Disclaimer; all characters and copyright belong to SM.
A/N-thank you for the kind reviews!
Part Ten-Quil VI
Bella was panicking. If Jacob had punched Edward he would have split his knuckles or even broken his hand. She pushed through the crowd, fighting her way toward him, close to tears. "Jake!" She cried. "Jake! Are you okay?"
Jacob heard her calling him. He was surrounded by a swarm of girls trying to get his attention, but his was solely focused on Bella. For once he was thankful for his height. It meant it could see head and shoulders above everyone else. He saw Bella struggling to get to him and he pushed the moving bodies aside so he could reach her.
"Hey, I'm here. I'm here." He caught hold of her around the waist and whisked her away from the throng and into a quiet corner. He was stunned to see she was crying and immediately got upset himself. "What's wrong? Bells, talk to me, honey."
But Bella was too busy examining him. She captured his hands in hers, turning them this way and that, checking for any sign of injuries. But he didn't even seem to have suffered so much as a bloody knuckle. Her mouth formed a perfect O as she looked up at him in wonder. "You didn't hurt yourself at all." She was confused, Edward's stone jaw should have easily broken every bone in his hand.
"Cullen has a glass jaw." Jacob boasted. He had no idea of the thoughts going around and around in Bella's head. He kept the fact that Edward Cullen had fallen on his ass without any help from him to himself. He still didn't know about Old Quil's involvement. "I did it for you, Bells."
"For me?" Bella stared at him for a long moment before suddenly bursting into floods of tears.
"What did I do?" Jacob pleaded. Was she upset that he had beaten her boyfriend to a pulp? Well a pulp was a slight exaggeration, but close enough. "Talk to me, Bella. Tell me how I can fix this?"
"You" Bella wailed as she lost the ability to speak.
"I did it for you, Bells." Jacob implored. "It was all for you." He stepped forward and cupped her tearstained face in his hands. "I wasn't gonna come at first, but then my dad gave me thirty dollars for a car part, which I've been after for practically forever by the way, and he suggested I pluck up the courage to come and take you out. I didn't think you would want to see me. I mean you've always been pretty wrapped up with your boyfriend, who is a complete sleaze by the way, jus' sayin'"
"Jake..." Bella said hoarsely.
"No, let me get this out." Jacob stopped her. "Please." He breathed a sigh of relief when Bella fell silent. "I've liked you for ages, Bells. No, scrap that. I've loved you forever. I mean I can't help it." He babbled. "You're beautiful, kind, amazing, clever and a kick ass cook. You are just damn perfect, honey. I wanted so badly to spend my thirty dollars on you. I mean you are worth more than any car part that's for sure. Then Qembry turned up and everything went to hell. I'm sorry about that, but it doesn't change the fact that I've had an awesome time tonight, despite all the craziness, and that's all down to you, Bella. Just you."
It seemed he had finally ran out of steam. Bella gazed up at him from under her thick lashes, her breathing coming in short bursts. A thousand butterflies had taken flight in her stomach, and she felt suddenly nervous, but in a good way. Jacob Black had just essentially declared his love for her. He thought she was beautiful and clever. He had said to him she was just perfect. And best of all he adored her cooking. Edward was always complimenting her, but his eloquent words failed to live up to Jacob's honest, sincere, straight from the heart declaration of his feelings.
Bella smiled through her tears as she ran at him, flinging her arms around him and practically climbing up his body so she could kiss him. Of course, Jacob being a gentleman, helped her on her way. His fingers spanned her waist as he easily lifted her up so they were on the same level and eagerly pressed his lips onto hers.
And from the shadows Edward witnessed it all.
The prom was winding down now. Old Quil was in seventh heaven. He hadn't had this much fun in years. For a short while it had made him feel young again. Feeling in an exuberant mood, he sauntered outside looking for his grandson. He had an inkling that Quil junior may have slipped out into the night air so he could give his lovely young lady a discreet kiss on the cheek away from prying eyes. Well, that wasn't so bad. He had done the same to Mrs, Quil during their prom. But, still, he was the chaperone and he intended to carry out his duties to the full. He wasn't so old that he didn't remember what it was like to get carried away when you were in the arms of your sweetheart.
Old Quil pushed through the gym doors and breathed in the crisp night air. For once there was little cloud cover and the stars patterned the sky like thousands of twinkling diamonds. It was beautiful, just beautiful. He ambled forward looking for young Quil. He came across several other couples hidden in the shadows, enjoying some private time. The old man gleefully interrupted their shenanigans and sent them on their way with a disapproving stare followed by a lecture about decorum.
As he rounded the corner of the gym he heard giggling. He saw two shadowy figures huddled in the deepest shadows. Old Quil pursed his lips and rolled up his sleeves, ready to step in and stop this silly young couple from going further than they should, when he heard the girl whisper a very familiar name. "Oh, Quilly, you are a naughty boy."
And the girl's voice was most definitely not Bella's.
"Quil number five get out here right now." Old Quil bellowed loudly.
There was a mad scramble, followed by frantic whispering. Slowly, Quil junior emerged into the light, his face flushed with embarrassment and other things. Behind him trailed Jessica Stanley; her wild black curly hair a halo around her head.
Quil grinned sheepishly at his livid grandfather. "Pop, this is Bess. Bess meet my Pop."
Years later;
"And that is how your daddy met your mommy." Old Quil said with a flourish as he ended his tale.
"More, Paw Paw, more." His granddaughter clapped her hands in delight, her black curly hair framing her pretty face. She bounced up and down on his lap in excitement.
Old Quil smiled at her indulgently. "Maybe another time, Quil. It's nearly bedtime."
Young Quil's lower lip poked out and she gave her great grandfather the full benefit of her puppy dog eyes. There was no way he could resist that look. He chuckled as he resumed talking. The little girl looked up at him eagerly, her favourite thing to do was listen to the sound of her Paw Paw's voice as he embellished tales about the past.
Quil Ateara V and Jessica Stanley had been married for five years. When their first born child was born a girl, Jessica had insisted that she be named Quil, just like all the first born children of the Ateara clan. Quil had tried to point out to his feisty wife that tradition dictated that it was the first born son not the first born child, but Jessica had refused to listen. She put her foot down and demanded to know why the sex mattered. Their daughter was going to be named Quil and that was the end of it. Quil junior had expected his grandfather to back him up on this one, but to his surprise the old man didn't. Old Quil had fallen in love with his beautiful granddaughter and felt that the name Quil suited her down to the ground.
"Tell me about Jakey and Bells." Quil pleaded.
Old Quil recalled how upset he had been at the time when he found out that Bella was in fact Jacob's sweetheart and not Quil's. It took him a long time to get over his disappointment when it turned out Quil had attached himself to Jessica instead. But in the end it all worked out for the best. Jessica had proved herself worthy by gifting him with his wonderful granddaughter, that alone made up for any faults in her character. Maybe in the end Quil junior got the woman he deserved. Jessica was good at keeping his grandson in line. He needed a strong woman to keep him on the straight and narrow.
"Well Jakey and his Bells got married as soon as he was of legal age. They now have six children. And another on the way." Old Quil pursed his lips in disapproval. Jacob and Bella seemed to enjoy adding to their brood a little too much. They couldn't keep their hands off each other much to Billy and Charlie's dismay. Two sets of twins had been followed by another boy and then a girl. The sex of the newest arrival was still as yet unknown. Jacob was once again forced to add onto their house.
"And what about nasty, bad old Deadwood Bunion?" Quil asked in hushed tones. She had heard the story many times but loved hearing it again.
"Oh, he was vanquished and sent on his way, never to be heard from again." Old Quil said with a sly smile.
"And Angie and Embry?" Quil questioned.
"Well Embry and his new bride went travelling for a while before setting up home next to Jakey and his Bells. I'm sure they'll have a little one of their own very soon."
Little Quil beamed at the very idea of more children. She loved staying over at Jakey and Bells as she was spoilt for choice on who to play with. "I love you, Paw Paw." She declared, throwing her chubby arms around his neck. "You are my bestest fave."
Old Quil's eyes became moist as he hugged her close. "And you are my bestest fave, too. And I love you even more," He huffed under his breath. "What number are you?"
"SIX!" Quil yelled up at him.
"Alright, there's no need to shout." Old Quil said testily. "I'm not deaf you know."
The End.