The blonde-haired boy ran as fast as he could through the trees; the sounds of the Lost Boys followed him. Their bellows and shouts seemed to almost make the floor vibrate as they created as much noise as possible in their pursuit. A sharp cry left his lips as he narrowly avoided being hit in the shoulder by a spear. Heckles began behind him as the boys teased one of their own for missing the shot whilst they ran after him like dogs after a bone.
The prey did not hear or see the movement up above him. He did not catch the sight of the flash of red curls as a girl swung herself from tree to tree and jumped from branch to branch. The only sign of her presence was the rustle of leaves and twigs as she kept up with the boy. She seemed to move as though her body was made of water; her actions fluid and precise. The girl did not seem too bothered about catching the little lamb, much rather enjoying herself as she flew like a bird within the trees, until a whistle broke through the forest. That was the signal.
A small gasp left the boys' mouth as he stumbled forwards and landed on his hands and knees. The sudden appearance of a figure, which seemed to drop from the sky, appearing in front of him had spooked him and broke his concentration. His foot had become hooked on a root causing him to tumble to the ground. The girl rose from her crouched position with a blank look on her face. The blonde hesitantly looked upwards and his eyes widened as he took in the sight of the girl. Her hair was tied back by a piece of leather; the right side of hair was braided tightly. Dirt smeared across her face and small cuts had formed from where she had been jumping through the trees. Her quiver and bow were over her shoulder so that she could quickly access her weapon should the occasion warrant it. Little Samson gulped as her heavy boots made their way over to him and stopped just in front of form.
"Found you, little one." Her feminine voice brought the boy a false sense of security as her tone reminded him of what his mother would use when she wished to comfort him. Polly looked ahead of her and smiled as her Alpha came into view. He had hung back and floated above the Lost Boys; he had left her to seize the moment and do as she wished. She had not disappointed.
"Well done, Omega." She bowed her head submissively and walked into the crowd of Lost Boys as Pan made his way towards the cowering child on the floor. Polly kept her place next to Felix. Her position within the group was an odd one. As an Omega she would never be a leader or Pan's second-in-command, something that Felix was happy about as he enjoyed being his only friend's right-hand man, but she was also a step ahead of the rest of the boys. She supposed that she was more of a mother to the boys than anything. There had been countless times when one of the smaller ones had come to her and began to cry for their mother and so she had just stepped into the role. Quite frankly Polly was pleased. At least she knew that she now held more importance than she had when Pan had kept her locked away in his treehouse.
Polly watched carefully as Pan motioned for a few of the boys to tie Samson up. She never took part in harming one of the boys but she did not stop it either. The Omega supposed that that would probably make her crueller than even Pan himself. She would comfort the boys when they needed it, but she would also leave them to suffer should her Alpha wish it. A double-edged sword, would be an apt description.
"Ah, Sammy, you disappoint me, my boy! I thought you would have done much better than that!" He looked at his only Lost Girl and felt pride rise in his chest; she had truly taken their separation and used it how he had wished. She only looked at him now. All thoughts of Baelfire had disappeared. In fact, he had been happy to note that when he asked her about him she had given him a confused expression. The darkness of the island and its magic had finally infected her. Her memories were locked away and her mind only focused upon her Alpha. She had excelled in her lessons and had shown great ability to climb through the trees undetected. All in all, life had never been better for Pan. "Let's go." With a motion of his hand Polly raced forward and linked her fingers with his. They led the pack towards the beach where the game was about to start its last phase. It was time for Samson to show his worth.
Polly showed the younger boy a little mercy and took him from the hard clutches of the boys that pushed him forward. She gently rubbed the areas that they had carelessly grabbed and led him towards the water. Her look told him to try not to panic. He needed to think clearly in order to win this game and earn a place on Neverland.
"The rules are simple, Samson." Pan stepped forward and pointed to the water in front that housed deadly mermaids. "You will be given a blade… this blade…" He placed the knife in the boy's hand and smirked as he carried on speaking. "The mermaids are not your problem, we're here to take care of them, but the ocean is. You will be taken out into the water until your feet can no longer touch the bottom. You must free yourself from the bindings that trap your feet and wrists and then make your way back to shore. Should you show that you have what it takes to survive and fight for your life then you will become a Lost Boy!" He shouted the last couple of words and the boys around him chanted and cheered. Pan nodded his head and stood by his Omega's side as two of the lads helped to get Samson into the sea until he began to frantically move his body about. The pair moved away and quickly brought their feet back to land as they realised that the mermaids had caught sight of Samson. Polly was ready with her bow when one of the fish came too close to the nine year old; her heart pounded in her chest as she noticed that the blonde was still thrashing in the water rather than calming himself and trying to cut away the bonds around his feet. He would drown if he didn't figure out how to free himself soon.
"Come on, Samson…" She muttered under her breath. Just because she did not go against her Alpha that often anymore didn't mean that she wanted to witness another short life end because of his sadistic tendencies.
"Boys! It's time to start fishing!" Apparently Pan was satisfied with the amount of fins that he could see and had deemed it time for the group to participate in one of their regular tasks. He used to be all about killing them to get rid of their presence completely, but his new rule was to just maim them. Catch a fin with their spears and arrows to cause pain and not to kill. No, he liked the thought of the mermaids suffering rather than receiving a swift end. "Polly. With me." She remained gazing at the boy in the water who was being sloshed about because of the violence surrounding him as she hooked her bow back over her shoulder.
"Hurry up, boy." The Omega whispered as she moved back over to her Alpha. He took her hand and led her back into the forest. He had a fast pace but with her new training she found it easy to keep up.
"You feel sorry for him." It was not a question. It was a statement. Pan knew well enough that she did not enjoy witnessing his harsh treatment of the Lost Boys. On more than one occasion she had overstepped the mark and had received a just punishment because of it. Now she looked solemnly after the lad that was being tested and kept her mouth shut in front of Pan. She did not want a repeat of the time she spent in that horrid cage. He had placed her in the damn thing and let her dangle off the ledge of the treehouse for seven nights.
"You know that I do."
"You should not. We need strong boys to help us defend the island should there ever be a time when we must fight."
"I understand that, but why would they show loyalty to someone that hurts them?"
"Fear. You remember what it's like to feel so much fright that you obey my every rule, don't you?"
"Yes, Alpha." Ah, he hadn't heard that little phrase in a while. A small smirk made its way onto his face as he felt that familiar warmth rush through his veins at her outward show of submission.
"Then you will understand why I do what I do to ensure that the boys feel the same way. The Lost Boys have it good here; they get to play and never grow old. All I ask in return is for them to bow to my leadership."
"Where are you taking me?" Polly decided to change the subject as she found him dragging her to a higher part of the island that overlooked the sea. The trees stopped a few feet back from the edge and gave a beautiful view of the ocean that crashed against the side of the chunk of earth.
"The shadow has some news for us." Was all he replied with as he settled back against a tree and looked out to the distance. The stars still twinkled but he noticed that some were a little dimmer than when he and Polly had truly connected a few months ago.
It seemed to be the only answer he would supply and so Polly flopped to the floor and looked up at the dark canopy above her; she counted the bright dots that lit up the sky and sighed. She too had noticed that some of them appeared to be less alive than they had been before. Polly didn't think it was that much to worry about right now, but how long would this peace last? Their bond could only supply enough power for so long, right?
The Shadow silently appeared causing Pan to leave his place against the tree and walk forward. He stretched his arms out as he waited for the Shadow to speak. "Well? What is so important?" He never was too polite to the Shadow, Polly mused.
"The power of the island was renewed due to the Alpha/Omega bond, but that can only go so far. You realised that the heart of the truest believe would be your key to immortality. That heart has been born."
"What?" Pan was in shock. His brows raised high as he looked at the black mass in disbelief.
"A boy has your heart, Peter Pan. A boy that needs to grow before the heart can be harvested. In due time you shall be able to collect your key to everlasting youth." The Shadow left as swiftly as it arrived leaving the Alpha and his Omega in a state of shock. Polly remained silent as she watched Pan carefully. Was he happy? She could not tell.
"Can you believe it, Polly? Everything that I have been working towards is slowly coming together."
"It would seem that luck is on your side, Alpha."
"Indeed." The familiar look of want and hunger appeared on his face as he looked at the redhead that stood beside him. "Everything shall soon be as it should." He pushed her back until she stumbled against a tree and quickly waved his hand to make her boots and trousers disappear. Polly's legs immediately wrapped around his waist as he lifted her up and pressed her against the rough bark. She bit her lip as he purposefully rubbed the cool metal of his belt buckle against her warm core. "Do you want me, Omega?"
"Yes, Alpha." Those two little words were enough as he quickly undid his belt and pulled down his trousers. He swiftly filled his Omega and rested his forehead against hers so that he could look directly into her bright eyes.
"I am going to win.
"We are going to stand tall at the end of all of this.
"Nothing shall stand in my way."
Peter Pan never fails.
'He was always cursed, could never be forgiven.
Don't know what it's worth, to fight or try to save him?
Gotta give it up 'cause I'm losing life.
I found out love from him don't feel right.
Kinda felt like thunder, Kinda felt like rain.
Kinda felt like him and the storm was the same.
I ain't ever been the same since...
And all the pretty little things that held,
Us together now are falling down.
Turned to wicked little things that can't,
Seem to find the beauty in the bad.'
-Pretty Wicked Things by Dawn Richards-
AN: Hello!
As promised here is the final chapter of Alpha! I wanted to allow for you to see the changes in Polly before we finished as I felt like her character has undergone a lot of development in the last few chapters; I really wanted her character to morph into something that would survive her time on the island whilst not breaking away from her Omega nature too much. I hope you find her growth believable!
I also wrote this epilogue with an ending that would leave the story open for a potential part two! I am still deciding on whether I wish to do a second part but if I do then expect it to be closer to summer. If I do upload something then I will make sure to do a chapter update on here so you don't miss out!
Would anyone be interested in Alpha: Part Two?
I just want to give thanks to anyone that has reviewed/favourited/followed this story! We did go through a bit of a hiatus as I finished up Uni, but it couldn't be helped. It means so much to me to know that so many of you wanted to see this story continue and I loved seeing the numbers steadily grow through each update. Your support was really what fuelled me to finish this fanfiction!
I don't want to ramble too much - let's face it, my 'notes' are always kinda long and not really notes at all haha - so I really hope you like this update and please leave a review if you have! Even if you haven't liked this story so much, perhaps I went in a direction that you did not enjoy too much, please leave me a little bit of feedback. This has been a great journey for me to learn how to better my writing and make something that was entertaining to read!
As I have said, I will make sure to do a further update if I decide to make Alpha: Part Two in the future. I would not want any of you to miss out on the continuation of Polly's story through OUAT Season 3!
Have a lovely day and cyberhugs to anyone that wants one,
Mikki xx