I hope you guys didn't think I would abandon this story. If you did, then I'm sorry. I had my reasons though,

1. It was summer and I felt lazy.

2. Other story ideas clouded my mind.

3. I just got a job in selling non toxic beauty products!

But enough about me, enjoy!

Ash's POV

"Do you want to train with me before your battle with Gary?" Kari kindly asked.

It took me by surprise, but the question came from a desperate girl who needed my help. From the depths of her chocolate pupils, I saw a young brunette begging to become stronger. If I refused to help, the nightmares haunting her would continue to weaken her strong heart. Unfortunately, I wasn't going to that happen. I was eager to shine some hope for her by training with her digimon and learn more about them.

"Sure!" I answered.

"Just tell me during breakfast what pokemon you want me to use and I'll get him." I smiled.

"Well, since I only know about Pikachu…" Kari exclaimed.

The female DigiDestined paused her answer, smiling down at the curled up pokemon she had mentioned. She was overwhelmed by Pikachu's cuteness, returning her right hand onto the rodent's fur. There was no need for her to finish her sentence as I watched her pet my sleeping buddy.

"You want me to use Pikachu?" I figured.

"Is that okay?" The brunette questioned.

"If it's okay with Pikachu, it'll be okay with me!" I nodded.

I looked back at my buddy and gave him a smile. Although he was sleeping deeply, I knew that he could hear what Kari and I were saying with those long ears of his. And from the look on his face, it sounded like he was listening. Either that or he was dreaming of food. Regardless if he was dreaming or sleeping, he felt comfortable lying on Kari's lap.

"We'll start training after breakfast!" I informed.

"And I'll be ready." Kari nodded.

There was nothing left to do except wait for the morning sun to rise. I planned on returning to bed to get some more sleep, but Kari had another plan in mind. Rather than heading back to the spare bedroom, the brunette decided to enjoy the late night weather. With my buddy still asleep, Kari simply rested her head on the bench and gazed up at the night sky.

"You know I rarely get to see stars in my world."

"Huh?" I muttered in disbelief.

"Really?" I blinked at the brunette.

"I live in a city in Japan, so whenever it gets dark, it's usually difficult to see stars in the sky because of how much the city gets lit up." She explained.

It took me a moment to remember that Kari wasn't from the Digital World. She was from a world where her friends and family were likely worried sick about her disappearance. A world that I was sort of intrigued in knowing about.

"Oh yeah, you told me earlier you're from Japan." I remembered.

"That's right." Kari nodded.

"Pardon me for asking this, but what's it like over there?" I wondered.

"What is your homeworld like?"

Kari's POV

Since I got a better view of what Ash's world was like, it was only fair to share what my planet was like. The hard part was where to start. There wasn't really any differences between the pokemon world and Earth besides the populations. As my brain was getting overwhelmed by many topics to start the conversation, I assumed the Pokemon Trainer wanted to hear the simplest things like civilization, where I live, or what I do with my friends when we're not in the Digital World.

"Well, it's a lot similar to this world except we don't have wild digimon roaming everywhere." I began.

"So, I'm guessing your world's population is just humans?" Ash figured.

"Yes, but there are DigiDestined all over the world and some of them like me who have their digimon live with them." I clarified.

"Well, that's nice." The pokemon trainer commented,

"What about your family?" He wondered, changing the subject.

"Huh?" I blinked.

"Does your family know what you do in the Digital World?" He clarified.

"They know, especially my big brother, Tai." I answered.

"Tai?!" Ash gasped.

Ash's POV

The hallucination Kari had earlier tonight finally made some sense. When she called me Tai while Team Rocket was attacking us, I thought she was delirious and referred to me as her boyfriend. Now I knew that she mistook me of her older brother and it made me even more curious about him.

"So that's who you called me when Team Rocket were attacking us!" I realized.

"I did? Sorry about that." Kari apologized.

"No, no. It's alright." I consoled the brunette.

"It's just… you remind me a lot of him." She replied.

"Really?" I reacted.

The female DigiDestined then gave me a brief description about what her brother was like. Based off of what she told me, this Tai person had a lot of similarities towards myself. He sounded like a caring guy who would do anything to protect his younger sister or friends, but also had a reckless behavior while doing so.

"Sounds like you have a great brother, Kari." I smiled.

"And there's another thing you should know about him." Kari added.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"He was also my former leader of the DigiDestined until T.K and I formed a new team last year." She exclaimed.

"WHAT?!" I gasped.

"So, that would make you and T.K veterans." I mentioned.

"You can say that." The brunette nodded.


Suddenly, Kari and I immediately turned our attentions towards my buddy who was waking up. The small electric pokemon had his ears up as he uncurled his body from the comfort of the brunette's lap. He then wiped away some sleep from his tired eyes and gave us weird looks, wondering why we were still outside.

"Pikachu?" Kari exclaimed, blinking at the mouse.

"Pikaka, Pikapi, pikachu?" My buddy squeaked.

Knowing that Kari was still unable to understand Pikachu's language, I stepped in and translated what he said.

"I guess we spent a little too much time outside, huh?" I told my pokemon.

"Pikachu's wondering why we're still out here." I translated to Kari.

"Oh, I guess we have!" The brunette giggled.

"We should probably go back in before Gatomon kills us." I suggested.

"Good idea, but shouldn't you clean Pikachu's butt first?" The Digidestined reminded me.


Just when I was ready to head back to bed, I had forgot to take care of one last thing with Pikachu. As I watched my buddy sniff his behind, I realized that he still had some poop on him and it needed to be washed. Luckily, the hose was connected next to us. A quick rinse with the hose and the deed would be done.

"Chaa…" Pikachu sighed.

Without a single order, my buddy ran off to the faucet beside Kari and began turning it with his tiny hands. The water then spouted out of the long, green hose that was facing the garden, allowing the electric mouse to enjoy his little rinse. He ran into the blasting spray and mooned at us while the water was cleaning up the mess on him.

"Pikachuuu…" My buddy purred.

"Just shake that butt, Pikachu, and you should be all cleaned." I ordered.


I then turned back to Kari who was obviously ready to go back to bed. Overwhelmed by the sleep in her eyes, she tried to stand up, but was too drowsy to balance herself. Her body was so flimsy and unsteady that even the night breeze could knock her down. The second I noticed her wobbling, I ran in and caught her.

"Kari!" I cried.

She fell sideways into my hands and let out a tired groan in response. With my right hand holding her head and my left holding her back, I slid her into a better position and swept her off the ground. As my fingers felt her smooth hair, I glanced at the brunette's sleepy face and gave her a warm smile.

"And I thought I was a deep sleeper." I teased.

"Pika pikapi." Pikachu replied.

"Hey, I wasn't talking to you!" I responded playfully.

"Pikachu." My pokemon sighed.

"Just finish cleaning yourself." I concluded.

Knowing that we would've had a silly fight, it wasn't the best time to start one. A new day was was dawning soon and we all needed some more rest. The morning was going to be pretty interested for both Kari and I. Gary wanted to demonstrate what a Mega Ring could do and the Digidestined brunette wanted a training session with me. The sun hadn't even risen yet and I already had my hands full.

With the sleeping girl in my hands, I turned around towards the door and began to bring her back into the spare bedroom.

"Pikachu, turn off the water when you're done!" I ordered.

"Pika!" I heard my buddy squeaked.

Spare Bedroom

After walking through the darkness, the door to the spare bedroom was right in front of me. All I needed to do was to tuck Kari back in bed and I could enjoy the last three hours of sleep. The process was easier said than done considering I had to deal with the not so kind cat digimon. I slowly pushed the door with my left foot and spotted my only obstacle sleeping on the bed.

"Here goes everything!"

I then stalked towards the bed and planned my next move. No matter what I did, Gatomon was going to wake up and see her human partner in my arms. Fortunately, the cat began waking up suddenly as she saw the sight that I feared she was going to blame me for.


"Shhhhhh…" I shushed the cat.

"Relax, Gatomon!" I whispered.

"She's just sleeping." I consoled her.

Overwhelmed by her friend's dazed state, Gatomon watched me put Kari in the bed. She squeezed some room for her friend as I placed the brunette's head onto the pillow. I was then given a curious look from the digimon, wondering what happened while she was sleeping.

"We both wanted some fresh air, so we talked for a bit." I exclaimed, grabbing the blanket and covering Kari with it.

"She told me that she was going to the bathroom." Gatomon mentioned.

"Well, it seemed that she wanted to get some stuff out of her head." I figured.

"You two did have a busy day yesterday." I reminded the cat.

Kari's personal life was still a mystery to me, but there was one obvious fact I knew about them. Traveling through different worlds must have been exhausting. Protecting the Digital World was one thing, but getting sent to an entirely new world was another story. The brunette was mysteriously sent to my world with Gatomon poisoned, and then nearly sacrificing her life to save my own? They deserved as much sleep as they needed after barely surviving a brutal day.

"Mmm." Kari groaned softly.

With the brunette sleeping peacefully, it was my turn to go back to sleep. A warm smile grew on my face as I turned around and made my way to the door.

"Hold it, Ash!" Gatomon called out.

"Yeah, Gatomon?" I responded, halting myself near the doorway.

"What did Kari say to you?" The cat wondered.

Knowing that the truth wasn't going to be too pleasant, I took a deep breath and turned my head slightly towards the bed. Gatomon had the right to know, but the time to confess her partner's fear wasn't now.

"We'll tell you during breakfast." I simply answered.

And with that, I headed out of the room and said, "goodnight" to the curious her demanding the truth, I didn't want to give her nightmares for the next three hours. It was better to tell her in the morning with Kari awake and focused. Only the brunette could persuade her feline partner to help her train for the upcoming battle.

Ash's Room

"Hopefully Pikachu isn't already taking my pill… huh?"

As I was about to get into my own bed, something glimmering caught my eye. A tiny glimmer of light was flickering in front of my computer on my desk, giving my attention to the unknown source. At first, I thought one of my pokedexes was left on, but when I went to examine the desk, I found out it wasn't the case at all.

The shining beacon that caught my eye was some kind of device that was resting next to the keyboard. A tiny device with a small lit up screen, a dark blue button on the left side, and two more blue buttons on the right. The thing looked like a pokegear, but when I got a better look at it, there were some weird engravings marked around the screen.

"What the…" I whispered to myself, spotting the source with my eyes widely opened.

"When did I get a pokegear?"

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