a shared Gold Medal (a 2-way tie) for Best Drama - 2005 Papa Bear Awards
Awarded a shared Gold Medal (a 2-way tie) for Best Original Character that of Colonel Dennis Marshall - 2005 Papa Bear Awards
Awarded a shared Bronze Medal (a 3-way tie) for Best Overall Story - 2005 Papa Bear Awards
12. Game Preempted - March 12, 1944 to March 17, 1944 - St. Patrick's Day
13. The Skins Game aaka The Easter Potato Hunt - April 10, 1944 to April 11, 1944 - Easter
Awarded a shared Gold Medal (a 5-way tie) for Best Short Story - 2003 Papa Bear Awards
14. Big Game - May 3, 1944
Awarded a shared Bronze Medal (a 2-way tie) for Best Short Story - 2003 Papa Bear Awards
Awarded a shared Bronze Medal (a 2-way tie) for Best Challenge - 2003 Papa Bear Awards
15. Game Upset - May 15, 1944
Awarded a Gold Medal for Best Songfic/Poetry - 2004 Papa Bear Awards
16. It's a Wonderful Game - December 25, 1944 - Early Christmas Morning
17. Games Scrooges Play - December 25, 1944 to December 26, 1944 - Christmas Day
18. Game Play Hard Ball - January 10, 1945
19. Games of the Heart - February 12, 1945 to February 15, 1945 - Valentine's Day
20. End Game - March 15, 1945 to May 14, 1945
Awarded a Gold Medal for Best Overall Story - 2003 Papa Bear Awards
Awarded a Silver Medal for Best Drama - 2003 Papa Bear Awards
21. Game Peace - April 7, 1945 to May 15,1945 - Mother's Day
Awarded a shared Bronze Medal (a 2-way tie) for Most Unique Story - 2003 Papa Bear Awards
22. Game Eagle - April 10, 1945 & June 1,1945
Awarded a Silver Medal for Best Original Character, that of Jeff Malone - 2004 Papa Bear Awards
Awarded a shared Bronze Medal (a 4-way tie) for Most Unigue Story - 2004 Papa Bear Awards
23. Games of the Heart: A Father's Story - June 15, 1945 to June 17, 1945 - Father's Day
24. Game's Score at Love - June 20, 1945 to June 21, 1945
25. Home Game Bridgeport Connecticut - July 26, 1945
26. Shell Game - November 20, 1945 to November 21, 1945
Awarded a shared Silver Medal (a 2-way tie) for Best Portrayal of a Cannon Character that of Colonel Wilhelm Klink - 2005 Papa Bear Awards
Awarded a shared Bronze Medal (a 3-way tie) for Best Overall Story - 2005 Papa Bear Awards
27. Post Games - May 14, 1945 to September 14, 1947
Awarded a shared Bronze Medal (a 2-way tie) for Best Original Character that of Doctor Oskar Freiling - 2003 Papa Bear Awards
28. Game Commentator - July 25th, 981 ADULT RATING
29. Unity Games - November 9, 1989 - The Fall of the Berlin Wall
30. Game Players - November 13, 1989 to November 14, 1989
31. Reindeer Games - Just a little Christmas Ditty. No time frame.
Current HH Projects underway: Confidence Game and the Home Game's of our other Heroes
We, Patti and Marg, have also taken on the pseudonym, Bryan Hutchins -- Marg Bryan, Patti Hutchins, for the Yankee Swap challenge, as the plot of our story, In Name Only, is completely un-related to the storyline we've already created for our on-going Games Universe. We just wanted to keep it separate to avoid plot bunny confusion. Enjoy.
Thanks for reading!
Patti and Marg
Patti - ThreeEngies@
Marg - CadeStormDabo@