Author has written 8 stories for Gundam Wing/AC. If you flame *any* of my (or anyone else's) 1+2/2+1 fics, You'll be ridiculed. So don't. Actually, if you're someone that flames without a valid reason, I'll be nice and warn you in advance, to GO AWAY! If you're a close-minded bigot, scram. Cause we don't...*I* don't want you here.I love reading and writing Fics. I enjoy reading a good fic more than attempting to write one. You can call me a book-worm or a fic-worm! If you have come across a good book, please reccomend it to me! I need books! I'd most likely enjoy it a great deal more if it were a "dark" story. Angst Rules! *Nodds* Now, I think I should stop blabbing. HEERO AND DUO FOREVER! P.S. I also draw fanarts! *grins* I have a very few posted at http:///levlair/ under the same name, 'Jade M. Kitsune'. *smirks* Inspirate me fellow authors! Also, I have a devianart account! Not much up yet... but enjoy! http:/// |