This story is for people who enjoy reading stories with overpowered OC's.

Here's my OC's stats:





FTH: 999 (FAITH)




I can't remember the other stats if there are others so if you can then know that they are also 999.


He did not know why he was asleep. He did not know why the ground felt much more life-like. He did not care..

He opened his eyes to the sound of chirping in a daze. He was confused. The sky was blue, the grass was green and nothing in Lordran chirped. He last sat down at the bonfire is No-Man's Wharf. He had fallen in the water after fighting some Hollows. He searched for his Eskus Flasks. He found them near his body and clutched them. The liquid inside sloshed gently. He furrowed his brow. Last he checked they were empty after fighting The Skeleton Lords and their lackeys. He was glad that they were filled. He gripped them tightly and brought them closer to his strangely warm body. His body temperature shouldn't be too high. He only knew a few basic spells of Pyromancy and having a higher body temperature was not one. Tempreture was only raised while casting the spell but he wasn't casting right now. He tried to get up slowly. Maybe he could find a village and find out what in Gywn's balls was going on.

Slowly, he got onto his hands and feet. He looked around. A healthy looking forest surrounded him. He looked down at himself, expecting to see his usual Elite Knight Armour but he was shocked to see white fur beneath two golden plates over what he would assume are his breasts. Underneath that was orange fur that led down to two legs both covered in orange and white fur with dark blue toes. Said toes wiggled subconsciously. He brought his hands up to his face and saw dark blue fingers with golden plates over his wrists and shoulders with orange fur underneath said plates and over his arms. He looked behind him and saw a tail connecting to his backside, light brown tip and darker as it got closer to his butt. He raised one of his appendages to his hair and ran a hand through it. It felt strangely flexible and especially did not know why he did it, but he did. He tried taking a step forward like he normally would and found it completely compatible with new body. Slowly, he began walking forward toward the forest in hopes of finding someone to aid him in his search for life.

He had been watching the fight between the strange animals for about 2 minutes and they were both utterly exhausted. The small, slender green one was trying to protect a little red lizard with a little fire on it's tail. He could feel the fire emanating from the creature. The other creature was a mixture of white and black fur. It was alot stronger than the green one but the green thing was much more agile and seemed determined to protect the little red thing. He decided that it was time for him to intervene. He decided to intervene and side with the green protector for now. If anything, he could beat both and take the little red thing to civilisation. He snuck out toward the black and white dog-looking thing and he could begin to hear their conversation.

"-Alone!" The green one yelled at the dog.

"She took my berries and trespassed on my territory! She either submits to me for a day or receives a rightful beating! Now get out of the way!" The dog replied. The green thing went to reply but he grabbed it's tail and slammed on the opposite side of him. The dog let out a whimper and made an attempt to get up but he placed a foot on top of what he assumed were it's ribs and lightly pushed as a warning. Obviously, he had put a little too much power in it as the dog seemed unable to move even if it wanted too.

"Stay." He growled. The dog nodded quickly. He turned to the green and red things to see their shocked expressions. He took his foot of the dog and raised his arms as he approached. "No harm."

"Who are you?" The green thing growled, getting into a combat stance despite it's injuries and obvious exhaustion. He lowered one of his arms and took out a strange berry he had found walking here. He ate one of them as a test and it gave him energy. He held it out for the green thing to take. It did so hesitantly and and ate it. Miraculously, some of the green things wounds sealed up and some patches of dirt disappeared. "Thanks. But you still didn't answer my question." She seemed reassured that he wouldn't harm them. He assumed it was a she due to the now feminine tone in it's voice.

"Not going to." He answered monotonously. He pointed at the red thing. "Hurt?" The green thing shook it's head.

"Bruises at the most. She'll be fine." The green thing rubbed it's forehead. She looked at him. "What's an Inferape doing out here anyway? This is a grass region." Inferape. That was his new species. Well, it's a start at least.

"Exploring. Lost track to town." He looked at her and the red girl. "Come with you? " The green girl shrugged her shoulders.

"Why not? You can help protect us and I can pay you back for helping me. Come on." The green girl pointed to the red girl. "Can you carry her? I'm a little too weak for my psychic powers to work just yet." He shrugged and picked up the girl with one arm. "Follow me." The trio began walking to the south of their location. He looked at her.


"Bonnie. You?" She replied.

He was unsure whether to tell her his name. Sure she had given hers but, his was the only thing he remembered of his life before his journey into Lordran. He sighed and looked at her.
