![]() Author has written 2 stories for Fairy Tail, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. Real Name: N/A Nickname: Jamie, Jamjam, loca, J, etc., etc. Gender: Female Birthday: 05-13-XX Age: 23 Fav. Anime/Manga: Naruto, Fairy Tail, Code:breaker, Elemental Gelade, Vampire Knight, Beelzebub, Liar Game, .HACK, Trace, Trace 1.5, Mirai Nikki, Cage of Eden, Corpse Party, JUDGE, Rabbit Doubt, RWBY, Noragami, Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Ghoul:re, Fate/ Franchise, My Hero Academia, Saga, Black Clover, Shokugeki no Soma, Attack on Titan and Real PG. Fav. Games: Kingdom Hearts (all of them), FFXIII, FFXIII-2, Lightning Returns: FFXIII, FFX, FFX-2, FFVII, FFXV, DMC 3, .HACK, Naruto games, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, AC II, AC:Brotherhood, AC:Revelations, ACIII, ACIV, AC:Unity, AC:Syndicate, Watch Dogs, Uncharted series, Horizon: Zero Dawn, inFAMOUS, FNAF, Cyberpunk 2077 and Mario games. Fav. Movies: .HACK//The Movie, Orphan, Aliens/Predators, Ponyo and Star wars. Fav. Music: Anything except country. o.o (Currently, my favorite is Ruelle) About Me: I don't know... Just talk to me and find out for yourself. :) What's new: I am currently working on chapter two and the teacher submissions. For now, I'll write the additional information of what role the teachers play here. Later I'll post the OC form. ACCEPTED CODE ACADEMY: SPADE CHARACTERS: 1. Selene Branwen: Vampirism, Empress. ((Lightningpanda)) 2. Adrian Adachi: Diamond, Prism. ((PeachSkies)) 3. Elijah du Mertain: Ionic Vision, Ally. ((Arkterea)) 4. Ekta Nagnath: Static Cling, Static. ((JackHammerMan)) 5. Mallory Vermillion: Bad Luck Charm, Fifth Clover. ((Derekjay2000)) 6. Kakeru Masazane: Asphyxia, Choker. ((sheepthrills)) 7. Miles Lawrence: Gravity Shift, Libra. ((Piece of Sheet)) 8. Jacqueline Johnson: Shroud, Misty. ((Chesire Neko-chama)) 9. Reese Bellerose: Jackalope, O'Hare. ((ShadedLyht)) 10. Cedric Price: Lunch Breath, Voracity. ((Flaming Fate Zero)) 11. Charlie Peace: Steal, Rogue. ((seasel)) 12. Lucy Chambers: Finger Guns, Bandit. ((sp1r1t)) BUTTERFLY PROGRAM ON TEACHERS ((in case you don't understand me, class means as when the class will graduate. main cast are currently in freshmen year. so, in the year 2152 they will graduate. story starts in the year 2148)) HOMEROOM (HR) TEACHERS have the most important role out of the others. They are to act as mentors to their selected class for all four years. Their job is to observe, guide, teach, and evaluate students that are strong enough to carry the task of their choice upon graduation. They are also the only ones with power to expel a student by either unable to meet the requirements or disorderly conduct. To expel a student, the HR must have a plausible arguement with evidence backing up their claim. HR teachers do not threaten. They warn the students. And it's up to them to take it seriously. Now their job does not necessarily end there. Sometimes they do teach other subjects for other class graduates. For example, professor Larman may be the HR for class 2151, but is also a PE professor for the Butterfly program. Those that do not choose to teach another subject and stay as HR, have loads of free time since they only teach zero period. To make up the free time, most choose to do a desk job by writing and evaluating paperwork for the school. Seeing as they can't leave school grounds until the semester is over. Another perk(s) that HR are capable of having is total power of their class: making up their own rules, assignments, activities, and discipline. In other words, they can make students - whether they like it or not - to complete tasks that are considered ridiculous or hardcore. Using professor Larman as an example again, if a student fails to give 30 pushups after failing to answer the correct response to a question, the HR professor can up the numbers or deliver punishment for failing to comply. HR professors are not meant to be friends with the class. They are meant to prepare the students for a specific cause and make sure they have the ability to overcome said cause. NORMAL TEACHERS are professors that are basically your "average" professors teaching students on their field of expertise. However, these professors ONLY TEACH the Butterfly program and have knowledge on WHAT IS the Butterfly program and WHY it needs to be done. However, they only know of What and Why. Not of How, Where, Which, and Who. Most of the information regarding the Butterfly program is being kept closely shut and away from them. Same thing with HR professors - except professor Diamant. These professors must abide to the rules of the academy and can monitor the students' behavior, conduct, and academics by reporting through paperwork with Dr. Roux. Fair warning however: there aren't many teachers in this department because no one wants to teach for this program. Especially to a couple of extras that failed the Wolf program entries. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS are professors already teaching the Wolf, Owl, or Hawk program. Because the Butterfly program are short staffed, they are meant to fill the Butterfly students on other academical subjects. These professors are very biased and dislike the Butterfly students. They will treat them horribly and have a field day in removing points for fun. To make matters worse, the students of other programs slowly develop this type of mindset towards the Butterfly program thanks to the teaching and guidance of these professors. [Extra Information] *Teachers don't need to be pro Heroes to teach the Butterfly program. Mr. Diamant is an ex-hero and ex-soldier. *Each program has their own psychological doctor... Or counselor for this case. CURRENT PROFESSORS I HAVE: *KEITH LARMAN, Mr. General -- HR of 2151 & PE teacher. (ArchArcher) *ANDRO DIAMANT, Mars -- HR of 2152. (Lightningpanda) AVAILABLE CLASS: *2149 (Seniors) *2150 (Juniors) TEACHER OC FORM: ((pending)) FUTURE STORIES: Title: Dissidia: A Hobbit's Tale Crossover: Dissidia: Final Fantasy x Hobbit Genre: Adventure, Humor, Action, and Fantasy. Rating: T Main Characters: Bilbo, Gandalf, the dwarves, Lightning, Yuna, Tifa, Vaan, Laguna, and Kain. Summary: What happens when our six warriors that sacrificed themselves for their companions wake up in Middle Earth? A new journey will begin and a fight for returning to their worlds and giving back what the dwarves once had shall commence in this epic tale. Title: Hope's Adventures in Hogwarts FFXIII x Harry Potter Genre: Humor, Supernatural, Fantasy & Adventure Rating: K or T Main Characters: Hope E., Lightning F., Snow V., Fang O.Y., & Alyssa. Summary: Hope is somehow the boy-who-lived. Snow is still an idiot. Lightning is a Slytherin. Alyssa is still trying to molest him. And Caius happens to be the so-called Dark Lord. "Fuck me!" Because Bhunivelze thought this was the perfect revenge. *Title: inFAMOUS: The Savior inFAMOUS Genre: Drama, Friendship/Family, Action, & Romance Rating: T (to be safe) Main Characters: OCs Summary: [EVIL ENDING] Delsin has now an empire with many conduits at his side and many powers at his disposal. Those that managed to escape are in hiding as they have no hope in defeating him. Until Evie discovers she's a conduit that can nullify other conduit powers. And her story begins as the Savior. Title: Wonders of Ilvermorny: Lullaby Fairy Tail x Harry Potter Genre: School-Life, Humor, Adventure & Fantasy Rating: K Main Characters: OCs. Summary: Hogwarts is known for housing powerful purebloods with widely known legendary figures throughout history. While Ilvermorny is known to house abnormal magic that is neither witch or wizard. They're called mages. Title: Layla Draven and The Shield of Fire Assassin's Creed x Harry Potter Genre: Humor, Adventure, Supernatural, Fantasy and Mystery. Rating: T Characters: OCs Summary: Layla Draven is a half-blood born into an Assassin family. She received her Ilvermorny letter in the form of a ugly midget with pointy ears and nose. That's all for now. :) |