The False Teaching of Love
Chapter 10
Meanwhile, in the Department of Education office...
"Alright ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the new Minister of Education, Penny Roberts." Everyone around the table stands up as a beautiful woman around her mid-thirties enters the room.
"Please be seated..." Everyone sits down at her command. "Alright, now as the Department of Education, our job is to reassure that every school in England is the brightest, to reassure parents and guardians that their children will be at their finest in their education." She walks up to a glass window, looking out to the city of London. "And that would include getting excellent academic results and outstanding behaviour between pupils and teachers." She turns back to the people around the desk. "Which is why we all come to the fact that we have so far closed down four of the worst schools in England, and we have boosted up our academic results in the country. So everyone around here can earn a huge clap." Everyone in the room claps to themselves, except one woman who hesitantly speaks up.
"That is excellent results Miss Roberts, however, I believe there were five worst schools in England." Penny frowns.
"Five? I was told that there was four." One man spoke up.
"You were informed incorrectly, there were five. Be lucky because the fifth school is the least worst out of the five, so far no reports of murder were from that school." Another woman speaks.
"Or reports of rape..." She blinks.
"What is the name of the final school?"
"St Trebles Miss Roberts." She laughs a bit.
"The old music school? How can that be a terrible school now?"
"Well Miss Roberts, if you were to examine their academic results and their school behaviour now, you would think differently..." She frowns.
"Well, I see that the new generation needs a good kick up the arse. I'll visit them first thing tomorrow."
The next day...
"Jo, this game is supposed to be for guys only?" Jo nods.
"Yeah, it is, I forgot to mention that yesterday." This school couldn't get anymore confusing can it? She thought it would be a mixed gendered game, but when she was informed that they were going up against was an all boys school, she was confused. So when she asks Jo about it, she told her that she was in the boy's team.
"So what are you gonna do when you are competing in a game that is supposed to be only for guys?" Jo picks up a beanie.
"Simple, I dress like a guy." She puts on the beanie and immediately, she looks like a guy. "I may have the face of a girl, but once I wear baggy clothes and wrap a bandage around my breasts, I'll totally blend in." Courtney nods.
"How long have you been doing this?" She shrugs.
"Since last year, I think." A knock on their dorm door could be heard outside.
"Hey Jo! Hurry up dude, they're gonna arrive soon!" Jo groans.
"Yeah shut up Richard, I'll be out soon." She looks at Courtney. "Do you mind giving me a hand?" She nods walking over to her.
Out on the fields, everyone in the school were surrounding the soccer field. Taylor was sitting on one of the benches shirtless while holding his jersey shirt. "Dude, put on a shirt, stop showing off." He looks to see Richard sitting next to him. "It kinda makes me feel self-concious the fact I can't take my shirt off." Taylor frowns.
"There's nothing wrong with your body..."
"I was talking about the fact I can't take off my jersey because people would think I'm showing off for someone." Once that was said, Taylor had to restrain from laughing.
"S-Seriously? You're still embarrassed about that? It happened like a year ago." Richard blushes from embarrassment.
"Still, it was humiliating to find out that you were dating-" Scott runs up to them.
"Guys, we have a special guest today at our game." They both stand up.
"The Minister of Education." They both groan. Taylor looks at Scott.
"Alright, let me take care of him-"
"Her, it's a woman." He chuckles. "A hot one too."
"Just take me to her."
Penny looks around the courtyard she parked her car in. She sees a lot of sticks with skulls on them. "Well, they certainly know how to strike fear into their enemies."
"Yep, it's to warn them." She jumps, then turns around seeing Taylor standing in front of her. "Not to mess with St Trebles." He sticks his hand out. "Taylor Benjamin, Head Boy of St Trebles." She looks at his hand before shaking it.
"Penny Roberts, Minister of Education." He nods.
"I know, I was informed. Well, it looks like you enjoy our decorations for this occasion." She frowns.
"What occasion?" He smiles a bit.
"You haven't heard that we have a soccer game today, against another school?"
"Oh, I wasn't informed of that."
"So I've noticed, as our special guest, is there anything you need at all?" She nods.
"Actually there is, would you please take me to your-" A beep was heard cutting them off. She looks back to see a school bus covered in paint and cracked eggs. She gasps to herself. "What happened here?" She turns to Taylor only to see an evil grin on his face.
"That's only the foreplay of today's game." The bus stops in front of them. The door opens and out comes a teacher along with the boys of the other school looking slightly terrified. The teacher walks up to Penny.
"Minister, I didn't expect to see you here." She gesture behind her. "But take a look at our bus! This school is filled with savages, no, ANIMALS!" Penny nods.
"I understand, but the game isn't the reason why I'm here. I just need to see the Principle of St Trebles, which the Head Boy here was going to escort me to." The teacher turns to Taylor, who gives her an innocent smile and waves at her. She glares at him.
"So he's the leader of this animal pack? Well you definitely have a lot of nerve to smile so innocently at me." He chuckles.
"Well sweetheart I have a lot of nerve to be the Alpha wolf, and to smile at you like that. Because I do what I want to do." Penny rests her hand on his shoulder.
"Mr Benjamin, I would advise you not to to speak to the teacher that way..." He rolls his eyes shaking her hand off his shoulder.
"Whatever, they're all a bunch of pansies anyway." He turns to her. "Stay here while I go get the principal..." He walks off leaving Penny with the old teacher. She walks over to Penny, slightly leaning to her.
"In my opinion, I think the principal is just as horrible as the students here. In fact, I think he's worst that the students...he takes no responsibility whatsoever."
"He can't possibly be that bad..."Her words blurred out as her eyes went wide. In front of her is Chris McLean himself walking out of the building with Taylor by his side. She immediately turns away, hiding herself from him. The old teacher looks at her confused.
"Miss Roberts, are you alright?"
"Mrs Woods!" She whips her head to the fairly handsome principal in front of her. "How nice it is to see you again..." He takes her hand and kisses the back of it. "Very nice to see an old hag like you..." She quickly retreats her hand in disgust.
"Why don't you kiss a cow's ass why don't you?" He gives her a sly grin.
"Sorry, already did. She was a good fuck too." Mrs Woods gags. Chris immediately averts his eyes towards Penny who has her back turn to him and his eyes travel hungrily over her body and lays his eyes on her butt. "And who here's your friend? She looks like she would like some fun..."
"That, Mr McLean, is the new Minister of Education...Miss Penny Roberts." Penny turns around immediately shocking McLean. He stood frozen with his eyes wide and his body stiff. Penny lends her hand out.
"Good morning Chris..." He opens his mouth hesitantly.
"Penny..." Both Taylor and Mrs Woods look at each other confused. Taylor speaks up.
"I'm sorry, but do you both know each other?" Chris speaks
"Yes, in college..we were crazy and young...fucking every single night..."
"We were the star couple in our years of youth...never knew where it all go wrong..."
"Me neither..." Both Penny and Chris continue stare into each others eyes, while Taylor and Mrs Woods were quite uncomfortable with the situation. Taylor clears his throat.
"Um sir, the game." Chris snaps out his trance.
"Oh right, well see you later then Penny. Come on old hag..." They both walk off with Mrs Woods following them. Penny was left standing there, trying to comprehend what had just happened.
How long has it been? 6 years?
She turns back t the victorian building in front of her.
Just exactly what have you been up to during these years McLean?
"Okay, let's play some soccer!" Courtney runs to the sidelines while Jo runs off into the soccer field.
"Hold on Jo! I don't think it even started..." She sighs while rubbing her arm. "Nothing's gonna stop her..."
"You're right, absolutely nothing..." Taylor walks up right beside her. "She's a beast and a woman, but the other teams aren't going to tell anyways. They're a bunch a dumb-asses." He looks at her. "It's been a week since you arrived, how do you think of St Trebles?" She sighs.
"It's definitely quite a unique school. I think I've gotten quite settled in so far."
"That's pleasing to hear..." Taylor gesture to the bench next to him. "Would you like to take a seat?" She nods.
"I would like that, thank you." She sits down on the bench right next to Richard. "But I'm wondering, have you seen Duncan recently? I need to speak to him." Richard chuckles.
"Does this have to do with you fucking him the other night?" Taylor slaps Richard in the back of his head.
"Ignore him, he's just an idiot..." Courtney giggles a bit which puts a smile on both the boys faces. Richard turns and finds Heather on the other side of the soccer field. He gasps standing up and waving his hands.
"HEY HEATHER!" She spots him and she looks quite startled. "HOW'S YOUR DUMB BOYFRIEND!? I BET HE'S NOT AS CARING AS YOUR COUSIN, HUH!?" Taylor next to him starts laughing while Courtney just looked confused. "WHY DON'T WE HANG OUT AGAIN! LIKE OLD TIMES, ONLY NOT EXACTLY LIKE OLD TIMES HUH?!" Heather rolls her eyes while looking back down at her teen girls magazine. "NO!? DON'T CARE?!" Seeing no response, he sits back down timidly. "Okay...good chat..." Taylor was still laughing.
"I swear Richard, you're the dumbest person alive. Do you want your country China to hear you?" Richard glares at him.
"I told you so many times...I'm not Chinese, I'm Japanese, there's a huge difference!" Taylor puts his hands up in defence.
"Relax dude, I was just making fun of you." Taylor looks over to Courtney, who still looked confused about the whole thing. "Hey Courtney, I think we can trust you enough for us to tell you?" Courtney looks at him and raises and eyebrow.
"Tell me what?"
"Richard's ex-girlfriend..." Richard immediately shot up shocked.
"Are you fucking serious Taylor?! Are you seriously gonna tell the new chick?!" Taylor nods.
"I can trust her, do you?"
"I didn't even talk to her until now. How can I TRUST HER WHEN I OFFICIALLY JUST MET HER?!" Courtney bites her lip.
"It's alright Richard, I can keep a secret..." He sighs frustrated while relaxing back into the bench.
"Go ahead, tell her, I don't give a shit anymore..." Taylor shrugs.
"Okay..." He looks at Courtney. "Alright Court, two years ago, Richard met a girl in a party it was love at first sight for him. For the girl however, she was a hard catch. He wan't going to give her up so easily, so he kept on asking her out again and again and again until she finally said yes. And that was two months after they first met by the way. They went on dates, it was the best moments of both of their lives. Until, they met each other again in a way they never expected it, in a family reunion..." Taylor had to restrain from laughing once again. "Turns out, the girl he was dating for a year, was his cousin." Then he burst out laughing. Courtney blinks once she heard the story. She looks at Richard.
"Y-You were dating your cousin?" Richard blushes red from embarrassment.
"Shut up, I didn't know she was my cousin when I first met her. We didn't even have the same surname, so it was really confusing. By the way, her uncle married my auntie, so we weren't blood related. I told her, we can still live through this relationship, but she broke up with me the next day. Since then, she's only saw me as an annoying cousin, even though I'm not blood related to her." Courtney blinks.
"Wow, that's pretty sad and kinda funny at the same time." Taylor smiles at her.
"See, even she agrees that it's funny. Me, Duncan, Scott and Cameron all agree that it's funny. See Richard, it's fucking funny." Richard groans a bit.
"Yeah, but why is it me of all people..." Courtney looks at her Taylor.
"Is he talking about the girl ont he other side of the soccer field?" Taylor nods.
"If you mean Heather, yes that's the girl." Taylor looks at Courtney quite playful. "By the way, he still loves her..." He starts laughing again
Scott walks over to them. "Hey guys, the game's about to start." He looks over at Courtney with a small smile on his face. "Wish me luck pretty lady." He sends a small wink while she smiles a little with a tint of pink on her cheeks.
It's been so long since I've updated. Sorry that there isn't much Scottney focused in it, I just wanted to focus on something other than Scottney, but I did put in a bit at the end. ;)
By the way, I'm on my six week break now YAY! But I still have to study for my HSC :(
So after the six week break, I will not have time for this anymore. But trust me, a year later, I will have time for this website once again. :) So please be patient.
Thank you for understanding.
KatDingo over and out