Reviews for 525,600
Adyaksa chapter 25 . 5/25/2017
After a long long time, I have to read it again ! This is AMAZING! What a wonderful story. Thx for writing it. Best wishes for all the next stories
Adyaksa chapter 25 . 5/20/2017
One of the best fanfictions of Fitzsimmons I've ever read. You're such an amazing writer. Hope you keep up the good work !
EmmaLupinMcGonagall chapter 1 . 1/24/2017
This is truely one of the best FanFiction's I have ever read. The development is gorgeous and each witty comeback is better than the last. The sadness in this story speaks measures and the bravery inspires hope. You're amazing at writing and I look forward to reading your next piece:)
xTheSecretDiaries chapter 25 . 11/26/2016
My favourite Fitzsimmons fanfiction! Loved the ending! IT WAS PERFECT!
wanderingghost1257 chapter 25 . 7/23/2016
Well, I'm a little sad this is over, but this was truly an amazing adventure. You're a great writer, and I ( along with many others, I'm sure) look forward to your next adventure.
Fanaticdomain99 chapter 25 . 7/22/2016
Lovely story sad to see it end
sapphire2994 chapter 25 . 7/18/2016
Absolutely one of my most favorite fanfic! Every aspect of this story was perfect and kept me smiling like an idiot
Spitfire303 chapter 25 . 7/18/2016
Guest chapter 25 . 7/17/2016
Lovely ending and finally the title becomes clear.
Leopold Fitz chapter 25 . 7/17/2016
I can't believe it's over! My favourite FitzSimmons fanfic! The ending was so perfect though, and I loved every minute I spent reading this fanfic. :)
Harmonious Wolf chapter 25 . 7/17/2016
Wow. What a ride. Almost a full year keeping up with this story, and I loved every moment of it!~ 3 Wonderful job!
Leopold Fitz chapter 24 . 7/13/2016
I love their relationship! So sweet, and I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Peter T. Duende chapter 17 . 7/13/2016
In Chapters 16-17, you write that Fitz accidentally sent a text to Skye instead of Mack. Accidentally because it was dark in the room. But, your phone lights up when it is on, sooo, fix this please?! He would have been able to see perfectly fine.

Peter T. Duende chapter 13 . 7/12/2016
Upon reading Chap. 13:

Is there actually a book you know of that gives tips on studying? (Give it to me now...8:)

The story is going great! I would like to know how old Clara is. Did she just have Fitz later in life, and is older? Or is this just a time when Alzheimer's hits sooner? My Grandpa has Alzheimer's, and I read about it often.

God bless!

Peter T. Duende chapter 11 . 7/12/2016
It's awesome!

(Though I noticed a few missing letters in some words. And, in chapter eleven, at the beginning you accidentally, briefly, switched Ford's Mum's name to Carmen as opposed to Clara which you used the rest of the time. Also, later in the chapter you typed "Mick" instead of Mack. When Simmons is inviting Fits to the Christmas party.)

Keep up the great work!

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