Hey guys! I'm back with a whole new story. This one has a whole lotta zombies...and Shadamy moments! I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it. I'll be updating my other story soon, but for now, enjoy this one! Please review - I'd love some feedback. :)

Disclaimer - I do not own any characters, only the plot of this story.

Amy's POV

"I've had a really great time with you and Cream, Rouge." I said as I smiled and adjusted the heavy shopping bags that were hanging from my arms. The handles were digging in and leaving marks. It hurt like hell! Rouge, Cream and I had just been to the mall for some girl time together. Cream had to leave the mall before us, though, because her mom, Vanilla, wanted her back early.

"I'm glad, hon. I did, too. And I'm pretty sure Cream enjoyed it as much as we did." Rouge replied, referring to the huge smile that graced Cream's face we said our goodbyes. We gave each other a hug, laughing.

"Well, I gotta go. We should definitely do this again sometime soon." Rouge said as she let go of me. I smiled at her.

"Sure thing. I'd love to."

Rouge waved at me before turning her back and heading down the stairs of my apartment building. I fished through my bag and found my keys. I unlocked my door and stepped into my apartment. I had cream walls and a beautiful wooden flooring, with a brightly coloured rug in front of the fireplace. I placed my bags down next to my cream sofa and walked out to my small balcony. My apartment was on the second floor from the top. It had a beautiful view over Station Square. The sky was filled with dark clouds, indicating that a storm would happen some time soon. I walked back inside, shutting the balcony door behind me, and started putting my new clothes into my closet. I pulled out a gorgeous blue halter neck top which Cream had picked out for me. It had silver swirls on the front and it fit me perfectly. It reminded me of Sonic, too. I sighed. If only Sonic and I could become an item...

I shook my head, ending the thought, and put my new top on a hangar and hung it in my closet. Next, I pulled out a pink skirt. I admired the way it slightly flared out at the bottom. I hung it in my closet with the rest of the outfits I had bought with my best friends. When I had finished, I felt a little thirsty. I headed to the fridge, hoping to find a diet coke hiding in there. To my dismay, there was no coke. I sighed and looked out my window. It hadn't started raining yet. Yes! I grabbed my coat and ran out the door, locking it behind me. I went to the elevator and pressed the button. About five seconds later, the elevator door opened and I stepped inside, pressing the button to go to the ground floor. I looked at my watch. It was five to ten! I had five minutes to get to the shop! As soon as the elevator doors opened, I bound out and raced out of the building and round the corner. I felt a few drops of water on my face. It had started to rain! Just my luck! I took a quick glance at my watch. Two minutes left! I ran round a few more corners, crossed the street and skidded to a halt outside my local shop. The elderly lady who owned the shop, Mrs Middleton, was just closing up. As she was closing the door, she saw me and opened it back up.

"What are you doing here at this time, young lady?" She asked me. I stepped into the shop, slightly wet from the rain and tried to get my breath back before answering her.

"I wanted to buy some drinks." I replied. Mrs Middleton laughed.

"You ran all this way, at this time of night, in this weather, to buy some drinks!"

I blushed. Now that I thought about it, it was kind of stupid.

"Well, I was rather thirsty and I had nothing else in. And you know I hate drinking water!"

"Well, if you're that desperate. What would you like?"

"I came for some diet cokes."

Mrs Middleton went to the fridge and retrieved three diet cokes for me. She scanned the bar code and pressed a few buttons on her till.

"That would be one dollar fifty cents please."

I handed her the money and picked up the cans. "Thanks. Sorry for being a bother." I said to her.

"Oh nonsense! You're never a bother, dear." She replied and walked with me to the door. We said goodbye and I started to walk back to my apartment. The rain was heavier than before and I hadn't brought an umbrella! I groaned and trudged along the streets in my wet clothing. The street lights illuminated the streets, casting ominous shadows.

All of a sudden, I felt an unknown feeling sweep over me. I shivered. I had no idea what it was, but I quickened my pace, feeling that something was wrong. Finally, I reached my apartment building. As I reached my hand out to open the door, I head a loud growl. I quickly snatched my hand away and looked around.

"H-Hello?" I asked the darkness. I heard another growl, this time it was louder. It was getting closer. I looked to my left and saw a figure stumbling down the street. I didn't see its face, but whom ever it was looked really, really drunk.

"Are y-you ok?" I asked, knowing I shouldn't really talk to strangers. The figure gave a loud moan and started to shuffle towards me. I felt a wave of fear come over me and pulled the door to my apartment building open. I heard it slam behind me. I ran up the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator. I just wanted to get to the safety of my room.

All the years of chasing Sonic around did me good; I was able to get most of the way up without breaking a sweat! But now, about three quarters of the way up, I was getting tired and losing energy quickly. I slowed my pace, hearing my heart beating. I had about four more sets of stairs to climb, when I suddenly heard a scream. I jumped and ran the rest of the way up the stairs, not daring to check out where the scream had come from.

I felt hot tears run down my face. A wave of relief washed over me as I found myself in the safety of my apartment. I put two of the three cokes in my fridge and opened the third one. I sipped it whilst thinking where the scream had come from. I decided to call Sonic. Picking up the phone, I dialled my hero's number.

"Hey, you've reached Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm unable to take your call, but leave a message and I'll get back to ya."

I ended the call, seeing no use in leaving a message for the blue hedgehog. He never checks them anyway. I sighed and finished my coke, then locked my door and headed to bed.

And there's chapter one. Please review! :)