This is the first time I've ever written anything like this so please, not too harsh and constructive criticism is always welcome. This is kind of a tie in to my one of my FitzSimmons drabbled, but it's only this chapter that ties in, the other three chapters are unrelated. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, if I did then there would have been two oxygen masks.

By the time Fitz and Simmons had reached The Bus, or as Fitz liked to call it, the flying circus, they had kissed four times. If you asked Simmons about it she would go red in the face and stutter out her denial that anything has ever happened between herself and Fitz, before quickly changing the topic. If you asked Fitz about it he would become very defensive and spew out the same speech about how he and Simmons are just friends, and how they are both okay with that and how annoying it sometimes got when people just presumed they were a couple all whilst never denying the initial accusation.

The first kiss they shared was not an accident. It happened during their first year together at The Academy. They had only known each other for a few months at this point but if you didn't know any better you would have thought they had known each other for years. It was late one night when they were revising for an exam in one of their dorms (they've long forgotten whom's), just idling chatting as they copied out notes and highlighted paragraphs.

"That tall boy in our History of SHIELD class, Greg James asked me out yesterday." Simmons sighed as she highlighted a paragraph about some intricate detail to do with particle collision theory.

Fitz's head sprung up from the page he was studying.

"And? What did you say?" He asked quickly.

Simmons turned around in her seat to look at him.

"I said no, Fitz."

"Oh." Was all Fitz said in return.

Before he could open his mouth to ask why Simmons spoke again as she was turning back to her textbook.

"And before you ask why, it's because we've all got these big exams coming up and I really think we should be focusing on them and..."

"Have you ever actually gone on a proper date with someone before Simmons?" Fitz interrupted.

Simmons' face was bright red as she turned back to look at Fitz and shook her head.

"Neither have I. School's always come before a social life and now here I am, eighteen years old and I've never even kissed a girl, never mind taken one out on a date." Fitz replied slightly gloomily.

"Me either."

"You've never kissed a girl either?" Fitz teased.

Simmons reached over and shoved his shoulder.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I was only joking."

There was a pause.

"Is that why you didn't want to go out with Greg James?" Fitz asked quietly.

"I already told you why Fitz."


"Okay fine, I didn't want to go out with him because I was nervous because I've never done the whole dating thing before." She finally blurted, gradually speaking faster as the sentence went on.

There was another pause.

"Simmons." Fitz began.

"S-since y'know we both haven't kissed anyone y'know m-maybe..." Fitz said rubbing the back of his neck, his face getting redder with every syllable.

"... We could just kiss each other to get it over and done with." Simmons finished.

Fitz nodded slowly. Simmons got up from her seat on the floor and sat next to him on the small bed.

"Okay, rules." She said matter of factly.

"Yep, right, okay. Rules are good, yeah." Fitz stammered

"One, this means nothing, this is just two good friends helping each other out. Two, we never ever ever tell anyone about this. We get enough people assuming that we're a couple as it is. And three, we cover our tracks by coming up with fake first kisses, like uuhhhmmm, mine will be a boy named Simon Jones. He was in one of the same chem classes as me at Cambridge." Simmons said.

"Okay right, mine will be uhmm, Alice Flaherty. She lived in my street for years, and people were always saying she had a crush on me. I'm sure she'll be flattered." Fitz joked.

An awkward silence filled the air. Fitz was staring down at his hands and Simmons became suddenly fascinated by a poster on the far wall. Finally Simmons snapped out of her reverie.

"So do we just..." She motioned towards him.


Fitz turned his head up to look at her. They both just stared at the other for a moment, eyes flitting between the others eyes and lips. It was Simmons that made the first awkward shuffle forward. It seemed to go at a very slow pace from there, the both of them slowly inching closer to the other until they could finally feel the others breath on their cheek. To this day neither of them could tell you who made that final move forward and closed their lips on the others.

It was a sweet kiss. Sweet, but by no means short. Simmons held her hands flat on the bed, almost pinned at her sides but Fitz was a little more daring and gradually brought his hand up to cup the side of her face. It was a slow kiss, their lips moving quite softly at first, almost ghosting over the others, until the kiss deepened slightly and their lips were pressed firmly together. They broke off the kiss simultaneously and leaned their foreheads on each others. Simmons slowly brought her hand up to hold Fitz's hand, which was still cupping her face, and opened her eyes, and almost got a fright at how close his eyes were to hers. Fitz removed his hand from her face quite quickly, almost as if a bolt of electricity had run through it, causing Simmons to gain consciousness of where her hand was currently placed and quickly pulled it into her lap. This quick movement had put some space between them and now they were both sitting, side by side on the bed, awkwardly looking at their hands, silence, which was almost deafening, ringing across the room. Simmons slowly slid off the bed and back into her previous seat on the floor. She picked up the textbook she had been studying and went back to it, like nothing had even happened. Fitz did the same, picking up the notebook he'd been scribbling in.


"Mhm." Simmons replied not looking up from her textbook.

"Did you get that note on particle theory in Professor Rippon's class yesterday?"

And so they went back to normal, or what normal was to them. And they never breathed a word of it, not to anyone, not even to each other. That was until Simmons found herself battling with her feelings as Fitz lay comatose next to her. Her capacity for secrets was never very large but in these circumstances it seemed to shrink. She relayed the entire tale to Skye one night and then told the story to Fitz in a last resort attempt to try and bring him out of his coma. When he did wake up, some of the first words he uttered were:

"You never did give me your notes on particle theory from Rippon's class."

Simmons laughed through her tears and placed a kiss on his forehead.

Thanks for reading x