Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark violation is intended.

Added note/disclaimer: I also use quotes from other places. If you find a quote that wasn't cited, please notify me.

"No smile is as beautiful as the one that struggles through tears."


It's a sad thing, really, that we all strive for the perfection we can never reach. Even the stars themselves struggle in their attempts of outshining the sun in the night sky...

That's how we began. But this – this is how we end.

I don't remember much, but I remember seeing my love smiling at me through his tears. It was odd – he was crying so hard and yet his smile was struggling through his tears.

It's been eight years.

I'm twenty-six years old now. I live in a beautiful house and my brother remarried last year – it's funny how it ends. When you begin we really do believe we'll get the happily-ever-after and yet, in the middle, we start to flounder. That's when we start thinking that maybe we won't make it. But we do make it.

Nobody really gets a happily ever after. If I'd gotten my happily ever after, my father would still be alive and my mother wouldn't have gone insane and killed herself. My brother would have come back without all the bad things in between that happened. My soul mate would've fallen in love with me and never had to go through all that pain I made him go through.

Of course, seeing as we're both male, we still go through a lot of pain. The other day, I kissed him in the rain in the middle of a park and some old lady started yelling at us.

It's not the happily ever after that I wanted, but I guess it's a happily ever after.

And just so you know…

We're all right. We really are. There's a saying that says if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger.

I think it's true.

Right now, we're right here – and I guess we're all thinking of what brought us here. I can see Hermione with her new baby in her arms, smiling softly. I can see Ron – yes I call him Ron now. The fact that his sister died to save me is definitely a factor why we're friends now. I tell him I'm taking care of Ginny's heart for her, but he told me it was my heart the moment my blood went through it. Ginny's dead, but I'm alive, and I'm here, watching all of you. I'm watching Potter… Harry, my love… my life.

They all worry about me. I tell them not to, but I guess they have a right to worry about me. Yet I know that if I've learned anything from them – from us, it is that perfection can never be achieved. For perfection must be defined by its imperfections. I have learned that it's not worth dying to be perfect.

I know that I'm not completely cured – I never will be completely cured of my need for control. Harry stops me from going too far now though. And besides, my life isn't over yet. I've only just begun.

Close call there in the shadows
There's an end to the dark
'Cause there's someone out there


– Unknown

A/N: So, that's the epilogue. I was going to make it a tragic and sad ending because I'm afraid I'm in love with the tragic, but I'm a sucker for the happy endings. Strange, isn't it. I'm not so sure I did this topic justice. I hope I did well, as it was the first time I wrote in this style which I decided I wanted to give a shot after reading Poisonwood Bible. Anyway, read the rest of my fics, if you wish – if you haven't… and so long and thanks for the fish!


1. "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger." – Saying

2. The lyrics at the very end – Sarah McLachlan. I think the song's called "Out of the Shadows"

Review Reponse:




Thanks for taking the time to review. I hope you enjoyed this story (and of course, the happy ending)! Let me know what you think of me as an angst writer (seeing as my first story was a humor story)…

Keir the evil genius