Reviews for Time On My Hands 5
Aundielen chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
This was hilarious! Oh Harry
Iowanmom chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
Awww...Harry... He and Janeway were always so good to each other. Harry's mom calling Janeway was genius! Truly in character! Great job.
skadoo chapter 1 . 7/23/2013
Wow, an almost grown up Harry. :-D
imnotacommittee chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
I love this! You've captured Harry perfectly here! His mother is just as she ought to be and Harry's mortification that she contacted Admiral Janeway is priceless.
Under the fun are some wonderfully deep introspective reflections on Harry's part. It makes sense that he'd feel guilty about not really losing anyone during his seven years in the DQ. And, of all the crew members, he'd take the loss of the crew's break-up rather hard. And I like how he's angry with Chakotay for just leaving. Angry on Janeway's behalf maybe more than his own, but it was rather sweet.
stampensue chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
Did I miss the continuation? Let's see when/if/how "they" all find each other.
badmelk chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
that was great! i love seeing harry's pov especially when its written so well :)
Tomutionmyha chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
This was really a good POV there is no way the crew could hve spent every day and every night together for seven years and then just "get over it." I am looking forward to that promised JC ending! HAHA!
Kerry J chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Oh, another POV! I love that you gave somebody else a voice, too. And it’s wonderful how you manage to make the reader immediately know who is talking without mentioning his name. And I loved the little titbits you included – like his parents never leaving his side, which is absolutely what I would expect them to do.

This one, too, was bittersweet – which is strange, considering how I would’ve bet Harry of people would be happiest to be home. And though he’s aware that he should be, the Delta Quadrant of course made him a different man as well who finds his hard to cope with losing his Voyager family. Which, come to think of it, is something I should’ve expected too.

I loved the humour in it as well – and I bet nobody’s mother would’ve dared call Janeway but Harry’s. Too funny but I’m so glad she did. The talk they had did them both good. I loved to see Kathryn’s sense of humour come through, the actor story was simply hilarious.

Ahh, this was a wonderful read. It sounded so much like Harry - and it was great to find out through him what other Voyagers were up to. So honestly, I don’t mind at all that you’re taking your time in getting Kathryn and Chakotay together in one room. Or to talk over a comm link. I’m enjoying way too much what you’re coming up with until that happens. And I for one can’t wait to find out if you’ll have another crew member reflect on what’s been happening since Voyager came home. I’m secretly hoping it’s going to be B’Elanna. Who hopefully will call Chakotay and talk some sense into him. Oh how I’m loving this series!
Annette-Rose chapter 1 . 6/23/2012
Sweet wee Harry...Loved it! Despite the greatly lacking JC component...But I forgive you, as I know it will all be worth it in the end with the epic JC conclusion. And if not, then I'll come after you with a pitchfork MWAHAHAHAHA!
beautyofsorrow chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
Oh my. You can do other characters just as fantastically as you can Janeway and Chakotay. Oh my. *Happy feet*

"I smile back. This is a game we've all played with her before, sometimes over a comm screen with alien dignitaries watching, sometimes over a pool table at Sandrine's."

This sentence, I'll venture to say, captures what made Voyager its own. Each ST show is different, unique in itself, and that's why it's so hard to rank them - especially Voyager and DS9. Here, you've penned words that snapshot the command structure and sense of family that you got on the other shows, but not the extent that you did on Voyager. (But that's an entirely different PM conversation just begging for some DS9 talk, so I'll get back to the story.) In short: Fabulous sentence.

All in all, I really enjoyed this piece. Just when I think you can't one-up yourself AGAIN, you do. :) And I am just fine with all this teasing and toying. Obviously, I'm in no hurry. *smirk*

Dare I hope that B'Elanna is the featured character in the next installment...?
SusanC chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
You devil, you! Stringing us along like this. Interesting that this is not the prelude to To Make an End.

Love the interaction between Harry and Kathryn. Nice to see her more relaxed.

And of course I'm intrigued about how this will end and how our star crossed friends will finally come together.
American Fantasy chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
Another great addition to the series Laura! Loving this so far. Keep up the amazing work!
PinkAngel17 chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
How do these things keep getting better? I loved it so much! It was funny and cute and yet still serious in places. I was laughing hysterically at the "...take me in for Show and Tell" line. I could totally see that happening! If I start begging will we get the next part soon? :D
Cerulean.Phoenix7 chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
Now this is a delightful turn in this series. I was definitely not expecting a conversation between Harry and Janeway, especially after Harry's mom called Janeway! XD

I love everything about the conversation, the slight undercurrent of frustration at how things have changed, and yet the hope and the trust because of their friendship.

"Oh God, I hope she doesn't want to take me in for Show and Tell." - The image of Harry Kim in front of a class of curious eigth-graders is beyond priceless!

'I nod. "Exactly," I say. "There was something new almost every day. Something different. And even if there wasn't, all my friends were there."

Her eyes are suddenly very soft. "We're all still friends, Harry."

"I know. But everything has changed, hasn't it?"

She nods. "Everything always does."' - this exchange represents, to me, a lot of what Voyager's journey was and how it affected them all now that they're home.

'"He sure wasn't patient. He ran off with Seven like he couldn't get away from Voyager fast enough."

She sucks in a sharp breath and draws back from the screen like she's been slapped.

And I just sit there for a second, staring at her.' - I liertally shuddered a bit at this line, because I can only imagine what an icy knife to the heart that it must be for Janeway.

I love the exchange between Harry and Janeway about her mother trying to set her up with an actor; that was hilarious! And also, there's a very human quality about it, seeing two very different officers and people connecting over such a subject.

"We had something special out there. Something that Starfleet and our families probably can't understand.

We went through a lot together, and that means something. We learned to lean on each other. Not just for survival, but for friendship. And in some cases, love. We were everything to each other for seven long years. You can't just turn those feelings off." - exactly, what that crew had in the DQ is irreplaceable. They forged incredible bonds, and even broken temporarily, I feel that they can always be re-built. *cough* Janeway and Chakotay *cough*

And now we have word of an upcoming J/C ending? I am most excited :D

Fantastic work!

KJaneway115 chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
I love this. I love the interaction between Harry and the Admiral. I love all the emotions he's trying to deal with, his frustrations, his thoughts, his reaction to his mother. And I actually love that you took a little departure from J/C... Well, sort of but not really... to explore how this is affecting the other members of the crew. This whole thing is so great. I don't care how many parts it has, I'll read every one.
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