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![]() Author has written 15 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, and Total Drama series. Former username was KatDingo Hello, welcome to my profile. Don't expect much information from me though, I don't run that way lol. Currently I have not been active on this site for a while, as I have been busy with uni, work and well having a life in general. But I'm not going to stop posting chapters or stories on this site. Just requires a lot of patience. XD I just write stories for the Sonic the Hedgehog and Total Drama fandoms. And yes, I even have a crossover story right now XD For the Sonic fandom, I love writing about Shadamy, it's my OTP, so expect pretty much all Shadamy stories here. I also like Sonamy, Silvaze, Kuxouge, TailsXCream, you see the point XD. For Total Drama, my two OTPs are Scottney and Duncney. Okay pretty much all of my Total Drama stories are Scottney, but I do plan on writing Duncney in the future, even a possible love triangle with the two couples. My Stories I'm currently thinking about re-writting some of the stories. Not sure which ones, but I'll let you guys know which ones I will be doing. The stories that are currently up: Sonic the Hedgehog Stories Spirits - (completed) Earthlings and Spirits. Two different races of Mobians constantly at each other's throats. Shadow is an Earthling and Amy is a Spirit. Will their love overpower the hate? (Might be re-written) Amy and her Neighbour - (completed) Amy has a neighbour. He keeps chasing her. Why though? The Phoenix (Old Version) - (discontinued) "You're so beautiful for a queen, but you rule this land. So, this where I kill you." "You'll kill me, just for land?" "Not just that, but I need to get rid of the beauty you hold." "And killing me will solve your problems?" "You are the queen, so you have to die. Then I can avoid falling in love with you." (being re-written) The Christmas Carol - (on hiatus) Mister Grumpy Shadow hates Christmas. Will one night change his mind though? (most likely update every Christmas) Obsessed - (complete) Does she really love him, or is he just a fling? A rebound perhaps? No, she was also in love with the Ultimate Life Form. He was there for her when no one else was. Especially when she was experiencing heartbreak from her blue hero. The Warning - (complete) Sequel to Obsessed! "I'm quite surprised that he's going to marry you, despite you lying to him about us. I assume you told him the truth by now?" There was no answer. And the tears swelling up in her emerald orbs spoke all the necessary words for him. His grin grew wider, he has his rose now. The Phoenix - (active) An evil legendary king is born, and has created a glorious empire all over the world. But when he faces a young and beautiful queen, will his dark heart change? Shadamy story. Re-written version. Total Drama Stories The False Teaching of Love - (on hiatus) Moving away from home isn't easy for Courtney. But living in a school full of bad teachers and bad students? And falling in love for a devious ginger as well? That's just crossing the line for her. Scottney fanfic. (Might be re-written) I Propose and You Propose? - (complete) She doesn't understand why they shouldn't tye the knot. They love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together, why not? Scottney fanfic. Past and Future - (complete) Sequel to I Propose and You Propose! Courtney remembers how they met, and their journey through life together. Scottney fanfic. Afterwards - (complete) It had been five years since All-Stars, Courtney is not looking forward to this reunion party. My Drug - (complete) "You're looking pretty sexy on the dancefloor sweetheart..." "I don't look sexy for anyone sweetheart." "That's interesting to hear...Giving me a nice show at the bar, checking me out I would assume and right now so far you ain't pushing me away...I'm guessing you're suggesting something that ain't meant for all ears, sweetheart?" Crossover Stories Total Mobius Series - (active) 22 contestants compete for a chance at 1 million dollars. Who will rise? Who will fall? Who will win it all? Find out on the Total Mobius Series. My OC!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, more like OCs. My Main OCs 1. Kat the Dingo Age: 14 Gender: Female Family: Jaw the Dingo (older brother), Azula the Hedgehog (foster sister), Diana the Dingo (cousin) Relationship: Coal the Wolf (mainly), Sonic the Hedgehog ('Spirits' only) Likes: Her family, video games, telling people what to do, taking orders from her loved ones, Coal the Wolf, Azula the Hedgehog, Jaw the Dingo, watching people suffer in her pranks. Dislikes: People being stubborn towards her, when boys flirt with her, people ruining her plans, her rivals, when Coal teases her, dating boys (except Coal), people deciding against her. Powers: Magic or sorcery (specialty), Invisibility, Martial Arts. Description: A yellow dingo with brown wavy hair with a few red highlights. She wears a black top with a white singlet over it. She wears brown cargo shorts with black combat boots. She also has a white wristband on her right wrist. She wears black finger-less gloves. She has brown eyes. Personality: She is a devious dingo. She is a bit dark and gloomy in bad situations. However, she is also nice to people. She sometimes likes to make people's lives a living hell, especially with her cousin Diana. She is loving to the ones she loves and is willing to give up anything for them. When it comes to achieving her goal though, she is ruthless and nasty towards her rivals and is willing to do anything just to get rid of them. She is mainly a troublemaker along with Azula the Hedgehog. She is also very loyal towards her loved ones. Also, she can be quite dangerous sometimes, when her pranks go to far, it can lead to near-death situations. But so far, she's never killed anyone. She's also extremely manipulative, so she can blackmail people and lie to them when needed the most. She's a neutral character so she can be both villain and hero. Background Information: Her parents died when she was just a pup, since then it has only been her and her older brother Jaw. They both meet Azula when they saw her wandering around their home. At first going to harm her for trespassing, Azula begs Kat and Jaw for her to find a place to stay as she had no one to look after her. So they take her in and she becomes part of the family, even Kat seeing her as a sister. Kat meets Coal through high school, in which they both didn't get along at first. However as their relationship seems to grow even further into hatred, Kat develops a crush on him. It was just a crush until one day, Coal asks her out in which she replies 'yes'. However, since their first date, they both have been having an on and off relationship since then. No one knows why, they just have that relationship. 2. Coal the Wolf Age: 15 Gender: Male Family: Mother Relationship: Kat the Dingo Likes: Filling lawsuits, telling people what to do, teasing Kataline, taking leadership, studying, being a politician, Kat the Dingo, Jaw the Dingo (at times), Azula the Hedgehog (at times), winning. Dislikes: Kat being stubborn, Jaw the Dingo (Most of the time), Azula the Hedgehog (most of the time), when anyone else takes the lead role, losing a lawsuit, losing, when Kat gets angry, Kat's pranks and flaws. Powers: Speed (specialty), Strength and Invisibility. Description: A black wolf with black hair with grey highlights. Black leather jacket with a tucked in white button-up top. Black jeans with black combat boots. Black finger-less gloves with a grey watch. He has sapphire blue eyes. Personality: Coal is a bossy, manipulative wolf. Sometimes he prefers to work by himself. He is over-confident and very competitive when it comes to competitions. He is extremely smart. He is also very athletic as he has good speed. He is sometimes a goody-goody when it comes to hanging around with other people. None of the less, he is nice and loyal towards others when he needs it the most. Background Information: He's one of the few lucky people on Mobius to have at least one alive parent. His father died when he was ten, leaving only him and his mother. Other than that, he's had a pretty average life. 3. Azula the Hedgehog Age: 15 Gender: Female Family: Kat the Dingo (Foster sister), Amy Rose (Lost cousin), Jaw the Dingo (Foster brother/caregiver) Relationship: Sonic the Hedgehog (Crush) Likes: Kat the Dingo, Jaw the Dingo, Coal the Wolf (at times), kind people, Sonic the Hedgehog, her family, flying, training, messing around with Kataline, being a troublemaker (depends). Dislikes: Coal the Wolf (Most of the time), liars, people who bully her, war, when people fight, being a troublemaker (depends). Powers: Flight using telekinesis (Specialty), Martial Arts and Water. Description: A light blue hedgehog with long quills which end mid-back. A lose white singlet with short blue cargo shorts. Black combat boots with blue rings and white gloves. She has emerald eyes like Amy. Personality: She is a sweet person at heart, but on the outside, she is a troublemaker with Kat. She sometimes has anger issues when someone pisses her off. She is more sweet and kind than Kat. She is hardly mean to her enemies. She is only mean when it is important. She is loyal to her family. 4. Jaw the Dingo Age: 21 Gender: Male Family: Kat the Dingo (younger sister), Azula the Hedgehog (foster sister), Diana the Dingo (cousin) Powers: Teleportation Description: A yellow dingo with red eyes. He wears a white singlet underneath a red unbuttoned shirt. He also has blue jean with white sneakers. He has white gloves. Personality: He is a wise older brother towards Kat. Ever since they both lost their parents in a war, he has been extremely over-protective with his younger siblings. He is a good man at heart and he is willing to fight for his family. He is very loyal towards everyone he knows, especially Kat. Amy really liked Shadow and wanted to know if he like her so one day she asked Shadow some questions. "Do I ever cross your mind?" "No." "Do you want me?" "No." "Do you like me?" "No." "Would you cry if I left?" "No." "Would you live for me?" "No." "Would you do anything for me?" "No." "Choose -- Me or your life." "My life." Amy began crying and ran away in shock and pain and Shadow with a pained look on his face ran after her, grabbed her hand and said: " The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind" Amy looked up at Shadow, dried her tears and listened to him. Shadow gave a genuine smile. (Holy shit! Shadow smiled! The end of the world is coming!) "The reason why I don't want you is because I need you" "The reason why I don't like you is because I love you" "The reason why I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left" "The reason why I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you" "The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you" "The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life" After Shadow was finished, Amy smiled, tears started pouring out, but in joy not sorrow and hugged him. Shadow kissed her lovingly and the two were happily in love. (If you support Shadow X Amy, put this on your profile.) |