Author has written 1 story for Tsubasa Chronicle. A Little About Me: I'm a junkie in college, but I've been apart of this community for... Forever... 0_o Since before I can remember anyways. I failed a bit with my fanfiction, but I'll be posting again soon! Profile updates to come soon! :D Fandoms: I have a lot of fandoms, but I think Beyblade will forever be my favorite. I used to watch it as a kid, and Kai and Rei first introduced me to yaoi. XD I was a weird kid. I remember sitting there thinking on a long car drive, 'Man, Kai and Rei would make a great couple.' And then I imagined them making out. I was such a little pervert! But I'm interested in lots of other fandoms too. Some popular, like Fullmetal Alchemist and Natruto. Some not so popular like Narobi-O, Code Geass, Gad Gaurd, Gundam Wing AC, Blue Gender, Gun Grave. That's not all, but simply things I've watched/rewatched recently. My all time favorite? Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. The manga, not the anime. The anime doesn't do it justice. Be expecting so KuroFai goodness in the future! :) Updates: Everything has been taken down, gone forever, and I shall start a-new! Huuzah! The Dead Don't Talk I'm going to bring it back slowly, but I'm going to work on other stuff first... So be looking for updates! Letters from the Sky "Rin, I have everything. I'm showing them to Papa. I promise everything will be okay. Love you, Gou." Kon Rin has a secret to tell. Through a copulation of letters, e-mails, and conversations, she slowly tells Gou everything, from the very beginning to the present day hell their little family is living in. Can two children fix a few adult-sized mistakes? (Can anyone guess who inspired the story and chapter titles?) :D Things to look forward too: My big story that I'm working on, The Seven Sacred Scrolls. Of course it will be Beyblade, KaiXRei, and Rei's a muthafuc-- ninja! This will be epic and long. It's going to mainly be practice on actually finishing a long story and keeping a reader's interest without having crappy fiction or just bullshitting. I'm even making nifty character profiles on all my main characters so you can understand the outfits as well as their weapons. 8D I'm very excited about this. Title subject to change. A story that haunts me every so often is the Zombiepacalypse. Mainly because I like zombies and I play too much Left for Dead. This will be happening at some point, but probably after The Seven Sacred Scrolls. Also Beyblade and KaiXRei. My TRC fic, which is mainly just a copulation of oneshots that have no real plot when stuck together. KuroFai and SyaoSaku. Hopefully will kind of follow the series. Summary: Fai is the manager of the Cat's Eye cafe and store with Sakura's help as a waitress and cashier. But when trouble arises, can two unemployed/underpaid puppies help them out? |
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