A/N - Just a tease for what's to come. This takes place a few weeks after the events of my last fic posted here- 'Bad Seed'. However, there is no need to have read that fic first.

Chapter 1

The blue and white mug came crashing down on Jack's desk, the contents slopping close to the rim, threatening to spill over onto the paperwork he was barely focused on. There were still the remains of dried coffee stains on the outside of the mug from the last time it had been used, indicating that it hadn't been washed before being refilled. That was always a bad sign.

The fact that Ianto was about to leave the office without a word was the breaking point. They'd not spoken a word to one another all morning and Jack knew it was his fault and there was no way of avoiding the apology he knew he owed Ianto.

"Hold up – please?"

Jack had to stand up and grab hold of Ianto by the elbow to stop him in his tracks.

"Was there something else you needed? Sir?" The lack of any innuendo, or any warmth at all for that matter, further convinced Jack that he'd left this far too long.

"What I need is for you to accept my apology," Jack sounded desperate. "I said I was sorry. What more do you want?"

"I would really like it if you stopped treating me like an emotional punch bag whenever you feel like venting your frustration." Ianto glared at Jack. He didn't raise his voice, but carried on when it looked as if Jack was about to interrupt. "What I want is not to be at the receiving end whenever something doesn't go to plan, or, heaven forbid, Gwen challenges your authority. When you can promise me that, that's when I'll accept your apology."

Jack flinched away from bitterness in Ianto's quietly spoken demand. He knew he'd gone too far the previous evening – he'd tried to apologise but Ianto had just got dressed and left the Hub, without a word.

"How about I take you out for lunch today?" Jack pleaded, his eyes begging for forgiveness. "I'll get the others to cover for us. Somewhere quiet, wherever you want. Cost is no object. Please?"

"Look, Jack, you can't always buy forgiveness you know," Ianto sighed wearily, having lived through enough Jack Harkness apologies to recognise the standard pattern. "It was a tough day for all of us yesterday – not just you."

"I know … it's just …" Jack closed his eyes and consciously stopped himself from trying to make excuses for his unacceptable behaviour. "Please let me make this up to you?"

"It's going to take more than a fancy lunch," Ianto rolled his eyes. "But it's a start. A good start."

"Thank you," Jack clapped a hand to Ianto's shoulder in gratitude. "Tell you what - I'll get Gwen to collect the lunch order for her and Tosh, save you the trouble."

"Thanks, Jack. Now, if that's all, I'll head back upstairs – meet you there later. What time?"

"One thirty?"

"That's fine, gives me time to get some work done first."

"I'll see you later then." Jack allowed himself a relieved smile, working hard not to let it broaden too much. Despite his temptation to seize Ianto and give him a 'thank you – I promise I'll make it up to you' kiss, he didn't want to piss off Ianto any more than he already had done. He'd exercise patience and let Ianto dictate the pace of their making up. In the past it had always proved the best choice, in so many ways.

Gwen used her foot to shove open the door to the Tourist Office, whilst carefully balancing a cardboard tray containing two tall cups of coffee and two packets of sandwiches that she'd picked up for herself and Tosh. Jack had made it clear that he didn't want them to bother Ianto at all – not for food and definitely not for coffee.

"You OK there?" Ianto looked up from his computer screen.

"Yep – got it." Gwen shouldered the door shut behind her and then placed her tray on the counter top, scattering a few bus timetables and leaflets advertising the attractions of Cardiff Castle. "Right then, spill. What the hell has he done?"

"Who?" Ianto tilted his head to one side and tried to appear perplexed.

"Don't play coy with me, Ianto Jones. You know who I'm talking about, Jack-bloody-Harkness."

Gwen put her hands down on either side of Ianto's keyboard and leaned in close.

"What has he done this time? Or not done?"

"Why do you think he's done something?" Ianto asked insouciantly, concentrating hard on looking Gwen in the eye and not in the cleavage which was looming closer by the second, the edge of her lacy bra peeking out to tease him. He'd seen her do this to Jack, on more than one occasion, and he could now appreciate how effective a strategy it could be – he wondered if she'd utilised it when she worked for the police.

"He announced that he was taking you out to lunch and that nothing short of an imminent invasion would count as a big enough emergency for us to dare disturb the pair of you." Gwen spoke slowly, pausing for effect on the words 'invasion' and 'emergency'. "So, like I said, what the hell did he do?"

"None of your business, Gwen."

Ianto was tight-lipped. He knew how much Gwen loved to gossip and there was no way he was giving her details about what went on between him and Jack behind closed doors. Their sex life may not be the best kept secret, partly because Jack had little concept of proprietary when it came to seduction in the workplace, but the dynamics of their relationship were much more safely guarded.

"Shit – that's exactly what he said." Gwen backed off, looking more than a little peeved.

"Let me get the door for you." Ianto smiled as he pressed the red button that released the catch to the hidden access to the corridor that led to the lift. He was pleased that Jack had drawn the same line for Gwen that he had. Perhaps there was a way they could work out their current problems after all.

As soon as Gwen disappeared from view, Ianto picked up the phone to inform Jack that he was ready for lunch and had taken the liberty of booking a table at one of the more expensive restaurants in the area. Settling the receiver back into its cradle, he logged off from his work station, shut it down and then stepped through the beaded curtain to collect his overcoat.

Gwen had hesitated on her way to the lift, wondering if it was worth going back out to buy one of Tosh's favourite Danish pastries. Where she often failed with the direct approach, Tosh often succeeded with subterfuge – it just took a little more effort to persuade her to pry into the affairs of their colleagues. However, she realised that the hot drinks would go cold if she went back out and Jack had emphasised the fact that no-one was to ask Ianto for coffee or go anywhere near the coffee machine.

Regretfully she turned back towards the lift and as she did so she was thrown off her feet by a sudden blast.

The shock wave had sent her flying, hot lattés drenched her blouse making her shriek in pain. Instinct kicked in quickly though and she rolled over and scrambled back onto her feet. She ran back along the short corridor towards the Tourist Office entrance, just in time to see the secondary shielding sliding rapidly into place, concealing the thick metal door that she could see was distorted and buckled in the centre.

"Ianto! Ianto!" she screamed, hammering at the metal barrier that sealed off the ground level entrance. She frantically pressed the red button, again and again, but was unable to reverse the automatic lock down.

Then a second explosion rocked the ground beneath her feet. It was far louder than the first, despite the thicker shielding in place. Although the blast doors kept the damage contained, the floor beneath her shook violently and she fell awkwardly to the ground once more.

Pressing her hands up against the metal wall, which was warm to the touch, Gwen was too shocked to respond to the voices yelling in her earpiece, demanding answers. A buzzing in her ears rendered their questions unintelligible as her vision became blurred. Her lower lip trembled as she tasted the saltiness of tears that trickled down her face. It was lunch time. This wasn't meant to happen. Not now. They weren't ready. She wasn't ready. Not for this. One sob, and then others in quick succession, escaped from her chest, bursting their way free.

There was no way Ianto could have survived that explosion.