"You would've thought that our days of running around taking care of last-minute emergencies were over," Andy mumbled quite out of breath as he headed down the hallway with Elsa by his side.
It was the day of their graduation, everything was set, seniors all wore their pristine blue gowns and caps, parents and family members had arrived and everyone was gathered in the main garden, where the ceremony would be held. Everyone except Andy and Elsa, who had to rush back inside after the headmaster's request.
Elsa laughed. "Old habits die hard."
"I seriously think that North did it on purpose."
The blonde girl arched her eyebrows in surprise. "Really?"
"Yeah." Andy snorted with contempt as they turned around the corner. "How in the world can they lose the list of graduates like that?" He shook his head. "Gotta be a joke."
"We should be thankful that it's a problem with a simple solution," Elsa said.
"I'll be thankful when I'm back in my seat with my friends, my diploma and there's nothing else that could go wrong today," Andy complained running his hands through his hair nervously.
She rolled her eyes. "Stop being dramatic, Andy."
"Oh, but I'm not being dramatic, Elsa." Andy let out a dry laugh. "My academic life so far is proof enough to show that shit tends to happen around us."
Elsa narrowed her eyes carefully looking at the boy beside her. "What are you saying?"
Andy shrugged. "That anything can happen."
She abruptly stopped and glared at him. "Andrew." She waited for him to stop and face her. "What did you do?"
"Nothing." Andy raised his hands to show he was innocent. He turned on his heels and resumed walking. "As far I know, there was nothing planned."
Still cautious, she went after him. "Then there's nothing to worry about—"
Andy let out a snort. "Yeah, let's not kid ourselves, Elsa." He turned around to mock at her, but the blonde had suddenly disappeared and he found himself alone in the hallway.
She struggled to get rid of the hand over her mouth, and the arm trapping her hands together constricted her movements. She was pulled against his chest and heard the husky whisper in her ear, "I'll let you go if you promise to keep quiet."
Elsa nodded eagerly and he slowly let go of her.
"Jack!" she hissed glaring at him.
The guy in question had his trademark smirk on as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in his direction. "Have I already told you that you look good in blue?" he asked in a low voice leaning closer to her.
She placed both hands on his shoulders to stop his advances. "Not today, you didn't," she replied casually.
"Well, you do." He locked eyes with her and smiled. He attempted to steal a quick peck from her, but she moved in the last moment, and he ended up with hair in his mouth. "You look beautiful," he mumbled inhaling the fresh scent of her shampoo. He tightened his embrace on her and found himself feeling more relaxed.
She rolled her eyes. "Can I ask what you think you're doing here?"
"I wanted to see you?" he suggested sheepishly.
She got rid of his arms and took one step back. "Nice try."
"I mean it," he argued folding his hands behind his neck. "I saw you sneaking inside with Andy and wondered if there were any problems."
She glared at him in a silent demand for him to confess his wrongdoings. Still weary from the conversation with Andy, she knew that there was no way in hell he was wandering around the empty building with no ulterior dark motive. "Nothing you have to worry about."
Jack flinched. "Harsh."
Elsa crossed her arms over her chest authoritarian. "You should go back. The ceremony will start soon."
Jack nodded, but made no efforts to go just yet. "Alright."
"Go," Elsa demanded narrowing her eyes.
"I'll just hit the bathroom first," he said gesturing to the direction of the male bathroom.
"Jack—" She tried to get him to go back to the garden, but he was already headed in the opposite direction.
"Relax, Your Highness. It's just across the hallway." He turned on his heels and kept walking backwards. "Good luck on your speech," he said giving her a two fingers salute.
She felt her palms sweating as her shaky fingers held the paper cards with her speech. Her eyes were intently focused on Headmaster North standing on the podium, but she had no idea what the man was saying. She should be paying attention, but she felt too nauseous to focus on anything. In a couple of minutes, she was supposed to walk up the stage to speak in front of all the people present. And it wasn't like it would be the first time she spoke in public—she had done plenty of that being in the Student Council, but it was the first time she spoke of something so personal and emotionally deep in front of others.
The approach she had chosen to her valedictorian speech involved opening up about her own experiences in the Academy. How she had met so many valuable people, and how the things she lived there shaped her as a person. How she changed a little bit every day and how grateful she was for being a student there… She had discussed her speech with Astrid and Andy beforehand, and they had given her their approval, but having to deliver it still made her anxious.
People around her started clapping, and she snapped out of her daydream. She looked up and she saw North smiling at her as he called her name. Show time.
She bit her lower lip as she rose to her feet. Taking steady, confident steps, she made her way slowly to the podium. She adjusted the microphone to her height and held her cards with both hands.
"Thank you, Headmaster North," she said lightly lowering her head in the direction of the old man. "It's an honor to stand here in front of all faculty members, family, friends and of course, fellow graduates—" She stopped when there was a loud electronic blaring noise that made people instinctively cover their ears. Elsa looked around trying to find the source of the noise, preoccupied that she had done something to the sound system.
"Over there!"Gru stood up from his seat in the middle of the teachers and pointed at the roof of the main building.
All eyes went to the direction the teacher had indicated, and Elsa hissed on the microphone. The noise echoed to the rest of the audience and she pulled back alarmed. She cursed inside her head as she glared at the person responsible for the commotion.
On the rooftop, proudly stood none other than the biggest pain in her entire life. Despite the distance, she knew he was smiling at her—that same smile he always had when he was making fun of her—as he brought the megaphone closer to his mouth.
"Sorry for interrupting, Your Highness." His voice was enhanced by the sound device, and the tone of amusement was clear in it. "But my graduation wouldn't be complete if I didn't mess up with your plans one last time."
Elsa shook her head and made sure to keep herself away from the microphone as she mumbled, "You have got to be kidding me…"
"Hi." Jack waved to the crowd. "My name is Jack Frost, and I'm one of the graduates today." He began to walk in a casual sway with one hand on his back. "Elsa's speech will be a tear-jerking masterpiece—that's a fact." He lowered his voice, as if he was sharing a secret, "I would know, because I read it while she wasn't looking."
"And since I didn't want my humble stunt to mess that up, I had to get everyone's attention now." He made a beckoning gesture with his free hand and four girls walked to his sides making themselves visible to the people on the ground.
Even in the distance, Merida's gravity-defying locks were unmistakable, and the ever-growing popularity of the Student Council female trio made them easy to recognize. Each girl went to a specific point by the edge of the rooftop and knelt waiting for Jack's signal.
"Senior class of 2016, it's been a great pleasure," Jack said solemnly. "I'm sure we'll meet again outside of these walls, but until then, be sure that your absence will be felt."
Jack snapped his fingers and as one, the girls pushed a long cloth banner off the rooftop. The banner unrolled itself covering the wall almost entirely, and the message written on it could be read. Multiple blocks of color composed the characters of the phrase 'Congratulations 2016 graduates!' boldly written in the extension of the fabric.
"Well done, my comrades," the silverhead said triumphantly. "You've left your mark."
After the ceremony ended, pictures were taken and tears were shed, she returned to the dorm with her roommates. They had decided that they wouldn't have a heartbreaking farewell. They would just say goodbye as if they were leaving for summer break and would be back to sharing a room when classes started again. They made small talk as they prepared to leave—nothing relevant and nothing related to their last day in the Academy. Violet still had some last-minute packing to do, as usual, but the other two girls were long done. So Astrid was the first to go.
And then, Elsa left.
When she reached the entrance of the dorm building, she decided she could take one quick walk around before meeting her family to go home. Pushing her suitcase around, she went to the refectory, visited her empty locker, passed by the library's doors, walked through corridors and silent classrooms… Every room, every corner, every detail on the walls sent a rush of memories to flood her brain. She remembered those very first days she spent in the school, the friends she made along the way, all the classes she had to endure, the fun, sadness and anger she felt while walking down those same hallways. Even the bad memories were precious in that moment…
Then, she stopped in front of the Student Council's room.
She wanted to go inside a room where she had spent so much time in, but it was locked. It saddened her that she wouldn't be able to take a final look at a space of great importance to her.
Elsa was about to leave when she heard footsteps. She saw her sister walking around the corner, the younger girl's eyes widening in slight surprise.
"Hey sis," Anna greeted with a smile.
"Hi, Anna."
"I thought you were supposed to be emptying your room," Anna said as she approached the platinum-blonde girl.
"Already done." Elsa tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Just wanted to take a look around, I guess."
"Want me to open that for you?" Anna asked gesturing with her head to the door Elsa was standing in front of.
"No, it's fine," Elsa declined gently.
Anna rolled her eyes. "Come here." She pulled a key and inserted it in the lock. "I was on my way to returning the keys to North." There was some clicking sounds and Anna slid the door open. "Might as well give the room one last check before doing so."
Anna went to the windows to make sure that everything was shut properly. She walked around the room checking the electric outlets to make sure that they hadn't forgotten anything on. Meanwhile, Elsa stood in the middle of the room looking around as if trying to memorize the furniture disposition, the arrangements on each desk, or even the bulletin board on the wall.
"Elsa?" Anna called gently.
"I'm sorry." Elsa shook her head to clear her mind. "I just feel a little melancholic."
"Hey, don't be like that." Anna walked to her sister and linked arms with her. "You can come back to visit anytime," she said guiding the older girl outside. "Doors will always be open. Well, metaphorically, at least."
"Thanks, Anna."
"Don't mention it." Anna waved it off as she locked the door. They headed down the hallway side by side. "So, I've talked to dad… And he said it was okay for us to throw a graduation party for you."
Elsa frowned. "A what now?"
"You know" Anna shrugged, "a little celebration back at home, with lots of food and games…" She turned to her sister and gave her a big excited smile. "We can call all our friends. Dad even said that we can have kind of a sleepover so it's safer than making everyone leave in the middle of the night… as long as we don't keep him up and don't destroy the house."
"When did you decide that with dad?"
Anna shrugged. "Couple of weeks ago. I emailed him, so he called me and we decided a few things on the phone."
Elsa rubbed her neck tiredly as she carefully chose her words. "Anna, it's very thoughtful of you, but where is that coming from? I don't remember ever hinting that I wanted any party of sorts."
"It's an excuse for you guys to meet again in the near future," Anna replied brightly. "So you don't have to be too sad for leaving the Academy—" She stopped with a frown. "Was I wrong? We can cancel. Forget I said anything. We can pretend we never talked about this—"
"No, you don't have to," Elsa interrupted her baby sister's rambling with a gentle smile. "I'd like to have a graduation party."
Anna's eyes filled with glee. "Really?"
Elsa nodded. "Really."
"Cool." Anna clapped excitedly. "Then leave it all to me. I'll talk to Merida and we'll take care of all the details!"
"Just try to keep it low-key," Elsa pleaded.
"I make no promises," Anna said mischievously. "I gotta return the keys to North so…"
"I'll meet you outside?" Elsa suggested.
"Okay!" With that, Anna left her sister to resume her tour around school.
"Watcha doing there?" Elsa jumped when she heard Jack's voice. She had been observing the graduation banner on the outside of the main building so intently that she didn't even notice him approaching.
She smiled as she saw Jack and Andy approaching. "Looking at your last piece more closely."
"Pretty neat, huh?" the silverhead said sheepishly as he stopped beside her and looked up at the enormous cloth hanging from the rooftop.
"How did you do that?" Andy asked curious. Looking closely, it was easy to see that the banner was in reality a bunch of small squares of fabric with different designs sewn together.
"I didn't do anything," Jack admitted. "It was all the Student Council girls. And your cousin," he said with a nod in the blonde's direction. "They ran around school gathering drawings. Every single student, teacher, employee did something on a piece of fabric. Then, Rapunzel and Merida rearranged things to form the letters and voila…"
"It's incredible," Elsa said looking up at the banner. "Almost make it okay for you to interrupt my speech," she mocked glaring at him.
Jack's lips turned into a smirk. "I'm really sorry about that."
She rolled her eyes. "No, you're not."
"That was a pretty great speech," he said putting an arm around her waist and kissing her hair.
"Thanks," Elsa mumbled shyly.
"There you are!"
The three of them turned their heads when they heard Violet's familiar voice to find the rest of their group of friends walking in their direction.
"Hey, guys!" Hiccup waved with one of his hand as he lead his girlfriend with the other.
"We were wondering if we would be able to gather before leaving," Hiro said.
"Good thing that we did," Wilbur admitted.
They stood in a loose circle looking at each other and struggling with what to say next. The reality of the situation made them all feel kind of weird, and they all seemed cautious not to trigger any intense emotions and risk the shedding of unwanted tears. At some point, though, one of them laughed, and it was enough to trigger a chain action. Soon enough, they were all smiling.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Jack started solemnly. He threw one arm around Andy's shoulders and the other around Elsa's. "It's been one hell of a ride."
"We had our highs and lows," Elsa admitted wrapping an arm around Hiccup's middle.
"And lowers," Hiccup added turning to look at his girlfriend.
"It's been fun," Astrid admitted as Violet hooked arms with her.
"And weird," Violet agreed. Wilbur put a hand on her waist.
"Kinda chaotic."
"Stupid at times." Hiro closed the circle by putting his arms around Wilbur and Andy.
Andy looked at the faces of each and every one of them before saying, "I'm gonna miss this."
Jack's lips turned upwards as multiple memories bombarded his mind. "Yeah…"
"This isn't the end, is it?"
It's not.
Actually, it is. The end, I mean.
Unintentionally, all scenes ended up revolving around Elsa, which I found quite adequate, since I consider her kinda the main character of this story.
Thanks everyone who read this story. I know it took a very long time for us get here, and it was quite a journey. All things considered, I had fun.