Author has written 14 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, Xena: Warrior Princess, StarTrek: The Next Generation, and Orange Is the New Black. There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. - Albert Schweitzer I've been skadoo on the internet (forums, BBS, etc.) since 1993. I'm a nerd. In my real life, I'm an Engineer who works for the Government. It sounds much more interesting that it is. I shuffle paper for a living. I like to sing as well as act in community theater. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to indulge much in either --except for in the shower or in the car for a long while. I first started writing bad poetry as a teenager and then fan fiction back in 1999-2000 time frame. My fan fic is also posted to (AO3) site. Only recently (Feb 2014) have I tried my hand at an original story, you can find it on the FFN sister site under my author name. I also have an account on tumblr. I started watching Star Trek: Voyager for the first time May 2013 and watched almost all 170 episodes in about 6 weeks. Consequently, I'm addicted to almost all things Voyager. However, I love TNG & DS9 as well. I hope to watch (or in some cases re-watch) all those episodes soon. I've also finally made it thought all of ENT. So who know what fanfic all that might Star Trek might inspire? I strongly urge you to take a look at my favorite authors/stories. The stuff they've written is wonderful! Also please, please, please, feed the authors on this site by leaving reviews. Positive and constructive feedback is always appreciated. |
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