Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to any Sonic Characters. Shadow, Amy and Sonic are all properties of Saga. I did not make the preview image and I can't remember where I got it from. If Anyone knows please let me know so I can give them credit/get permission to use it, thank you.

My sister gets credit for coming up with the idea of tails getting buried and also the sad bugs LOL… even if she doesn't read anything that I write *shrugs*

Also... sorry these chapters keep getting longer LOL

Amefloza13 - To be fare Shadow was not "completely" being an idiot there. Part of his reaction was just his pride because he had just been in a rather vulnerable situation, something Shadow despises. (That's why he was more angry then he should have been) The other part of his reaction is because it was part of the "Idea" Shadow was talking about. They had planned to argue to make it look like they were not working together. So pretty much that entire time after Shadow showed up they really were working together even though it did not appear that they were. Sorry if that was a little confusing. Also… Wow, I was planning to do some mean things to Shadow… but taking his shoes…wow your evil. I can totally see Shadow being like "... fuck it! I'm going back to killing your friends, no kiss is worth MY shoes!"

Renegade Hero - Yes, Shadow is being a bit of creep… but a sexy creep… he's not as much of a creep in this chapter but creep Shadow will be coming back.

The next morning Amy woke up feeling quite excited, today was either going to go really good… or really bad. If Shadow didn't show up today then maybe this could be her chance to get out of this crazy game of his. Then again if he did show up then maybe spending some time with people and not fighting with them might do the easily agitated hedgehog some good. Either way she had a good feeling about today, hopefully that feeling would last.

After getting ready and grabbing a few things from home Amy left for Tails' workshop where everyone was meeting up. After a brief conversation they all decided today was an excellent beach day and they quickly headed to the beach over by Sonic's house.

Sonic was the first to make his plans known as he went straight for his favorite hammock. "There's nothing like a good beach day," Sonic commented thou everyone knew he had no intention of getting anywhere near the water. The others spread out finding their own little fun things to do and enjoying each others company even if they weren't all doing the same thing.

Suddenly footsteps were heard approaching them causing everyone to turn as they see nun other then Shadow walking towards them with a typical emotionless expression. "Shadow!?" Sonic said both with disbelief and suspicion. He quickly got up and moved forward maneuvering himself between the crimson streaked hedgehog and his friends. "What are you doing here? If your here for a fight."

"No, I'm not here to fight," Shadow quickly interrupted as he came to a stop sensing Sonic's apprehension. "Humph, If I wanted a fight you would not have seen me coming," He boasted folding his arms as he had everyone staring right at him, a sensation he was well familiar with. He quickly glanced over at Amy - while Sonic and the others stared at him with suspicion and confusion - her expression was more of anticipation and… could that be… reassurance?

Not wanting to put too much thought into that he quickly looked back at Sonic. "I came to... " Shadow said and hesitated, he really did not want to do this. His quills razed up ever so slightly as his muscles tightened at the thought of what he was about to say. 'This had better be worth it,' he thought to himself before finally continuing "... accept your offer."

Sonic was vary clearly stunned, completely taken aback by Shadows words. It had only been just yesterday that he had made the offer to the typically solitary hedgehog and the fact that he was accepting it this quickly baffled him to no end. "Wow, uh…" The blue blur tried to reply but was at a complete loss for words.

"Unless you have already taken back your offer," Shadow quickly snapped at Sonic's inability to respond.

"No, no, that's not it," Sonic said waving his hands in front of himself trying to defuse the tension. "I just… didn't think you would… ya know… actually come, certainly not this quickly," Sonic honestly stated. He takes a deep breath trying to settle himself, "come on and join us," he waved his hand motioning for Shadow to come along as he turned and started walking back towards the others.

Shadow unfolded his arms and started to follow after the blue hedgehog but his quills did not lower and his muscles remained tense. He was here for the challenge alone and did not trust any of these people and so would not let his guard down even for an instant.

Sonic returned to his hammock and quickly went back to lounging. Despite returning to his typical relaxed and carefree demeanor his ears remained fixated in the direction of his ebony rival.

Suddenly sticks got right in Shadows way, "I'm onto you, Amy told me everything!" Shadow glanced over at Amy who got a little nervous at Sticks' choice of words. "Your not really an alien, you just have the blood of an alien. It turns out you're just a much a victim to them as the rest of us, maybe even more so!"

"Oh, I'm so relieved by that stunning revelation," Shadow said in complete sarcasm as he rolled his eyes. He turned and started to walk around her, "can someone just gage her or something!"

"Hay, we don't gage our friends around here," Knuckles protested.

"Just keep her away from me if you don't want bloodshed," Shadow replied as he finally made it past the group. He walked over to a shady spot next to Sonic's house - off to the side of where everyone was - and leaned against the wall.

Sticks was about to protest to Shadow's comment when tails stopped her. "Please Sticks, we are trying to help Shadow learn to relax a little. We have known him for a long time and this is the closest we have gotten to getting him to trust us. Just please, let him have a little space, this is very important." Tails explained.

Sticks glanced over at Shadow who was still leaning against the farthest part of the wall, his arms folded over his chest and staring off into the distance deep in thought. She takes a deep breath and turned away "Alright, Fine" She said a bit frustrated but then started walking in the direction away from Shadow to put some distance between them.

Tails glances back over at Shadow still in his same position from before 'I sure hope this doesn't turn out bad.' Silence fell over the group for a time as no one wanted to be that person who said the wrong thing and piss off Shadow. Sadly in their attempts to try and not make him made just made everyone feel awkward.

After some time Amy looked back and saw Shadow standing in the exact spot he had been still looking off in the distance away from everyone, he was there but clearly separating himself. The pink girl sighed and stood up but that got tails to grab her arm, "Amy wait, you know this is all knew for Shadow, it might be a better idea to let him slowly warm up to the being around us."

Amy smiled looking back at tails, "don't worry Tails, I'm not going to scare him off, I'm just going to talk to him. I think I know how to convince him to interact with us a little more, you'll see." Tails hesitated for a moment glancing over at Shadow then nodded and resliced her arm.

Amy nodded in response then walked over towards the ebony male. "I couldn't help but notice that your keeping to yourself quite a bit."

Shadow just sighed with frustration at Amy's intrusion into his thoughts, "just how I like it."

Amy moved a little more so she was now standing in front of the male, "Come on Shadow, it won't hurt you to get a little closer, we are not going to bite."

Shadow's eyes narrowed at the suggestion and replied out of frustration with a hint of a threat in his voice, "ya, but I might!"

Amy sighed a little frustrated with that response, "you give me no chose Shadow. If you recall the challenge was to hang out with us, not near us. If you keep yourself hiding in the dark this fare out of the way your not really with us."

Shadow glared at her as a small growl escaped his lips, "So your telling me I have to interact with you fools."

Amy let a sweet smile come to her face, "basically, ya, if you think you can handle it." Shadow let his eyes closed as he let out a long breath not liking this at all. "Just give us a chance shadow, that's all I'm asking."

Shadow opened his eyes and looked into Amy's soft carrying eyes with no emotion on his face at all. Letting out another sigh of frustration he pushes himself off the wall unfolding his arms. "Whatever let's just get this over with," he replied as he turned and started walking towards where the others were.

Amy giggled a little as she watched him walk, 'maybe… I'm starting to get through to him,' she thought to herself then quickly followed after him. The pink hedgehog pasted by Shadow and went to the middle of the group "Hay, I was thinking why don't we think of something fun we can all do together?"

Sonic jumped up from his spot on his hammock and walked towards Amy, "Ya, that's a good idea Ames, I'm up for anything that doesn't involve the water."

"Humph, still don't know how to swim hedgehog," Shadow mocked with a clearly superior tone to his voice.

Sonic glared over at the ebony male, "first of all, that's none of your business faker, I just don't like water. Second… you're a hedgehog too you idiot." Shadow merely smirked at Sonic's flustered reaction which had been entirely his intention.

Amy sighed and cleared her thoughts to get everyone's attention back on her, "Ok so no water, I think that's a fair enough request, there are plenty of fun things to do at the beech that don't involve the water."

"Why don't we try something that Shadow finds fun," Tails suggested then turned to face the crimson streaked male, "what do you do for fun Shadow?"

Shadow just looked at the young fox with a dull expression, "I don't do things simply for fun. I spend most of my time training or hunting down my enemies." Shadow then let a twisted smirk came to his face razing one hand up in front of himself. "You could all hide and let me hunt you down one by one till there is no one left to oppose me," he commented clamping his hand shut when he had finished.

"Uh… Ya… let's call that a back up plan," Sonic said trying to change the subject back, "anyone else have any other ideas."

"Oh, I know, let's bury Tails in the sand," Knuckles pointed out. This got Shadow's attention as he glanced over at the red echidna with a mildly interested excretion.

"Me? Why me?" Tails quickly protested taking a step back nervous clearly displayed in his body language.

"Because your the smallest and will take less sand to bury," knuckles pointed out.

Shadow took a step closer to the group, "now that sounds like it has some potential."

Sonic noticed Shadows interest and moved closer to Tails, "come on buddy, we finally got Shadow interested in something to do with us that doesn't lead to us bleeding. Plus it's just sand, what could it hurt to just let us cover you in sand for a bit."

Tails sighed not that thrilled with the idea but wanted to help Sonic out. "Alright, fine, I'll do it."

"Great," Sonic said with excitement, "then let's get started burying tails!" Sonic quickly darted away to find a good spot in the sad to start digging a hole to put Tails in. Knuckles, Sticks and Amy quickly followed, laughing a bit as they went followed reluctantly by Tails. Shadow watched with amusement on his face as he soon followed after as well but keeping a slight distance.

It didn't take long with the fore digging to create a hole big enough for tails who reluctantly and with a bit of complaint finally got down in. The fore then took turns pushing different clamps or pouring buckets of sand over the fox.

Sonic turned to look over at Shadow, who was surprisingly standing closer than the blue hedgehog had expected. "Come on, join the fun and help out a little Shadow." The ebony hedgehog just smirked as he started kicking some sand at the group getting it all over everyone. "Hay, stop that, cover Tails not the rest of us!" Shadow just let out a pleased chuckle at how easy it was to get Sonic flustered.

Despite Shadow's lack of help they soon finished and all that was left to be seen of tails was his head sticking out of the sand. Everyone stepped back to look down at tails who had a dull expression on his face. "Ok… I'm buried… can I get out now." everyone but Shadow and tails laughed about that and shadow let himself smirk a little enjoying the fox's discomfort. Suddenly tails got wide eyed "Hay… Hay guys… I think there's… ow… there's something in the sand."

Shadow just chuckled at tails reaction, "Ya, sand bugs."

"SAND BUGS!?" Tails replied quickly with alarm in his voice.

"Or, possibly little crabs," Shadow added with a shrug.

"CRABS!?" Tails added starting to panic even more. "Ow, ow, their biting, their biting… someone get me out of here!"

Shadow let his smirk grow more twisted, delighted at the panic in captive fox's voice. "What, can't you take a few bug bits," he mocked.

No one else was laughing anymore as they started to get worried by the sound of panic and pain in Tails' voice. "Shadow if you knew there were bugs and crabs in the sand why didn't you warn us when we talked about burying him in the first place," Sonic questioned.

Shadow chuckled as his eyes narrowed a bit looking over at the blue hedgehog, "why else do you think I found burying him interesting."

"Somebody get me out of here, these things are really starting to hurt," tails protested trying to wiggle himself free of the sand but they had buried him too well.

Shadow chuckles with even more delight, looking down at the fox in the sand. "Well of course it hurts, that's why it's called torcher."

Sonic growled and moved to confront shadow, "this wasn't meant to be torcher, this was supposed to be fun."

"Can you two stop arguing and get me out," Tails protested.

"Oh but torcher is fun blue," Shadow said as they were both ignoring Tails. Shadow then took a step forward so he was standing right on top of the sand covering Tails making it compress and start to squish him, "the more pain the better."

Hearing the whimpers that came from Tails and the look of pain on his face was getting Sonic vary mad, "that's it faker, get off him so we can get him out!"

"Why don't you make me Sonic," he said lowering himself down a little, his quills razing up as he moved into a rather aggressive posture.

Sonic growled again not wasting any time before launching into a spin dash at Shadow knocking him off Tails. The two high speed hedgehogs darted off continuously slamming into each other at high speed trying to knock the other off balance. In the meantime, Amy, Sticks and knuckles quickly started to dig away at the sand trying to get their bug bitten friend free.

"Why did we even invite Shadow anyway?" Knuckles questioned.

"This was your ideas in the first place Knuckles," Tails complained angrily as he was wiggling, slowly getting more free as they dug.

"Don't blame me, I didn't know about the sad bugs. But we should have known it wouldn't be good when Shadow of all people started getting interested," Knuckles complained.

"Hay," Amy protested in defense of the ebony hedgehog, "stop blaming this on Shadow. He probably thought we all knew about the bugs but decided to put Tails in the sand anyway. Shadow doesn't know what it's like having friends and that friends don't go out of there way to hurt one another. We just need to show him how friendship works."

By that time they had finally freed Tails and he jumped out of the shallow hole dusting off some sand and any remaining bugs. "Amy dose have a point" he replied much calmer now that he was no longer getting bitten. The group then turned back to watching Shadow and Sonic viciously fighting as they darted around the beach. "Now we just need to get them to stop fighting."

"Oh, I know, tails grab a bucket of sand and follow my lead," Sticks called out as she grabbed a bucket and quickly filled it with sand. Tails grabbed the other bucket and did the same as they both ran and hid behind trees.

"Oh, I see what your going for," knuckles said as he ran over and hid by Tails behind one of the trees.

"Wait… I think this is a bad," Amy tried to protest but her words did not come out fast enough.

Just then Sonic ran right between the two trees with Shadow on his heels. The moment Sonic was past both Tails and Sticks through the sad as fast as they could. Shadow called out in surprise and pain as the sand got him right in the face. Shadow quickly through his hand up trying to get the sand out of his eyes as he staggered backwards. Knuckles took this as his opportunity to jump forward and slug Shadow right in the head sending him tumbling backwards and rolling several feet in the sand.

Sonic came to a screeching halt then darted over to where knuckles was standing, "I could have handled it myself you know."

Shadow quickly jumped to his feet sending the group a death glare, "THAT'S IT! I'm so out of here. I knew this whole thing would just be a complete waste of my time!"

Sonic narrowed his eyes a little as he takes a step towards Shadow, "of course you would think that and that's exactly why it was. You get out of something what you put into it. You came here today expecting everything to turn out bad so guess what," Sonic said razing his arms up motioning to everything around them, "everything went wrong and you just had to drag the rest of use down with you. You never even gave any of us a chance."

Shadow just folded his arms glaring at his blue doppelganger, "don't bore me with your stupid little lectures. We both know I didn't want to be here and you didn't really want me here so just get to whatever you were planning already so I can get out of here."

"I wasn't planning anything Shadow, I invited you to come spend time with us so you might have fun for a change. So you might realize that we are not out to get you but you're so paranoid you see plots against you where none exist. The only ill will you will find around here is that which you bring yourself." Sonic declared rather focally wanting Shadow to understand that he really meant it.

A look of surprise and confusion flashed on Shadow's face but only for the briefest of moments before he turned away from Sonic, letting out a huff of dismissal. But Amy - who had been starting to get to know Shadow a little better - could have sworn she saw a glimpse of consideration in his eyes even after his initial dismissal.

Sonic let out a defeated sigh seeing that Shadow was still trying to emotionally distinct himself despite his efforts to include him. 'Perhaps he just needs time to think things over.' Sonic thought before he loosened his stands and turned back towards the others. "Sorry guys, but I'm done for today. I think I need a good run to shake off some of this stress." Sonic then zipped away, disappearing into the distance.

Tails sighed and looked up at the others, "ya, I'm going home, I still feel like I have bugs and sand in my fur." With that he used his twin tail to take off and began to fly home.

Sticks and knuckles waved before walking off as Amy turned back to the empty space Shadow had once occupied already having teleported away. She sighed with disappointment - despite knowing she would see him shortly at her house - she had such high hopes this morning but today turned out nothing like she had hoped. She takes a deep breath then started to quickly walk back home, "let's get this over with."

Amy finally gets back to her home and opened up the door to see the ultimate life form standing there, arms folded over his chest with a confident and slightly bored expression on his face. Amy narrowed her eyes at him and walked right past Shadow with a huff, almost hitting his shoulder with her own. "Do you really think your getting anything after that little fiasco? Well you can just forget it!"

Crimson eyes followed her as she moved past the ebony hedgehog and a smirk came to his face as he watched her with fascination. 'I see she has spines after all,' Shadow thought to himself. The black hedgehog let his expression return to that of slight amusement as he turned to follow her further into the house. "In my defense burying someone is a common form of torcher, how was I to know you had other intentions."

Amy continued walking into her kitchen not caring that Shadow was following her, "friends don't go out of there way to torcher each other."

"How ells do you expect to improve your abilities if your limits aren't tested," Shadow replied folding his arms. "Regardless, I have completed your challenge, which was just too hang-out with the lot of you. There was no part of the challenge that said I couldn't case a fiasco as call it."

Amy turned back to the ebony male glaring at him, "But you broke one of the roles, which means the game is over Shadow!" Amy then took a forceful step towards him and pointed to the door, "now get out!"

'Spines indeed,' he thought quit impressed with her sudden boldness and couldn't help as a hit of it show on his face. A smirk came across the black hedgehog's tan muzzle, "I did nothing of the sort. The role is that I can not attack your friends and If you recall it was Sonic that attacked me. Seeing as how there is no rule preventing me from fighting back that means I was perfectly within the roles."

"Yes but you were clearly egging him on, you were looking for a fight," Amy replied but quickly realized her argument didn't really mean much. She sighed looking down, as badly as today had ended up going Shadow was right about not breaking the rules.

Shadow watched as her ears dropped and her body language turned sad, this was not his intention. He sighed unfolding his arms and putting them up "Alright, you win, I will try to refrain from intentionally starting a fight, happy?" Shadow replied, a hint of defeat in his voice but trying to hide it with frustration.

Amy looked up at him confused, this was not what she had expected. 'Could he be saying that just to keep the game going? Or is there more to it?' Amy thought to herself as she stared at him. Amy let a sweet little smile come to her face, "Thank you Shadow."

Shadow looked at her - his eyes strangely softening for the briefest of moments - before letting out a huff and turning away crossing his arms once again. "What ever, just give me the next challenge."

Amy giggled a little before an idea came to her, "Oh, I know. I challenge you to come bowling with us tomorrow!"

Shadow turned back to her razing an eye brow, "bowling… you have got to be kidding me."

Amy giggles again, "Nope, bowling" she replied with a very pleased with herself smile. "It will be a fun thing for us to do together while still giving you and Sonic a constructive away to let out your excessive need for competition." Shadow was about to reply when Amy put her hand up, "And, you have to at least try to give it a chance and try to have fun Shadow."

Shadow sighed in defeat, "fine, I accept your challenge." His defeated expression however quickly shifted to a sly smirk as a thought came to him. "Now for my prize, I think I want something a little different this time," The black hedgehog commented as he looked over at Amy who looked puzzled. "This time, I want you to kiss me."

Amy got wide eyed at that and backed up as a light blush came to her face. "No, no way, I am not doing that shadow, NO!"

Shadow just chuckled with amusement at her reaction and folded his arms over his chest. For the first time he didn't follow her as she backed away from him. "It's my prize Rose, so you have to," he was using her own words against her. Amy's eyes widened recognizing this fact. "You need to be careful what you say to me or it just might backfire."

The pink girl's ears folded down as the realization that she had no choice came over her. She takes a slow tentative step towards him, "Alright, I… I'll do it," she said taking another step towards him. She looked down at the floor, a bright blush coming to her face and only growing the closer she got to Shadow. "But you better realize this doesn't mean anything, I don't even like you… you big jerk."

Shadow smirked with a twisted delight, arms still folded over his chest standing in the same spot, "what ever you have to tell yourself Rose."

Amy takes a deep slow breath as she takes the last two steps to bring herself right in front of the dark male. The look on his face was quite pleased as he watched her approaching him for a change. She takes another deep breath before looking up and him and quickly moved her face towards his but stopped as Shadow put his hand up.

"And I'm not talking some little peck to get it over with, I want a real kiss. I assume you know what a real kiss is, I have given you several examples as of late," Shadow said with a sly smirk growing on his face.

Amy looked back down blushing more, that is exactly what she had planned to do. "Your a big jerk you know that, right?"

"So you keep telling me Rose."

Amy takes a deep breath then looked up at Shadow, her heart was already pounding in her chest. Slowly she moved in closer to him as the black male did not move even the slightest bit letting her do everything herself. Her eyes slowly began to close as Shadow let his eyes copy this action. She gulped as there lips where inches apart and she could feel his breath on her lips.

'You can do this Amy,' she encouraged herself and with one last deep breath she quickly pressed her lips into Shadow's. He kissed her back with confidence but allowed Amy to control every aspect of it. Amy moaned ever so slightly as without thinking she tilted her head depending the contact.

Shadow unfolded his arms and slid them along her waste to pole her body closer to him. Amy leaned into him resting her hands on his chest, her fingers in his white chest fur. She gasped quickly polling in a breath of air before unexpectedly resuming the kiss. While he did not expect that he was not going to let her became aware of that fact.

Finally Amy brock the kiss but didn't pole herself back as she remained close to Shadow panting for air. Shadow opened his eyes and let a small little smile, not a smirk, a real smile come to his face. "Not bad, I might just make a good kisser out of you some day." he slowly licked her lips which startled her making her pole back to look up at him, "Until next time Rose," and with a flash he was gone.

Amy takes a deep breath trying to calm down her heart rat but it wasn't working. "What is wrong with me, why do I keep reacting like this to… to Shadow."

Little did Amy know that just like every other day Shadow had teleport himself right outside her window to watch her reaction without her knowledge. The difference was that today Shadow had more on his mind than just watching the pink female. Sonic's words from earlier that day kept popping into his head anytime his mind cleared of other thought. 'The only ill will you will find around here is that which you bring yourself.'

The black hedgehog looked off to the side deep in thought, 'could that… be true?' he looked back into the window at the female hedgehog as his eyes narrowed 'only one way to find out for sure… keep playing the game,' and with that, he teleported away.

Tell me what you think of this chapter. What's your favorite part… least favorite part…Leave a comment and you just may get shout out / response in the next chapter! Also don't forget to ask any questions you might have or purpose any theories you come up with.

Also feel free to give suggestions for new challenges Amy can give Shadow, I just might use it and you guessed it, You get a shout out LOL