I literally watched the first few episodes of RWBY, and I was hooked. It is complete genius! It's surprisingly well done with the system they chose, the characters are quirky and fun, and the combat and story are amazing! Now, I'm still unsure of the title so far, so reviews about that would be heavily appreciated. As for now, chapter 1!

Chapter 1


From the dust came the first humans. They were few in number, but unmatched in heart. However, the creatures of Grimm hungered for these humans, and they were all but wiped out. The humans tried to fight back, but the strength of these monsters was too much, and they could do nothing. But one day, the humans discovered a source of energy, powerful energy. With the fittingly named Dust, they drove away these monsters and built civilizations. Dust soon became part of everyday life. The human race prospered, but there were those who hungered for power enough... to kill for it.


A red-headed man followed by several imposing guards, likely grunts, walked down the street to the nearest Dust shop. Such man was rather tall, with green eyes, one of which concealed by a decent amount of his hair, a hat, and a white suit with black pants. He also carried a rather suspicious cane. Walking in, the man smiled evilly at the store owner.

"Do you know how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late at night?" As he spoke, one of his grunts aimed a gun at the store owner.

"Please, don't hurt me, just take the money!"

"Oh, we aren't here for the money."

He turned back to his grunts and told them, "Get the Dust." They complied and brought forward a suitcase. They opened it and produced ten tubes designed to store dust. Each grunt walked over to different types of Dust containers and filled each tube to the brim. As they were doing that, he told the shop owner to give him one of the crystals under the counter. As one of the grunts was about to hook up the tube, he saw someone out of the corner of his eye. It was a little girl wearing a red cape that had a hood with the hood up. He drew a sword and called to her.

"Hey, put your hands up where I can see 'em!"

When she didn't acknowledge him, he spoke again, this time louder and more commanding.

"I said, put your hands up where I can see 'em!"

Once again, she ignored him, so he walked over to her and pulled down her hood to see that she was wearing headphones. She turned around to see him, and he pointed at his ear, a sign to remove her headphones.

"I'll say this one more time, put your hands up where I can see 'em, kid!"

"Are you... Robbing me?"



Before he knew what was happening, he was being sent flying away from the little girl. The red-headed man noticed this and glanced at his other grunts, and then to the direction from which the other came from. They all either drew guns or sword and charged. The first one to get there was quickly kicked through the window by the red-hooded girl, where she pulled out a gun, which then transformed into a huge scythe roughly twice her height. She spun it around, then embedded it in the ground in front of her. Several grunts charged her, though she just used her scythe as a push board and kicked one in the gut, then spun around and introduced her feet to another's face.

After that, a gunshot came from the end of her scythe, ripping it out of the ground. she then used those gunshots to make her swings faster as she proceeded to beat the living Hell out of anyone that came near her. Then, the red-haired man walked out of the Dust shop and casually walked towards her.

"You know, all of this fighting isn't good for business. So," He aimed his cane at her, which the end flipped open to reveal it to be a guncane. "I'll just end this quick."

He fired at her what looked like a firework, though it turned out to be deadly explosives, though they still sounded like fireworks. Using the recoil of her scythe, she dodged out of the way. It took a few seconds for the smoke to clear, but when it did, she saw the man climbing up a nearby ladder to the roof of another building.

"Is it okay if I go after him?"


She sprinted away towards the red-haired ringleader and chased him up the ladder with very surprising speed given her size. When she finally caught up to him, he turned around and fired yet another shot from his guncane, though the girl expertly spun her scythe around to defend herself, only skidding back a few feet. When the dust cleared, she saw a large heliplane swooping in from the side, it's door open and the man laughing.

"I'm sad to say this is where we part ways."

He climbed on and took out the crystal he had stolen from the shopkeeper.


He threw the crystal he had stolen from the shop at her and shot it, and the girl closed her eyes. And then something happened, and she regretted her decision. While her eyes were closed, a woman lept in front of her and created a huge seal in the air in front of her, protecting her and the girl. She had used a wand to do so, then proceeded to use it to fling projectiles at the heliplane, but all in vain. The back opened to reveal a woman, though most of her was obscured by a shadow.

"I'll take the wheel, you get rid of those nuisances."

She proceeded to cast powerful fire spells at the woman, though she kept defending herself with her seal.

"Wind speed, 5.24 miles per hour."

The woman blasted at the heliplane again, though she was once again blocked. The little girl turned her scythe into a gun a started shooting at the craft, though she couldn't even make a dent in it. The shadowed woman raised both of her hands, causing fire to erupt from beneath the feet of the two women.

"Correction. Intense heat increased wind speed to 7.37 miles per hour."

The woman had created a seal beneath her feet, protecting both her and the girl from the flames. Using the rubble from the explosion, she crafted a spear using her wand and launched it at the craft, though the man thought fast and tilted the craft, reflecting all the stone off. The woman wasn't done, then proceeded to curve the stones around and spearing the ship with them. The woman in the back, however, burnt away all the stone, and the man turned the craft away.

"Target mobile. Estimated speed 30 miles per hour. Chance of missing, 0%. Taking the shot."

From an unknown location, a loud and powerful gunshot with a blue muzzle flare ripped through the thruster on the left side of the craft, slowing it, but not bringing it down.

"Target hit, but still mobile. Target out of range of Azure Rounds, changing to Gold Shot."

The unknown sniper reached to his gun and pulled out a large blue clip, the took out a single golden shell casing, put it in, closed the chamber, and took aim.

"Target at 3,000 feet and climbing. Chance of missing, 16%. Probability increasing. Taking shot."

An extremely loud gunshot with a golden muzzle flash erupted from his rifle, and a trail of gold followed where the bullet traveled, ripping through the side of the heliplane, but hitting nothing vital.

"Target... Missed. Vital points missed, body pierced."

The man disassembled the gun into three parts, the stock, the barrel, and the main body. He put them all in an intricate case hung from his belt in three different loops. He cracked his neck and sighed.

"Better luck next time, Valion. Better luck next time."

He hopped off the ledge and walked away, no one knowing what he had even done.

The girl turned to the woman in awe.

"You're a Huntress! Can I have your autograph?!"


She said 'autograph', not 'take me to be questioned at the jail'. However, that is where she ended up. She sat guiltily at an intirigation table, her scythe taken from her. She sighed.

The door opened and the woman from earlier walked through, followed by a tall man with silver-white hair.

"Oh my gosh, you're Headmaster Ozpin from Beacon Academy!"


"You teach people how to become Huntsmen and Huntresses, don't y-"

He raised his hand to silence her. "May I ask your name?"

"I'm Ruby, Ruby Rose. Nice to meet you."

"And, if I may ask, where did one such as yourself learn to use one of the deadliest weapons ever designed? The only other person I've seen wield one with such skill is an old friend, dusty old crow."

"I learned at Signal Academy."

"Signal taught you to use a scythe like that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well one teacher in specific. He happens to be my uncle Qrow."

"Ah, so it was Qrow who taught you. Interesting." Ozpin rubbed his chin in thought, and Ruby turned to the woman from before.

"You were amazing! You were all like, Kapow, shazam, boom!" As she spoke, she made karate hand gestures. The woman was however not impressed.

"Do you realize what you did? The amount of property damage alone was very costly, and the price of the stolen Dust just adds to that! You have to leave things like this to the Huntsmen and Huntresses."

"Now, Glynda, don't be so hard on the girl."

He layed a plate of cookies in front of Ruby. She was hesitant at first, but she soon demolished the cookies.

"Besides, we might have a new applicant to Beacon in front of us."

Ruby nearly fainted. Going to Beacon was her dream, and going two years early was amazing.


The unknown sniper was polishing his rifle (1), a heavy looking sniper rifle with a barrel that looked like it belonged on an armor-piercing rifle. Considering what it did to that heliplane though, it made sense. It was roughly five feet long, predominantly blue with a gold gem near the scope. The scope was rather plain, but it was strong enough to see over three thousand feet, evident by his monster of a shot earlier. It had a blue wing-like handle with a blue grip to support the gun while shooting with green wrapping on it in the shape of Xs. He sighed as he finished cleaning it off.

"Unprecedented missing such an easy shot. Only 3,000 feet away, but my rifle is accurate at 8,000 feet. The pilot must have been very experienced to survive at such close range. The man... or was it the woman... Either way, they are strange. Highly advanced Dust Magic like that. I'll need to look into this."

He looked through the window of the police precinct and listened to what those three were talking about.

"Beacon, huh? I might check it out. I wonder if my Signal papers will get me admitted. The odds are in my favor though. No worries then."

He coughed a little. After he coughed though, the woman, Glynda, turned towards the window to try to find the source, but only saw the moon. The full moon was huge that night. This didn't lessen her suspicion. She looked for a little longer before turning away from the window, but she still listened for any unusual sounds.

The sniper had actually jumped on top of their building. Hard to hear, but that wasn't much of a problem for him. Now he was out of sight, he just had to stay quiet, also not much of a problem. He silently disassembled his rifle and put it away, making sure not to accidentally hit it on the sword and shield strapped to his back. The sword was very long with a wing-shaped guard and a golden gem in the guard, a handle with green wrapping to match the gun, and an intricate scabbard. The shield was very big with silver trimming and golden triangles in the center, complete with a large red bird design covering the bottom half.

"What are you lookin' at?"

"Oh, nothing. I just thought I heard something. It must have been my imagination." As she spoke, she still kept her eyes out for the mysterious individual.

"Anyway, Miss Rose, do you accept my offer of joining Beacon?"

"Do I accept? Are monsters evil?"

"...I'll just take that as a yes. The next transport leaves in the morning. I expect to see you arriving off of it."

She smiled widely and left. Suddenly, they both heard beeping coming from Glynda's pocket. She pulled out her tablet (I think) and checked what it was beeping about. To her surprise, it was an e-mail containing a short message and some impressive Signal graduation papers.

"Mr. Ozpin, I just recieved a message. The sender is a mister 'Link Valion', and he sent us some graduation papers."

Ozpin took her tablet and looked at what this 'Link' had to say.

Hello, Headmaster Ozpin. It has come to my attention that you are recruiting new members into Beacon, and I am applying. Listed below are my Signal Academy graduation papers, and I am guessing that you will be pleased with their results. I am also aware that the next transport is tomorrow morning. I shall see you there.

-Link Valion

Ozpin read on to nearly gasp at the graduation papers. This Valion was valedictorian, having more than 100% in every class, excelling greatly in both armed and unarmed combat courses. His health charts were perfect. The man had stellar grades, and was voted 'most likely to become a living weapon'.

Ozpin heard a whistle from outside, and turned to see a green clad man standing atop a nearby building, and though he was burdened by three heavy pieces of equipment, they didn't seem to weigh him down in the slightest.

"Until next time, Headmaster."

With that, he bounded away from the top of his building to somewhere neither he nor Glynda could see from within the precinct.

"He interests me. Glynda, send him back an acceptance letter. He may be a very powerful Huntsman in the making."



"Y-Yang, let go of me, I c-can't... breathe!"

The yellow-haired girl, Yang, released a gasping Ruby.

"Whaaat? Can't I be proud of my litte sis for being admitted into Beacon two years early?"

"You can, but you don't need to choke me to do it, Yang!"

Yang started laughing as she tuned to the window. Yang was 17 comapred to Ruby's 15, and was physically more mature. She was a little taller than Ruby and had long golden hair with fuscia eyes. She wore beige clothes mainly with a small orange scarf around her neck. Passerby on the airship whistled at her.

"Wow. Ya ca't get this view at Signal, now can ya?"

Ruby followed her sister to look out the airship window. They could see the entire city of Vale, even Signal Academy. And then the window flickered on, as it was also a t.v.

"Local criminal Roman Torchwick escaped authorities once again last night, the same man heavily suspected of most of Vale's Dust theft."

"Hey! That's the guy from last night!"

"You know this guy, Ruby?"

"Not really, no. But he robbed the Dust store I was at last night. Lost my weapon magazine, too. B-But more importantly, he got away with a decent amount of the Dust!"

"Wait, waitwaitwaitwait, you're telling me you were fighting Roman Torchwi-"

She was cut off by a blonde guy gagging. It seems that flying in an airship isn't for anyone. Or more specifically, it wasn't for that guy.

"Well, that ruined the moment. We'll go over this later, Ruby. K?"


The screen switched to a hologram of Glynda, the woman from last night.

"Hello to all of those new faces. All of you have been selected to attend this prestigious academy because you have proven to be powerful fighters in your own right. Our world is experiancing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is you duty to uphold it. I am eager to meet all of you in person."

With that, the holohgram faded away to go back to being a window. Ruby decided to look around the airship to see who all was there. There was the previously heard Barfboy among many others, but who really caught her attention was the guy in green. He looked like he was around 6'2" (2) and had rather long golden hair, about as long as hers with traces of viridian (3) dye in it, deep blue eyes, and earings. Hair was covering his right eye for reasons beyond her. He was about to be a first year at beacon, but he was dressed like he was already a huntsman. He had silver armor plating on his chest and shoulders secured by straps, a layer of gold chain mail, silver plated gauntlets to match his chest armor with matching greives. He had a green shirt with the front opened and intricate black borders and a collar full of pure white fur that from the side hid the lower half of his face under the armor but above the chain mail. The undermost layer was a white long-sleeved shirt that was tight enough to expose very well-toned muscles. He also had two belts on top of the green shirt. His pants were oddly plain with a few straps around each leg, and steel-toed boots. To tie it all together he wore a green beenie that covered his ears.

But once she saw what was strapped to his back, Ruby started drooling.

He had a sword that was almost four feet long slung arcoss his back with a heavy-looking shield hooked up to the sheath. He lso had a big gun dismantled in a pack on his back, though she was pretty sure it was for trasportation purposes. She noticed that while she had been inpecting him, he had been inspecting her.

"Can I help you with something?"

"I-I was just... Lookin' at your weapons. They're so pretty..."

"They aren't very special. The sword is just very sharp and can't break, the shield can block anything and suffer no damage, and the gun is accurate at distances of up to 8,000 feet. With my skill, anyway. Once I get better, it should be accurate at 10,000 feet."

"Whoa. Those are really cool. Can I see one?"

"I can't see why not."

He grabbed the three sections of the gun and pieced them together, then handed the entire weapon to Ruby. Getting a good hold of it though, she nearly fell due to it's weight.

"How much does this thing weigh?"

"12 pounds. I'm guessing that you're used to weapons of that size being light?"

"Yeah. My scythe barely weighs anything."

"And for future reference, the sword is 5 pounds and the shield is 15 pounds."

"So you carry 32 pounds of equipment everywhere?"

"34. I have brass knuckles that both weigh a pound in my pockets for hand to hand combat."

"Oh, can I see those?"

"I suppose."

He reached into his pockets and pulled out blue brass kuckles with golden studs over each of the knuckles made to focus the force of a punch into a small area.

"Those are all the weapons I possess, though I am thinking of modifying some of these later if I have the time."

"I'm Ruby. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Link Valion."

Longest first chapter I've ever written. *Insert triumphant music here* But yeah, Link just went and admitted himself into Beacon, pretty much. Now, If there are those of you who haven't read my stories before, I typically leave a (#) whenever I put something that might make more sense if I talked about outside the chapter. (1) Basically a high-impact anti-tank sniper rifle version of the Master Sword. And brass knuckles. Why? Because he can. Besides, he like never had any items that let him do hand to hand combat. (2) I typically like to make Link taller so that he seems more imposing. Who would you feel more threatened by: a 5'7" dude with a sword or a 6'2" dude with a sword? I'd fear the 6'2" guy more, that's for sure. (3) His last name is Valion, which starts with a V. His color is Viridian, which starts with V. (COLOR COORDINATED) His age will be gone over soon, so don't worry about asking that. And, until next time, OniHelix out!