The awful writer's block has struck again… but I'm making it my mission to try and get out a chapter or two once a month at least. So sorry for the wait! Thanks to: alonealexabluerose, Mia Aisli, AuthorBugsy, Day-Week, PeachtreeAmuto, and KatDingo for sticking around and reviewing. Means a lot, you guys. Also, time lapse!

x*The Mini Adventures of Shadow and Amy*x

-Chapter 20: Totally Called It-




Crimson orbs concentrated on the hand of the clock on the wall just ahead. Each little tick marked another second that had came and gone. Each little tick creating a silent tempo for the rain to beat against the window to. Each little tick reminding him of the amount of time he got to hold a beautiful girl in his arms.




Each little tick telling him of the seconds to go before it got dark. This didn't solve the issue of the rain however. Those little ticks told the rain to beat against the window harder and faster as it just ticked away. Shadow's ears fell against his ears in an attempt to block out the now irritating noise. The clock was lucky his hands were preoccupied, otherwise it would've been destroyed by now.

"Shadow?" A hand was waved in front of his face. "Shadow."

"Yes, Rose."

"...Just making sure you're alive." His crimson orbs now focused on her jade ones as they stared up at him. The pink female blinked innocently. She had his attention now~!

"What would make you think I wasn't?" he asked. His voice was calm, but his face betrayed him to display the irritation he held towards such a statement.

"Well, you're looking at the clock pretty hard. You're hardly blinking," Amy said. Okay, maybe I was staring a bit too hard, he thought.



"And you happened to stare at me long enough to know this?" Despite her pink hue, the blush that burned her cheeks was visible. The smaller hedgehog looked away and back at the TV she was supposed to be paying attention to. A late night movie didn't suffice in holding it long.

"Yes," she answered boldly. She didn't have to turn to know he had to be smirking, even just a little. "But, I'm curious. Why were you staring at it so hard?"

She could practically hear the eye roll, "It's getting late."

"I know."

"I can't stay much longer."

Amy didn't humor him with a response. Looking at the clock, she found it to read close to nine. Yes, he'd have to leave, but she absolutely hated when he did. She wasn't clingy (at least she hoped she wasn't…), but she did want to spend as much time as possible with the ebony hedgehog. It helped it was raining, but he would still leave once he saw it was light enough to do so – now matter how late.

"What if you stayed the night this time…?" Amy suddenly asked. Their eyes met again. His expression was hard to read as they stared at each other. She then realized what she'd just ask. There were so many ways he could interpret that! Sweet Chaos, Amy! What's wrong with you?! She looked away and scolded herself mentally. Of course he'll say no. What makes you think he'll say–


Wait, what?

"Y-You will?"

"It is raining, Rose," he said. The pink female fought hard to not roll her eyes. She was very well aware.

"I know that."

"Then why are we still taking about this?"

"I don't know," she said slowly. Shadow smirked, rolling his eyes.

Amy watched as the ebony male made his makeshift bed on her couch. One thing she failed to mention was that her guest bedroom wasn't exactly done yet. She felt guilty for asking for something so simple and not being prepared. She'd have to work on it sometime soon…

"Aren't you going to sleep?" The pink female blinked. Shadow looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhm, I was just making sure you were comfortable," she replied shyly. Stop being such a girl, Amy. Geez.

He was silent again, but shrugged it off, "I am. You can go rest now."

Twiddling her thumbs, she thought carefully about her next words. She had gotten lucky last time. Taking a deep breath, "Do you have anywhere to stay?"

The ebony male stared at her again. "...Not really. Why?" He could see that she was planning something. She was a little predictable now.

"No reason." The pink female turned to go upstairs, "Goodnight Shadow!"

Crimson orbs watched her retreating form, half-lidded from his slight annoyance. I'm calling it right now. She's going to fix that room and ask me to stay. Turning over on the couch, which was surprisingly comfy, Shadow closed his eyes. He chose to ignore that he saw a light turn on, knowing it wasn't the one for her room.

Somehow, she's going to get me to say yes.

Well, writer's block. I hate you. In writing these new chapters (15 to now), I failed to remember, Amy is only 15, so I plan to fix this! In a later chapter, of course. ;) Don't worry, I still have a few ideas for this. Might need to slow down, though. XD