Author has written 6 stories for Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Arrow. My stories push beyond Miracle Day into about four hundred years in the future. They are primarily with Captain Jack Harkness, the Doctor, and Jen, the Doctor's Daughter, plus new characters I create or adapt. I do go back and forward in time pulling in other characters from Doctor Who and Torchwood while I research and build off the series and books. As a result some are on the Doctor Who site and some are on the Torchwood site. All Doctor Who and Torchwood characters are of course copyrighted by the brilliant Russell T Davies, Steven Moffatt, and the BBC etc. I own nothing. I am just happy they let me play in their sandbox:) I try to research canon and stay within plausible parameters, but my stories are conceived in a possible Whovian future. I would love to see Captain Jack back on the screen. Other active BBC characters that are woven into my first four stories include: Rhys, Gwen, the Face of Boe, the Silence, the Beast, UNIT, other Time Agents, and now in the fifth, Gray and Ianto. Thank you for all those who give me reviews and advice because I do take it to heart. I try for a T rating, but when I edge towards an M, it is usually a mild M to stay within Fanfiction's code. Captain Jack Harkness is a major player on my stage. One story led to another so I decided to call the group of them The Captain Chronicles and number them so readers can see the sequence. They can be read separately. I worked on them as I had time away from my college classes. I am now working on documentary videography so have not updated. I will try to finish the last one when I have time. The early stories are a bit like scripts, emphasis on plot and character, but I'm learning more about the craft of writing as the story continues. Reviews and personal messages (PM) are welcome. Sometime I use reader suggestions to edit and repost chapters or develop the next chapter or next story. I do respond to comments. Thank you:) Disclaimer: I'm not making money with this fanfic and it was used to practice writing genres using established characters. The TV Shows and the characters appearing within it belong to their writers, producers, and creators. Any similarities to living or dead persons are purely coincidental and not intended. |
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