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![]() Author has written 5 stories for Legend of Zelda, Harry Potter, Naruto, Warcraft, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, Dungeons and Dragons, and Warframe. Guten Morgen, and welcome to my profile page. I hope you enjoy my stories and don't mind having to translate some of the words. Ja Ne! This is a special invitation for those who know me particularly well on this site. If you don't have one already, I strongly suggest making an account for the site and then joining me on the adventures of several different originally created characters for different worlds/universes on a group called Crossover Missions V.2. I wish you all good luck, and good night. invite: https:///group/invite/209968-crossover-missions-v-2?invite_key=b2e355e49d9ce967f8d2d95c457153f168a86a42&utm_medium=email&utm_source=copypastegroup ATTENTION! I am now accepting OC's! Please hurry before there are no more slots! Please follow this pattern: name 1:(username) name 2:(character name) race:(character race) class:(character class if applicable) story:(name of story) chapter:(first appearance) powers:(all powers they possess at time of story) Weapons:(what weapons they possess if any) Please adhere to these guidelines or your oc will not be accepted. There are 12 slots, and each slot belongs to one user. the users that are on the list can suggest an unlimited amount of characters for the months of July - May each year. In June, they are only allowed a total of 12 oc's. Users, I hope, that i already have on the list: TheHappyTyranid, SkywalkerT-65, and XxLittleMissSweetnessxX. Better hurry, since there are only 9 slots left! After you've claimed a slot, you can take off name1 and turn name 2 into name. thank you for your time! ja ne! Welcome to DarkX's Totally Awesome Video Game Meme! First things first- you must list your top 10 favorite video game characters. GO! 1.) Pikachu (Pokemon) 2.) Arthas (Warcraft III) 3.) Rayquaza (Pokemon) 4.) sans (Undertale) 5.) Gaster (Undertale) 6.)Papyrus (Undertale) 7.) Undyne (Undertale) 8.)Link (The Legend of Zelda) 9.) Dovakhin (Skyrim) 10.) Sparrow (Fable II) Very good! Now comes the fun part- answer all 31 of the questions! Simple as that! Well...maybe not as simple... ;) 1.) 1 and 2 are out hiking, but they get lost. What happens next? Pikachu: Pika Pi! Piikaa! (You idiot! Give me that map) Arthas: Stupid lightning rodent! How and why did the Kirin Tor create you!? Mega: ... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTT!? 2.) 3 tries to learn how to play the guitar. Does this work out? Mega: *looks at Rayquaza* yeah ... he's a giant frickin' dragon pokemon that that floats ... this isn't gonna work well Rayquaza: *Picks up electric guitar* (let's see whether or not that's true) 1 hour later Rayquaza: *plays the riff for Du Hast perfectly* (frickin' finally!) Mega: that's ... actually kind of impressive. Rayquaza: *beam* 3.) 4 is invited to 5's house. Why? Mega: ... 'cause they're family???? 4.) 6 wants to go on a roller coaster, but they are too short. What now? Mega: Papyrus? You were too short to go on that roller coaster? by how much? Papyrus: BY ONE STINKING MILLIMETER! NYEEEEEEEEEEHHH! *proceeds to cry buckets on me and his brother* sans: woah, take it easy bro. it's going to be all right. Mega: well ... looks like i need to get a new shirt ... Papyrus: *sniff* OKAY. I'M OKAY. *look changes to confused* Why are you soaked, human? sans: wha ... ppffffffffffttt hahahahahahaha! Mega: It's not funny! how do you like it, comedian?! *wrings shirt over sans head, causing him to be even further drenched* Narrator: and so on until they manage to make it so that Papyrus can ride the roller coaster ... which doesn't happen 'til dawn when the manager of the park comes in and told them that they were off by a full meter and a half when they made the sign. lol 5.) You and 7 are robbing a bank! Do you succeed? Mega: Nope! I wasn't doin' it, so I sabotaged the plan the moment we made it. Undyne: YOU WHAT!? I'M GONNA KILL YOOU! NGAAAAH! 6.) 8 wakes up to find themselves chewing on 9's leg. How do they react? Link: ... Why am I chewing on the Dovakhin's leg? Dovakhin: *tic mark* Fus ... Link: Oh sh*t! Dovakhin: RO DAH!!!!!!!! 7.) 10 must marry the first person they see, which happens to be you! What do you do? Sparrow: *Flirt* Mega: ... uh ... no. NO YAOI!!!!!! 8.) 1 tells 5 a scary story. What does 5 do afterwards? Gaster: What is this lightning rodent trying to tell me? Pikachu: *sweatdrop* Pika ... Mega: LOL! that ain't happenin' anytime soon. 9.) 8 is giving 2 a massage! Is this okay? Arthas: This is all right ... Link: First I was chewing on the Dovakhin's leg, now I"m giving the Lich King a massage? The Hell's goin' on!? 10.) 6 is choking! Quick, what do you do? Mega: *performs Heimlich maneuver on Papyrus only to realize that he has to be faking, being a skeleton and all, causing him to then suplex papyrus into unconsciousness* 11.) 3 and 10 are locked in a closet together. What do they do? Sparrow: *dies* Rayquaza: *continues riding Sparrow's ... unmentionables* 12.) 4 and 7 switch bodies! How do they do with the swap? Undyne: Welp, I'm goin' to Grillby's. I can't deal right now. sans: you come back here with my body or else! ngaaaaaaaaaahh! 13.) 9 is sad. What will you do? Mega: Hey, Dovakhin, why don't we go slay my favorite animal together some time? Dovakhin: ???? *nod* ???? 14.) 3, 6, and 8 join the army! How do they do? Rayquaza gets laughed out of the room* Mega: told you it was a bad idea Rayquaza: *hugs mega* Mega: yeah, it's okay, let it all out. Rayquaza: *uses harden* Mega: NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15.) 1 and 4 must rescue 2 from 7's evil clutches! Does their mission succeed? Pikachu: Pi Pika CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! Undyne: *frying fish noises and yells of pain* sans: *snore* Arthas: STOP MESSING AROUND AND UNTIE ME FROM THIS TREE ALREADY! Mega: ... a lightning rodent ... fighting the royal guard ... while the comedian naps ... and the Lich King rants about being untied from a tree ... what is wrong with my brain. this lineup was meant for hilarity. 16.) Congrats- you are halfway through this meme! How is everyone feeling? Mega: Weird. Pikachu: Pika! (great!) Arthas: why did i have to be the one being saved? Rayquaza: (beats me.) sans: *snore* Gaster: I haven't appeared much ... all is as it should be. Papyrus: NYEH HEH HEH HEH! IM THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AM DOING JUST FINE! THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN, HUMAN!c Undyne: I've never had as much fun as when that weird lightning rat fried me! good job buddy! fufufufufufufu! Link: I've chewed on the Dovakhin's leg and given the Lich King a massage. HOW THE F*CK DO YOU THINK I FEEL!!!! Dovakhin: *says something in Norse* Sparrow: *brandishes sword as if to say, "i'm rarin' to go! what's next?"* 17.) 5 decides to cook dinner. What do they make? Mega: Spontaneous Nice Cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gaster: yeah no. everyone except Undyne, Papyrus and sans: what? Undyne: Whoa! You can make Nice Cream? Papyrus and sans: *sigh* our friend sure is unpredictable, eh pap? INDEED BROTHER! 18.) 10 is about to win a Wi-Fi battle when their Internet crashes. How does 8 cheer them up? Link: *pats Sparrow's shoulder like, "there, there, everything's alright." Sparrow: *glum face* 19.) 6 is chasing 4 with a chainsaw. Why? PAPYRUS: SSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSS! I WARNED YOU WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I HEARD YOU MAKE ANOTHER OF YOUR TERRIBLE PUNS!!! sans: oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap! 20.) 1 wants do be an artist, bit they can't find inspiration. How will you fix that? Pikachu: pikaa *sigh* Mega: Hey, just remember your trainer. remember the good times and you'll do just fine! 21.) 7 attacks 3 in their sleep! What madness ensues? super sonic boom occurs, followed by a determined "ngaaaaahhhh!" Mega: let's just ... leave them to their fun, ja? 22.) 9 and 10 are locked in a deadly sea battle. Who wins? Mega: uh ... neither. they can't swim for too long, otherwise they become bikes. sans: 'cause they're two tired? Mega: That's my man! *slips sans some skin ... figuratively speaking* 23.) 8 has had their cake stolen! How do they find the culprit? Mega: uh ... he shifts into wolf form to scent the culprit out? Link: *sniff sniff sniff sniff* *bark* *open door* Arthas: *pauses with half-eaten slice of cake halfway to his mouth, opens his eyes, glances down, and watches as Link shifts back to his usual form* hi ... epic boss fight ensues, with mega standing in a corner just watching and eating popcorn* 24.) 5 tries to sing. Are they any good? Mega: If you don't mind the sound of static ... then yes, Gaster is very good at singing. 25.) 4 has been banished by 10 to the Reverse World, and 1 must rescue them! Do they succeed? (If you don't know what that is, say they were banished to the Underworld or something.) Mega: sans? in the void? pssh, that's nothing. he can teleport right back. granted, we can't guarantee his safety, but he can still just teleport back. 26.) Oh no! 2 is in a bad accident and must be taken to a hospital! How do you accomplish this? Mega: *uses unholy magic to make it so that Arthas is healed* I can't believe you took on the same paladins 23 times in a row. Arthas: I had too! I needed a Lich! 27.) 3 and 8 make a bet. What is it? Who wins? Mega: the bet was who could shoot more birds out of the sky. Link could have won ... had it not been for the fact that Rayquaza could fly and stuff. now he has to scrub Rayquaza's scales for the next two years. poor chap T.T 28.) 1 is having a party, but they don't invite you. What do you do? Mega: Pikachu, I'll give you ninety nine percent of the world's treats if you let me join your festivities? deal? Pikachu: Pikaa ... pi. (hmmmmmm ... no.) 29.) While at 1's party, 9 gets drunk. What's the damage? Mega: An epic adventure that happens the next day, but should have taken a week. 30.) Suddenly, 5 arrives at 1's party with a watermelon on their head! Reactions? Mega: I don't even know. I mean, i'm sure sans is laughing while saying what, but the rest ... I don't really know. 31.) Congratulations, Dragon Knight. You have survived my crazy quiz, and are now free from its grip of randomness! What does everybody do now? Narrator: They go Home. You guys ready for another ground breaking update? Because I got one right here, waiting for you to read it. I had a run-in with depression today at !:30 pm on Saturday, October 24, 2015. I've had run-ins before, but this is the very first time that I recognized it as such. You know, the kind of depression that says, "Kill yourself. You'll feel a lot better afterwards.," when all you really need, in my case, is a couple pieces of chocolate and a glass of water. Maybe something violent to watch or do to an unreal thing to help you calm down a little, which i had been considering myself. However, I thought better of it and realized that it would not have helped. All it would have done is make things worse. Now that I know that I have problems with depression, I don't know what to do. I guess ... I'll stick to what I am good at which is writing and being an absolute boss on certain types of video game. I really need to work on my stories. Unfortunately, with everything else that's going on, I still might not have enough time to do so, so no promises. Don't hold me to my word and I won't hold you to yours ... probably. Ja Ne! *runs off chased by an angry mob* Hello! Sorry I haven't exactly been updating recently. I've had a lot going on, and I needed a lot of time to get things sorted. I don't know what's going to happen, but I might stop the fanfics and try to write something original. However, before I go, I have a crossover that should be at least seventeen chapters long as a final tribute to all my favorite people, whether they're real or not. Also, I know that I'm extremely late in saying this, but I give my condolences to Roosterteeth. They have lost a truly great man in the form of Monty Oum. His RWBY series was a real eyeopener to what I really liked. Now, I'm thinking that when I come back to writing the fics, I will write something in honor of him. Something that will be truly awesome. So for now, it is so long from me. Jaa Ne! |