Disclaimer: I own nothing that you recognise. J K Rowling retains all copyright.

Author notes: Yes, I know the title is an overused one. I like it though, so decided to be predictable with it. With the exceptions of the prologue and epilogue, each chapter title will be the title of/line from a song – virtual cookies to anyone who gets them all. The answers to the chapter titles are over at my LJ (if anyone is curious) - just look at the "music" for each chapter. My LJ user name is fullmoon underscore dreams.

Full summary: An AU Remus/Sirius story set in a world where an eleven year old werewolf named Remus Lupin never got his Hogwarts invitation, and where Sirius Black was not accepted by the rest of the Gryffindors. The two outcasts form a friendship despite overwhelming odds, but will their friendship survive when Sirius finds himself falling in love with his best friend...his friend who wants nothing more than to be 'normal', despite the passion he feels for the heir to the Noble House of Black.

Happy ending guaranteed.

Warnings: RL/SB Slash (later on in the story), character deaths, violence, non-graphic sex (slash and het) and strong language. There will also be mention made of the idea of a male pregnancy, although not an actual one.

If you don't like any of the above then don't read this story. Ye be warned. Flames will be ignored.

Due to the rules of this site this story is slightly edited in later chapters. For details of how to access the unedited version please visit my LJ and view the "Fic List" post at the top of the page.

Beta acknowledgement: LostAndAwaiting has kindly offered to beta this story from chapter 11 onwards. I pass all thanks on to her from reviewers and she is very grateful for the same.

Finally, I know this first part is unbelievably short, especially for me. However, this is just the prologue and the actual chapters will be longer. Also, the chapters themselves will be from the points of view of Remus and Sirius; only the prologue and epilogue aren't.

I would recommend reading both the prologue and chapter 1 before deciding if this story is going to be for you.

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Once in a Blue Moon

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"You're not taking him," the wizard ordered, his wand raised towards his eldest son, who could see that he had every intention of using it.

"You're condemning him to death," the younger man replied with equal venom.

"He's not our son any more," the witch sobbed. "It's for the best."

"He's six years old," the young man yelled. "I won't let you do this!"

"The Ministry officials are on their way. It's too late."

"He's your son!"

"Not any more. Now he's a monster."

"For one night of the month; the rest of the time he'll be a scared little boy." Romulus Lupin pushed his parents aside and ran up the stairs to his younger brother's room.

"Remus?" he called as he pushed open the door.

"Rom?" a small voice called out from beneath the bed, and Romulus cursed his parents for the fear he heard in his younger brother's voice.

"I'm here, Remus," he said softly. He held out his arms and his younger brother threw himself into them. The boy was thinner than he remembered and there was blood on his robes. That Romulus didn't know whether they were injuries from his brother's first transformation or inflicted by his parents only made him that much more furious.

"I'm scared, Rom," Remus whimpered.

"It's all right now," Romulus assured him. "I'm here now. You're going to come and live with me."

"Mum and Dad too?"

"No Remus, just us two." Romulus swore silently to himself as he felt Remus relax at the news that he was being taken away from his parents' care.

"You're not taking him." Romulus turned to face his father who was now blocking the doorway, his wand raised ready to fight. "You're still underage."

"And that he'll be better off with me, an underage wizard, than his own parents is hardly something to brag about!"

"You'll be hunted down all your life if you take him now."

"I'm not going to let you turn my brother over to the monsters that work for the Ministry. And if that means I spend my life on the run, then so be it."

"He's the monster!" the elder Lupin snapped before spitting on his younger son.

Romulus pulled out his wand and sent a disarming spell at his father. He vaguely noted the sound of Remus crying, but he didn't have time to comfort him. He pulled the young boy into his arms and ran for the door. There was no time to pack and no time for explanations. They were on their own.

"Is that our new home?" Remus asked as he and Romulus walked the short distance from the village of Hogsmeade to the rundown and dilapidated house that stood on the hillside.

"It's not much to look at," Romulus admitted.

"They won't find us will they?" Remus asked quietly.

"Not while I've breath in my body," Romulus promised. Remus nodded seriously in response and they continued on their way.

With little money and no chance of a legitimate, well paid job, Romulus knew that this shack of a house was the best they could hope for. He prayed that they could remain hidden from the Ministry of Magic officials who even now were searching for both himself and the young werewolf in his care. Realistically he knew it was only a matter of time before the long arm of the law caught up with them.