![]() Author has written 3 stories for Star Trek: 2009, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Misc. Movies. Formerly known as: UnclaimedDemigod There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. -Washington Irving "You who suffer because you love, love still more. To die of love, is to live by it.” About Moi: ~ I believe that God loves l'il sinful me more than I can ever know, and that He sent His Son Jesus to pay my unpayable sin-debt. I struggle, doubt, am imperfect, but overall I am a child of God. (Note: Christianity is much more than a religion - it's a family that, though imperfect, never ends, never shrinks, and, if it is on track, forgives and loves.) ~ I am a Mediator (INFP - T) according to 16Personalities and am a Type 4 on the Enneagram. (Note: If you match these results, we're never getting together. It just wouldn't work.) ~ Chocolate ice cream is my favorite dessert; a pleasant, perfect, creamy dream in a bowl and if you comment on the inordinate serving in my hands I will give you the lazy eye (you've been warned). (Bonus: Do tell if you get the eye reference.) ~ My fave movies: The Outsiders (1983), The Secret Garden (1993), Secondhand Lions (2003), The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Eagle (2011), The Giver (2014), Unbroken (2014), The Greatest Showman (2017), The Great Escape (1963), It's a Wonderful Life (1946), The Great Raid (2005), The Man from U.N.C.L.E (2015) and a host of others... ~ My fave TV shows: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, The Flash, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Enterprise, Dickensian, Bonanza, House M.D., and Terra Nova. ~ My fave bands/musical artists: Marco Beltrami, TØP, Journey, Daniel Pemberton, Tom Adams, Son Lux, Imagine Dragons and a host of others... ~ My fave books: The Holy Bible, Les Misérables, Ender's Game, The Book Thief, Bloomability, Peter Pan, The Blue Sword, The Giver, The Chalk Box Kid, The Boxcar Children (#1), Eight Cousins, Dr. Thorne, Roxaboxen, Ivanhoe and a host of others... ~ My fave authors: Victor Hugo, Louisa May Alcott, Alexandre Dumas, Orson Scott Card, William Shakespeare, C.S. Lewis, Anthony Trollope, and a host of others... ~ I am a disorganized individual in every aspect of my life except within the small hidden facet in which I create and write. [I take no small delight in planning out, with dates and details, the timelines of my universes and the lives of the characters within them. I doubt there are many worthwhile characters out there whose whole stories were entirely written down for all eyes - Ex. Sodapop Curtis from The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and his unwritten final story arc. We really would've rather not known about that final aspect of his life, you witch.] ~ I like clowns. (My favorites being the Pierrot, Harlequin, and Whiteface.) ~ If any animal ever turned out to be more intelligent and diabolical than ever thought I believe it would be the rabbit. I first created an account here on FanFiction solely to write one, just one mind you, fanfic for Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I did just that, published it, and after too long I finally, finally deleted the piece of crap. It was an overdramatic, dripping-with-woe piece of work. Note: Works in the beginning usually are overflowing with blood-and-thunder happenings, nonsensical, unsurprising twists, and melodramatic characters - keep that in mind before you think about adding a love-triangle to spice things up. I have a butt-ton (forgive my potty-mouth) of works-in-progress, but (more for your benefit than mine) I will not be posting them until I finish them. After I eventually finish a story, I will periodically post chapters for y'all to tear apart or inhale. My hoard of ideas stem from several diverse universes (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Dr. Thorne, The Flash, Terra Nova, Falling Skies, Les Misérables, etc.). We'll see if I can get a few standing and breathing one day. God bless you! Universes into which I enjoy diving (listed in alphabetical order), and from which I hope to someday nurture several existing story buds into thriving fanfics (and also my favorite characters from each, but not in order of preference): - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (TV show; my faves: Daisy Johnson aka Quake/Tremors, Robbie Reyes aka Ghost Rider, Grant Ward, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Alphonso "Mack" MacKenzie, Lance Hunter, Lincoln Campbell, Bobbie Morse aka Mockingbird, Antoine Triplett, Gordon and Jeffrey Mace aka Patriot) - The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies; my faves: Peter Parker aka Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy and May Parker) - The Chronicles of Narnia (Books, movies, and 2004 reboot movie; my faves: Aslan, Peter, Edmund, Lucy, King Tirian, Eustace, Prince Caspian, Trumpkin, Digory and Polly) - Dickensian [TV show; my faves: John Bagnet, Martha Bagnet (née Cratchit), Arthur Havisham and Bob Cratchit] - Dr. Thorne (Novel and TV show; my faves: Dr. Thorne, Frank, Mary, Mr. Gresham, Sir Frederick Hatherly, Miss Dunstable and Lady Scatcherd) - The Eagle (Movie; my faves: Marcus and Uncle Aquila) - Eight Cousins (Books; my faves: Jessie Campbell, Archibald "Archie/Chief" Campbell, Alexander "Mac/the Bookworm/the Worm" Mackenzie Campbell, Steven "Steve/Dandy" Campbell and Charles "Prince Charlie/Charlie" C. Campbell) - Ender's Game and the whole Enderverse (Books; my faves: Andrew "Ender" Wiggin, Peter Wiggin, Petra Arkanian, Theresa Wiggin, Julian "Bean" Delphiki, Alai, Dink Meeker, Shen, Fly Molo, Han "Hot Soup" Tzu and Crazy Tom) - Falling Skies (TV show; my faves: Hal Mason, Ben Mason and Maggie) - The Flash (TV show; my faves: Barry Allen aka The Flash, Cisco Ramon, Eddie Thawne, Joe West, Iris West-Allen and Hartley Rathaway aka Pied Piper) - The Giver (Book and movie; my faves: Jonas, Asher and Fiona) - The Greatest Showman (Movie; my faves: Anne Wheeler, Phillip Carlyle and P. T. Barnum) - Hacksaw Ridge (Movie; my faves: Desmond Doss and Captain Glover) - The Man from U.N.C.L.E (2015 movie; my faves: Illya Kuryakin, Gabrielle Teller, Alexander Waverly, Napoleon Solo and Uncle Rudi) - Merlin (TV show; my faves: Sir Gwaine, Sir Percival, Freya, Gwen, Arthur, Merlin, Mordred and Sir Leon) - Les Misérables (Novel; my faves: Jean Valjean, Marius Pontmercy, Cosette Fauchelevent and Bishop Charles-François-Bienvenu Myriel) - The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (Play; my faves: Mercutio, Romeo Montague, Juliet Capulet and Benvolio) - The Mummy [1999 and 2001 movies; Rick O'Connell, Evelyn (née Carnahan) O'Connell, Ardeth Bay and Alex O'Connell] - The Outsiders (1983 movie; my faves: Sodapop Curtis, Ponyboy Michael Curtis and Keith "Two-Bit" Matthews) - Passengers (2016 Movie; my faves: Arthur, Jim Preston and Aurora Lane) - The Passing Bells (2014 Miniseries; my faves: Michael Lang and Tommy Edwards) - Peter Pan (Book; my fave: Peter Pan) - Sherlock (TV show; my faves: Jim Moriarty, Eurus, Henry Knight and Mary Watson) - Star Trek (Original series/movies and reboot movies; my faves: Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James Tiberius Kirk, Spock, Pavel Chekov, Montgomery Scott, Jean Luc Picard, Geordi La Forge, Jonathan Archer and Charles "Trip" Tucker III) - Star Wars (Mostly episodes #1-6 and Rogue One; my faves: Obi Wan Kenobi, Qui Gon Jinn, Jyn Erso, Anakin Skywalker, Cassian Andor and General Armitage Hux) - The Secret Garden (Book and 1993 movie; my fave: Dickon) - Terra Nova (TV show; my faves: Josh Shannon, Mark Reynolds, Maddy Shannon, Jim Shannon, Lucas Taylor and Alicia "Wash" Washington) - TRON and TRON: Legacy (Movies; my faves; Sam Flynn, Castor and Kevin Flynn) - Wind at My Back (An obscure TV show; my faves; Hubert "Hub" Bailey and Max Sutton) - Wives and Daughters (TV miniseries; my faves: Mr. Gibson, Molly Gibson, Osborne Hamley, Aimee and Roger Hamley) - and the list goes on... Ships I Shall Go Down With (probably, but you never really know until the water starts pouring in): - Quakerider (AoS); Fitzsimmons (Aos); Carwheeler (The Greatest Showman); Arthur/Gwen (Merlin); Merlin/Freya (Merlin); Peter/Gwen (The Amazing Spider-Man); Hub/Alice (Wind at My Back); Barry/Iris (The Flash); Hal/Maggie (Falling Skies); Petra/Bean (Enderverse); Padme/Anakin (Star Wars); Rose/Charlie aka "Prince" (Eight Cousins); Romeo/Juliet (Shakespeare's play); Mary/Dickon (Secret Garden); Maddy/Mark (Terra Nova); Johnny Foote/Celia Foote (The Help); Michael/Katie (The Passing Bells); Daniel/Susannah (The Mill) - Quotes which jab at my heart; go ahead, giggle and weep: “I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now...Come further up, come further in!”
"Citizens, in the future there shall be neither darkness nor thunderbolts, neither ferocious ignorance nor blood for blood…In the future no man will slay his fellow, the earth will be radiant, the human race will love. It will come, citizens, that day when all shall be concord, harmony, light, joy, and life.”
"Not being heard is no reason for silence.” ― Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
"Promise to give me a kiss on my brow when I am dead. --I shall feel it." She dropped her head again on Marius' knees, and her eyelids closed. He thought the poor soul had departed. Eponine remained motionless. All at once, at the very moment when Marius fancied her asleep forever, she slowly opened her eyes in which appeared the sombre profundity of death, and said to him in a tone whose sweetness seemed already to proceed from another world:-- "And by the way, Monsieur Marius, I believe that I was a little bit in love with you.” - Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
"I'm not a psychopath, Anderson, I'm a fully functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock; TV show)
"As an actor, there's a bit of you that's decided you want to be looked at and watched, but there's a paradoxical bit that wants to run away." - Ralph Fiennes
Aurora: "You saw the hibernation pods?"
"One of the things that binds us as a family is a shared sense of humor." - Ralph Fiennes
Maria Hill: "What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for, Agent Ward?"
Lord Cumnor: "I'm sorry I said anything about it now. I'll try to find a more agreeable piece of news."
May Parker: [about Gwen] "What a pretty girl."
Dr. Gillian Taylor: "Don’t tell me — you’re from outer space.”
“They did nothing wrong; their time here has ended” ― Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis
“But what kind of race is it, when the racers never let go of each other's hands, and the winner pulls the loser laughing over the finish line?” ― Shadow Puppets by Orson Scott Card
Update: 11/29/19 I am currently going through a major rework of my notes, story buds, and personal thoughts/life (Like most everyone, I'm going through some scary schist in regards to life). I'm going to mostly write and finish before I publish; please don't think a lack of updates = a lack of progress/work. God bless you all. I truly love you guys! |