Chapter 9 –

Bits of what she'd expelled clung to her, she was drenched in sweat, and her water had broken while she was still on the bridge, yet she felt immense relief in addition to her fatigue. All I need is you… and the Doctor… and good drugs. Just… maybe not in that order.

Chakotay helped her to change and then over to a biobed where she felt twin hyposprays caress her neck. Better living through chemistry.

The activity in the room was like a dance around her, a blur as they affixed the various monitors directly to her abdomen and adjusted the medical equipment. She no longer really cared about or noticed what they did or what was happening nearby.

So tired… when can I push?

"Cervical dilation is already at ten centimeters."

The EMH appeared in her field of vision, "I want you to bear down when you feel a contraction."

She nodded her head and began to push.

"It's going to seem like two steps forward and one step back, but you can do this," she heard Tom say from somewhere behind her.

After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably closer to an hour, the EMH stopped her, to her immense frustration.

"Let me do this!" she whispered, fatigued.

"Captain, we discussed that the likelihood of your delivering all three babies vaginally was remote. And I promised to let you try. But the first is not progressing down the birth canal. Sometimes a larger baby makes things a little difficult. I fully acknowledge that you can do this, but there is a significant risk of injury to you as well as the possibility of oxygen deprivation in the babies."

Chakotay added reassuringly, "Kathryn, it's okay." You're too busy to see his face every time you push. He's watching the monitor and something is not quite right. "It's not a failure; you yourself are always reminding us that a captain uses every tool in her arsenal. This is just another tool."

I prove nothing by continuing. No one is keeping score, except me. She nodded her head in agreement.

"Mr. Paris?"

"We're ready, Doctor."

"Initiating umbilical separations. Energizing."

Chakotay's hand clenched hers as they waited in what felt like an unnatural silence. It's too quiet. The Doctor and the medic blocked his view, their movements frantic and voices hushed. He didn't dare verbalize what he was thinking out loud. Why aren't they…?

Her eyes welled up and Chakotay burst into tears when they finally heard the babies cry.

So cold. She was shaky, chilled, and felt horrible. Her eyes were clenched shut in an attempt to still the growing nausea and slight confusion. What sounds there were in the room were distant and far away. Spots seemed to appear before her eyes.


Blue eyes blinked furiously and squinted at the bright lights in Sickbay. Babies? Chakotay? How long?

"She's waking up." A warm hand gave hers a squeeze.

The biobed she was lying on was uncomfortable and she felt a bit disoriented. But she knew that voice and turned toward the sound. When she tried speaking, it came out as an unintelligible croak.

Chakotay gently helped her to sit up. He pointed to the three small wrapped bundles, two in what appeared to be incubators, and handed her a cup of water.

She turned towards the Doctor with a small look of alarm.

"They'll be fine. More than fine, in fact. It's just a precaution. You gave Chakotay quite a scare when you fainted. You were hemorrhaging. It is a known complication during a fetal transport and we were prepared. But I don't have an experienced staff. It took a little longer than usual to treat you. Your blood sugar levels were low, you were fatigued and dehydrated. The hostage situation was unfortunate. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be with you."

She found her voice at last, "I thought the phaser fire might destabilize your program."

Movement on her right made her turn her head. "Have all of you been here the whole time?"

"Affirmative," confirmed Tuvok, as Paris and Torres joined him at the biobed.

Tom added proudly, "Tuvok and B'Elanna served as our other two nurse-midwives. We needed them to monitor the incubators and associated equipment. They've both been training for months now."

She smiled, "This truly was a group endeavor."

Chakotay teased, as he tucked her hair behind her ear, "I think yours was the greatest accomplishment."

She was getting impatient. "Can someone please bring me my babies?"

They wheeled them over to the biobed.

Chakotay placed their baby in her arms.

She took a few moments to admire him. "I think he's going to look an awful lot like you. So do you think he's going to be a contrary like his father?"

"Spirits, I hope not. I can't imagine what form that would take."

Kathryn motioned Tuvok over so she could see her second son. He placed the child into the crook of her other arm. She smiled as she took in his pointed ears. "Well, I think he's going to have the Janeway chin."

B'Elanna and Tom stepped forward as he said, "Sorry, Captain, but it appears it was our kid stopping up the works, so to speak."

Janeway peered over into B'Elanna's arms and then at her other two. "Oh, my. He's almost twice their size!" No wonder. Ouch.

Chakotay surmised, "I think you've got a potential Parrises Squares champion on your hands. Maybe he'll be the first Klingon since M'Kota R'Cho to play professionally."

The EMH surmised, "He really isn't quite that large; he just seems so in comparison to his brothers." B'Elanna chided him, "Well, the captain sure had a hard time. You try pushing out one of these and then you can wax eloquent."


A few weeks later…

Tuvok and Kathryn sat in her quarters as the others prepared for that day's ceremony on the mess deck.

She was settling one of the babies into the bassinet, fascinated by what Tuvok was telling her. After nearly twenty years of friendship, there were still new facts and tidbits for her to absorb about her best friend. She looked at him fondly. My friend, you are a fathomless well.

"There are many traditions and conventions that govern Vulcan first names. The Vulcan rituals that concern birth have remained intact over millennia. Only the first born has a name that begins with an 'S'. The 'K' sound appears in a name to signify that the child was conceived during Pon Farr. "Many children died as infants on ancient Vulcan. If the child died shortly after birth, the family would grieve in private. But if the child lived, a naming ceremony was held, which allowed the community to celebrate the child's survival."

Kathryn interjected, "Which is why a child's name is not revealed outside the family until the naming ceremony. Given the Vulcan reticence regarding all things Pon Farr, I'm surprised the circumstances of their conception would be announced in a child's name."

"That reticence is in regard to most non-Vulcans."

"But not to me?"

"You are now the mother of a Vulcan."

She nodded, relieved. Right, no naming conventions will be revealed, so no additional embarrassing information will inadvertently be provided to the crew. I don't really want to explain the circumstances of his birth. She bit her lip as he handed her the second child to nurse. Uncertain how to bring it up, she asked, "Why didn't you tell me… or even ask?"

"While I am telepathic, your emotions at this moment make it difficult for me to ascertain the nature of your query."

Why are words more difficult that sexual intimacy? But then again, that was only out of necessity. She sighed and launched into it. "Vulcans are only capable of producing offspring with humans through the use of medical intervention. Yet, when I told you I was pregnant and one of the babies was yours, you never expressed dismay or asked why I might... "Let myself get knocked up… by you.

Tuvok arched an eyebrow. "Vulcans do not feel dismay," he reminded her.

She rewarded him with a crooked smile, acknowledging the imprecise nature of her statements.

"It is correct that normally a human female needs to receive large doses of hormones and Vulcan vitamins in order for conception to occur. I hesitated to ask because I trust my captain." She cringed. This had been bothering her for months and she needed to have him understand and not think she'd used him for her own ends. "I didn't… I couldn't …" She looked down at the baby in her arms. "I wouldn't take advantage of your Pon Farr or of you for my own desires. The mistake would have never happened if I hadn't wanted to so desperately avoid having the Inspector's child." I don't even want to think of his name. Oh, no! What if… did they make sure there were no other embryos left in the pattern buffer?

"If you had not made the error, it is possible that the Paris's offspring would not have survived the transporter accident. I am certain that Tom and B'Elanna are grateful." He paused to be sure he had her undivided attention. When she looked up, he said, "Sanu — nar'voh neruk klem t'nash-veh."

Kathryn gasped and her eyes shot open wide. Vulcans are very conservative in expressing their thanks; she'd only ever heard that phrase spoken aloud once. So it took her a few moments before she remembered the correct response. "Ek'klem na'odu."


"Welcome to our first and perhaps not our last," Neelix turned to gesture toward Ensign Hickman's barely protruding midsection. "Vulcan Naming Ceremony."

Hickman interjected, laughing, "Neelix, in case you didn't notice. I'm barely showing!"

General laughter filled the mess deck.

Neelix smiled and continued, "I'm sure all of you are familiar now with the extraordinary events that led to the captain serving as surrogate to Tom and B'Elanna's child during her own pregnancy. Let's begin the festivities, and afterwards they'll be plenty of food! Captain?"

She stood, a bit apprehensive as she looked out into the faces of their Voyager family. It wasn't often that she greeted the crew not as their captain, but as Kathryn. Babies don't arrive on Voyager every day. "Thank you for joining us as we present our newest members. Today the children will be presented by their fathers." Tom stood up, holding his son, thoroughly enjoying his time in the spotlight. "B'Elanna and I have talked a lot about this." He held the up baby theatrically towards the crowd. I present to you John Owen Edward Paris. We wanted his name to honor all of his grandfathers."

Kathryn was surprised and touched. "Mr. Paris, that isn't necessary, but… thank you." His name is almost as big as he is.

Bristow asked, "Do you realize that if you take the first initial from John, Owen and Edward it spells Joe?"

"They do now," drawled Thompson.

Lang leaned over to B'Elanna, "So, are you going to call him Joe or John-Owen?"

Tuvok picked up his son and cradled him in the crook of his arm.

Neelix interrupted, "Mr. Vulcan, how is it that you and the captain have a baby together, anyway?"

Janeway froze as she turned to look at her husband. Vulcans don't lie.

Harry thought, Do I really need to hear this?

Tuvok turned to address Neelix.

Seven stood up but before she could speak, Ensign Hickman stood up indignantly.

"Obviously by in vitro fertilization; do you think it happened by accident? Haven't you heard Seven explain about Voyager having to become a generational ship?" Hickman took a step toward her commanding officer. "I'm sorry, Captain, I guess I should have let you explain that. I'm sorry to you too, Neelix, I seem to be extra testy lately."

Kathryn gave them a wan smile, "I'm unaccustomed to having my actions questioned…" Baloney. "but I think your explanation was most thorough, Ensign." That's the truth and I'm sticking to it...another awkward explanation averted. Just go with it Tuvok!

Tuvok paused, waiting to see if he was going to be interrupted again. "This child is a testament to the command team's commitment to Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant. He would not have been born without it. His name, Avarak, means 'one who raises hope.' Hope is something his mother possesses in abundance. She shares it with us all daily. It is that hope, coupled with tenacity, which will bring us home."

Chakotay stood up and gazed at his son before presenting him to the crew. He looked over towards his wife and decided to once again publicly declare his love. "When I became a Maquis, I was a man obsessed with vengeance, afraid of being seen as weak. Kathryn Janeway taught me that violence and vengeance beget nothing but more of the same. She has helped quench the anger within me. She has taught me the true meaning of peace. This is our son Pax. His name means peace."

Kathryn looked at her two best friends holding her children and felt a bit overwhelmed. I really don't deserve them. I am not going to cry in front of everyone… oh, heck, I am going to cry


A few days later…

Chakotay stepped briskly out of the turbolift and onto the bridge.

Before he could utter a sound, someone volunteered, "She's still in her ready room, Commander."

He sped thought the doors like a man on a mission.

As he entered, she tossed up her hands in surrender. "I know, I know, I should have gone off shift almost forty minutes ago."

He promptly leaned over and soundly kissed her.

Kathryn smirked, "I take it you heard from the Doctor that I had my postpartum physical."

"I'm only here because the Doctor suggested that you rest, and you rarely follow his instructions. I thought I'd motivate you to come home. Besides, Sam said she would babysit for another hour or two."

"So, what kind of rest did you have in mind?" She smiled warmly.

An uncaptainlike giggle emerged from her lips when he scooped her up. She snuggled into his embrace, but yawned widely.

His yawn quickly followed hers.

"Ah, nap it is, then."


Six months later…

"Captain, those are the last of the modifications and improvements to his program." She tapped a last sequence on the console and rebooted the hologram. "How do you feel, Doctor?" asked B'Elanna.

"Tired and nauseated."

"Congratulations, Doctor. You're approximately six months pregnant."

The EMH's eyes just about popped out of his head as he looked down at himself incredulously.

The captain chuckled, "Imagine how much more sympathetic you'll be after having experienced this for yourself."

"I... I really must protest, Captain," he stammered. "I can't possibly perform my duties adequately in Sickbay when I'm like this! You really can't expect me to… Lieutenant, how long is this supposed to last?"

"Oh, about another three months."

They were very surprised by the thud when he fainted.


Author's Note:

Sanu — nar'voh neruk klem t'nash-veh means Please, accept my humble gratitude.

Ek'klem na'odu means All gratitude to you.

Vulcan phrases and translations are from korsaya dot org slash 2011 slash 01 slash thanks slash (no www in the web address).

The Vulcan baby name and its meaning are from kirshara dot wordpress dot com slash tag slash vulcan-names slash (no www in the web address).

The transcripts of Voyager episodes located at www dot chakoteya dot net slash voyager slash episode_listing dot htm were very helpful as I wrote this story.

Memory-alpha is a jewel of a resource; all of the minor Starfleet characters listed in this story were background characters on the TV show.