Author: Shin X3!

Rating: PG-13 for implied sex, mild language and shounen-ai (all the good stuff halved)

Pairing/s: KaixRei (as if there were others!)

Beta: The usual, Hikari no Donya, Mirai Shinranui, Elsalhir and randomly thrown at slave4kai and huh? (I know, I'm a fiction whore ;;)

Disclaimer: Blah blah, no own, blah blah.

Warnings: First off, though it throws the fanfiction world in to nuclear winter, Kai's parents are indeed, alive and well (you may choose to ignore this… after all, the manga isn't known for it's good endings �� +bitterness+ and no, they are not evil either, they're kind of… normal, which is what I hope to cover here (the fact that I'm desperate to tackle new ideas also helps). Another warning is…well… don't expect me to update very fast… again, I am not best known for my speed. For this I apologise.

Happy readings.

(Part 1)

Kai sighed for what seemed to be the fiftieth time since entering their bedroom. Rei raised a single fine eyebrow, his eyes remaining fixated on the book he had propped against raised knees, his hands resting lightly on the crisp white pages.

"Are you going to tell me what's gotten you so agitated, or are you going to force me to guess?" his voice, soft, yet clear broke through the silence that was punctuated only by the slight rustling of clothes as the elder of the two peeled his shirt off, and started removing his belt.

Kai caught himself before he showed any outward signs of starting as the honey like voice of the tiger broke him from his thoughts. His expression set itself in a scowl as he contemplated how exactly he could answer, his hands pausing in their task, clutching at his half opened belt.

"Fine, I have to guess," Rei sighed, and with a little reluctance, slid his 'Mokey Mokey' card (a favourite among bookmarks, for he swore that it would valiantly protect his books when he was away) under the last line that he had read and carefully closed the book and placing it on the little bedside table, before turning his bright ochre eyes upon his moody team captain. "Hmmmnn…" He mused, folding his arms and bringing his hand up to rest his chin on, as if deep in thought, making a show of giving Kai his full attention. "You've decided that…" he trailed off before grinning, "You want to be a woman!" Kai responded with an annoyed snort and a quick glare out of the corner of his eye, before pointedly ignoring the neko-jin boy and continuing with his undressing.

The truth was, what he had to say was awkward, and if he was honest, a little embarrassing. If he didn't ask him, then Rei would be hurt, but if he did, then the tiger would be a pain to deal with for the next day or so. Not that Rei ever really annoyed him, but this was a delicate matter. It had to be done, and it was inevitable that it would come to this point, but still. It was one of the worst things a teenager had to go though, after puberty, odd crushes and abandoning your friends in a mad and short-lived quest for power.

He sighed again, hesitating a moment before he moved to sit on the bed and set about the task of removing his socks, very much aware of the golden gaze fixed on his back.

"Kai!" Rei had obviously had enough of the silence, resorting to the whiny voice that he only ever used if he wasn't getting what he wanted. Kai replied, sighing heavily before rolling onto his back and arching backwards, squirming until he had successfully wormed his way under the thick, warm bedcovers. Rei puffed his cheeks out and crossed his arms, his eyes narrowed in a heated glare that the Russian knew was aimed at him, even through his closed eyes. Deciding that he couldn't put if off much longer, and more so, he didn't want his later, more amorous advances to be rebuked, he spoke up.

"Rei..?" Immediately he felt the Neko-jin's mood change, the slight shift of his body indicating that his curiosity had been piqued, "you know how tomorrow is my birthday?" He heard the air whisper as the other nodded; he grimaced slightly and tentatively opened his eyes, fixing his ruby stare upon the teen before him, his features wonderfully clear in the soft glow of the bedside lamp. He took a small gulp. "W-"he frowned at the weak tremors his usually strong voice and tried again, "Would you like to come and have dinner with me and my parents?"

Rei's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his mouth dropping open a little.

"Wha..?" He sounded stupefied. Kai looked away, lowering his head until his gaze was fixed upon the quilt, lest Rei see the stirrings of an embarrassed blush grace his cheeks.

"My parents, they err… want to meet you, seeing how you're my 'special friend' as they put it," he replied quietly.

"They know about us?" was the somewhat gasped response. Kai nodded once in affirmation, "H-how?" Rei questioned, his surprise evident. Kai cocked an eyebrow at the comment.

"How do you think they know?" he asked, crimson eyes rolling in mild annoyance, "I told them, idiot." Rei frowned again, looking extremely adorable as confusion spread through his features.

"Why did you tell them?" the yellow-eyed teen asked, confusion fast becoming worry. Kai turned back to his bed-mate and sent him his classic 'are you stupid' look, usually reserved only for Takao.

"They're my parents Rei. I think they have a right to know that I'm in a relationship with someone I seriously want to spend the rest of my life with." Apprehensive gold immediately softened at Kai's sincere words, as the Chinese teen's lips curved into a gentle smile, yet Rei couldn't fully shake off his concern.

"Okay, I get your point," he sighed, as he shifted closer into the warmth that Kai offered, shuffling until his head was resting snugly in between the join of Kai's neck and shoulder and curling his arm about the others broader chest. Kai found his own arm naturally winding itself around the slimmer form next to him in response, bringing his hand up to rest against Rei's back, keeping him close. Once comfortable, Rei continued, "It's just that… you don't seem to be very close to them. At all." Kai moved his gaze from the ceiling to the pair of lovely sunny cat eyes peering up at him.

"I'm not. They're scientists, always busy, and before I was sent to private school I lived with my Grandfather anyway, but since Biovault's work was discontinued, they're… I dunno… there. All the time, especially since they received most of the money tied up in Biovault and Hiwatari Enterprises upon my Grandfathers imprisonment. I mean, it took them nearly seventeen years, but I think that they're just realising that they actually have a child, and since no charges were found against them and they claimed not to know what my grandfather was up to- which was a blatant lie, my father ran operations at Hiwatari Enterprises which funded Biovault- anyway, I think that they want to start all that 'bonding' crap with me. Maybe they've realised that letting me run amok, and pretty much doing what I wanted with little to no parental guidance has had an adverse effect on me." He shrugged, smirking a little at the way Rei's head bobbed when he did. Rei grinned as a sudden thought hit him.

"So basically, what you're saying is, you're a spoilt brat?" Kai's smirk grew wider as he moved his shoulder, making Rei's head bobble again.

"Basically, yeah," he replied, rolling onto his side and pulling the other body flush against his own, "I always get what I want, don't I kitty?" the Russian asked, openly leering at his neko-jin companion. Rei smiled widely and tugged on a bang of silvery hair that had fallen into Kai's carmine eyes.

"Yes, well we both know that," he chuckled, Kai grinned in answer and rolled them both over, effectively pinning the younger to the bed, before leaning over slightly and flicking the switch on the beside lamp and bathing the room in darkness. He turned back to his lover, watching him intently as his eyes adjusted to the blackness and the other's lovely features gradually became clearer. Lowering himself, he rested fully atop his captive and began to place tiny, warm kisses on the graceful curve of his neck.

"Kai? Rei spoke as he wrapped his hands around his captain's neck, softly running his fingers through the darker, midnight blue of the two toned hair.

"Mmmhmm?" was the reply as Kai moved his kisses to the Chinese boy's jawbone.

"They do know that I'm male. Right?" the hesitance in Rei's voice caused Kai to pause in his ministrations, lifting his head slightly so that he could look directly into those nervous eyes.

"Yes, they do," he replied honestly. Rei flushed a little and nodded.

"H-how did they take it?" the tiger questioned. Kai looked down for a moment before shifting slightly so that his head was resting on the pillow, next to Rei.

"They…err," he started when Rei shifted his head so that he was facing him. Kai let out a small puff of air, "Well, they weren't ecstatic, which, I suppose is fair enough, but they weren't disgusted or extremely upset either. If anything, I think that they were disappointed but accepting." Rei nodded again and sent him a weak smile.

"Thank God I don't have to do that," Kai sent him a sympathetic look, to which Rei responded with a resigned smile and began toying with a lock of his slate fringe, "How did you tell them? If you don't mind me asking," Kai shook his head, indicating that he didn't.

"Simple, I walked into the dining room, said; 'I'm in a relationship with a boy called Rei. Deal with it.' My father said; 'Are you saying that you're gay?' and I replied; 'yes, very,' and walked out." Rei stared at him with wide eyes and began to chuckle.

"Ah, Kai, you have such a way with words," he snickered, trying to picture utterly shocked parents and Kai, as calm as ever telling them that they'd never have a natural grandchild like he was ordering noodles at a noodle cart. Said teen smirked back before raising his head, and shifting back to where he could embellish that sublime expanse of skin called Rei, with more kisses. The tiger held back a laugh when Kai blew a puff of hot air into his ear and nibbled gently on the lightly pointed shell.

"I bet they can't wait to meet the little harlot who corrupted their baby boy," he joked as Kai bit down on his neck. The Russian grunted in reply.

"Kitty-cat, no one could look at you and see a harlot," he deadpanned, causing Rei to grin brightly.

"Ah, that's good then, though I doubt that they're going to be very forgiving of me," the younger answered. Kai grunted again, mumbling against the skin of Rei's neck.

"Rei, if you just relax and act like you usually do, then they'll love you. I doubt very much that that there's any one out there who wouldn't." Rei beamed at the compliment and closed his eyes, finally allowing himself to drift away on a tide of good feelings. Another thought struck him.

"Should I take something with me? Flowers for you mother maybe?" Kai sighed, annoyed with his lack of progress, and raised himself until his face was looming above Rei's.

"I don't know, we'll discuss it in the morning, now, are you going to shut up kiddo, or are you going to make me, because I will you know." Rei let out a little 'eep' and nodded.

"Shutting up." He squeaked. Kai grinned, his mood for talking long gone, as he leaned down.


Personal notes: I am indeed, still on a quest to make Kai human. I like writing him as a teenage boy... though I can't think where I got that mad notion from.

RR. It'll make an old girl like me happy. And all hail Mokey Mokey, possibly the greatest card in creation.

'An outcast angel. No one knows what he is thinking. Sometimes he gets mad, and that is dreadful'

pwns j00!