Author has written 9 stories for Thor, and Once Upon a Time.
Hi everyone!
I'm CharmiaArkenstone!! I've been writing for a few years and it's one of my biggest passions and I don't think I could live without it. And I love to know what people think of my work but flames/non-constructive criticism is not welcome.
Currently thinking of opening writing commissions ~ fandoms I would write for would include OUAT, MCU (but centred around Thor, Loki and the OG Avengers), iZombie, Merlin, Harry Potter, Robin Hood BBC, Game of Thrones and True Blood (more may be added) so if you have a request get in touch now and we can work out details!
tumblr account: . Please follow/support me!
Link to commissioned artwork: head over to my tumblr account then either search for the 'art collection' tag or add it into the web address. Really hope you like them and please support the work/artists for their amazing efforts!
I am planning to pursue a real life career as a writer and base novels off of characters I've used in fanfiction, Sabre/Sabryna, and many ideas/characters that I've had for a long time may feature as original characters/ideas or be substituted into the fandom I'm writing in. So it will likely end up that in a few years I'll have to take the fanfictions down and delete this account. But these fanfictions have given me a great chance to experiment and play out different ideas and plotlines and get to know my characters and I've enjoyed it so much!
Stories currently in progress - Sabre and One Night too Late
Also I'd be very happy to do an OUAT RP with someone (or many someones) I'm looking for a Pan particularly to RP with if that sounds fun for anyone :)
My advice for fellow writers:
- First, and foremost, read, read and read some more! Explore genres and authors, find what you like and why you like it. Find what's popular/successful and why (is it good writing/plot that inspires and engages its readers...or is it a sorry testimony to the many flaws of western culture and society *cough* Twilight *cough* 50 Shades of Grey *hacks up bile*). Other authors can inspire you wonderfully and expand your grammar, vocab and writing styles etc.
- Show, don't tell...but you can tell us sometimes. Seriously, don't sweat it. You can tell us some stuff. Just be sure to show plenty of other stuff.
- Take care with your titles and summaries. In the title, use capital letters consistently. It can seem a bit lazy if you only capitalise the first word and then leave everything else lower case (Compare 'Seven Nation Army' to 'Seven nation army' - the first one looks more professional and eye-catching). One thing that always gets an eye roll is seeing the phrase 'I suck at summaries' cos chances are that also means the person sucks at writing too. If someone can't write a cohesive summary then there aren't particularly high hopes of a gripping story.
- Find the right balance between dialogue and description. I've read so many fics where it's 90% dialogue and it's pretty draining. While the reader has got to put in some imagination, they do need something to work with and good descriptive writing is really what whisks them away on their adventure!
- Vary your sentence structure/grammar. It keeps the prose from being too repetitive and keep the reader on their toes, also adding nice flow and demonstrating your abilities.
- Don't be afraid to branch out with your vocab!
- I've seen people give the advice to always keep it simple, use the most basic words etc. and I completely disagree. This isn't to say you should use five flowery adjectives one after the other to describe something, or search the thesaurus to find the most outlandish word every time you want to slip in an adjective. However I do think writers should use a variety and not go for the simplest choice every time - simple, short, sharp sentences (either dialogue or narrative) can really hit the spot and have great effect but don't be afraid to use longer, complicated phrases/wording in your writing. There have been many cases when I've been writing and put down a simple word that hasn't quite hit the nail on the head for what I've wanted to express so I've looked through a thesaurus and found the alternative word that was on the tip of my tongue. I'm definitely not ashamed to use a more advanced vocabulary (one, because it's nothing to be ashamed of) because it's what comes naturally and I'm not trying to target readers whose intellectual capacity cap entirely at Love Island and TOWIE xD. There are so many beautiful, expressive words in the English language - use them! This is my pet peeve...in case you didn't know...:P
- Know your characters! And not just their physical description, know who they are. Know them like you'd know your best friend or yourself. And give the reader time to get to know your characters too, especially your protagonist.
- Avoid tireless fanfiction cliches. Avoid them, pour petrol on them, and burn them.
- If you take writing seriously and/or want to become an author, understand what will and won't work in an original novel and the stuff you can get away with in fanfiction. It is a great springboard to practice writing and experiment but there are slightly different rules when writing original fiction, so do keep that in mind when making the transition.
- And, guess what? READ!
- I am on the lookout for people who would be willing to make artwork/videos/a trailer for my stories so if you know any artists/YouTubers who might be able to help then please make yourselves known (I don't bite!) or put us in touch.
I have so many ideas I'd love make into a visual representation but sadly I have no experience in the field and am kept busy with the writing (among many other things!)
So please reach out!
Songs for characters/pairings/stories... Suggestions and opinions are always welcome! In my opinion they're all really great songs in general so I'd definitely recommend listening to them!
Normal = possible Bold = current/final
Sabre (Pan/Sabre)
- The Pupeteer by Elvellon
- Covet by Anaria (Pan/Sabre)
- Counting Bodies like Sheep (to the rhythm of the war drums) by A Perfect Circle (Pan/The Lost Boys)
- Mercy by Hurts (Sabre/Pan)
- Torn in Two by Breaking Benjamin (Sabre)
Delirium (Pan/Sabre)
- No One Will Save you by Aviators
One Night Too Late (Peter/Sabryna)
- SOS (Anything but love) by Apocalyptica feat. Christina Scabbia (Sabryna/Peter)
- Erase Me by Elysion (Sabryna)
- My Secret Friend by IAMX feat. Imogen Heap (Sabryna/Pan)
I've decided that I cannot find a single song for Thor/Harmony so I've decided to have a selection of songs for them:
- A Dangerous Mind by Within Temptation (Thor/Harmony - The Prince's Slave)
- New Way to Bleed by Evanescence (Harmony - The Prince's Slave)
- Chasing the Dragon by Epica (Thor/Harmony - the Prince's Slave)
Again, suggestions are always welcome...I could really use some!