Author has written 19 stories for Blood+, and Inuyasha. About me: I'm happily married and I have a little girl... well, I was happily married... maybe not so much now. I can imagine what it was like for Hagi when he and Saya lived at the Zoo (MY DAUGHTER IS SO SPOILED) She still is. Only now she's a bit older. I love my family. I also work more than 40 hours a week, so be patient for my new chapters (my life is busy). I live in Texas, but I have traveled everywhere in the US and parts of Canada. I speak some Spanish and bits and pieces of other languages, but not enough to get by. Age: not telling Gender: female Real name: not telling that either Favorite color: Royal PURPLE and crimson Music: YES!! I don't really have a preference to genre- I listen to many different types of music. I love Sugarland, Linkin Park, This'l, Evanscense, Plumb, Metallica, Carrie Underwood, Toby Keith, Newsboys, Flyleaf, Mandesa, Selena, Sarah Brightman, Maria Callas, Andrea Bocelli, James Gallway, Kenny G, Fireflight... by now I hope you get the idea. But Pink Floyd will always be the best! *Sings* I-I-I have become comfortably numb. I also played the flute, piccolo, clarinet, saxophone, and oboe in high school and college. Birthday: October 14, 19?? (yep, not answering that either) My pen name: Esther- my favorite song (Kenny G) Clemmens- my favorite childhood writer (Samuel Clemmens better known as Mark Twain) What I like: By now, I'm certain, it's obvious that I LOVE Blood Plus. I'll read anything Blood, ANYTHING!!! I like action, fluff, comedy, tragedy, angst, lemons, limes,... whatever you throw at me. I do like all the characters (except Amshel), but Hagi and Saya are the greatest love story that needs to be finished. They deserve a much happier ending than the one they got. Beginning to also like other animes and mangas. Still reading so many different ones, but Inuyasha is a fun break to kill boredom... and watch them kill the spider! Current Works in progress: I have finished Life, Love, and Family!! I will miss it so much. I also like to play around with Natalie Dumas (another author here on FanFiction), playing around with Drabbles- another story that will get updates, too. Check it out if you like random ideas coming to life. Maybe you could challenge us to write one you'd like to see- maybe try to write one yourself. PM either of us and let us know what you'd like to see or join in and write one, too!! Transcending Time- This is an Inuyasha fic with the pairings of KagomexInuyasha and there will be a later pairing of ???xSesshomaru, but that won't happen for a while! ;) What If? This is another Blood Plus fic (my favorite anime) and I hope to finish it soon as I already have two others and Raison D'être is nearly finished, but Transcending Time is just beginning. For those that really love this one, I'm sorry for it being a short one. Perhaps with enough encouragement, I will continue it. Raison D'être (Reason for Being) summary below Just began working on this on Feb. 15. Chapter 1 is published, chapter 2 will be up the following week. I will do my best to update chapters once a week. Future stories: None right now, but here's the summary of one in progress! Hagi survives the Met and explosion and he comes back to find Saya is in hibernation. The Red Shield has nearly eliminated the old threat of chiropterans, but a new threat emerges- there is a new type of chiropteran. A mix of human and chevalier, they are weaker than the previous threat, but their blood can be used to create more chiropterans! Hagi's new job is to seek out and bring these women that Julia has named princesses back to the Red Shield before a rival company run by Van Argiano gets their hands on them. The time is drawing close for Saya to awaken and Hagi finds a new princess, but she feels so familiar. She has the strength of a chevalier, but she is female. When at last he corners her, he is shocked when he sees her face- it's like looking in a mirror. What will happen between he and Saya now- will she forgive him? How will they eliminate this new threat? THOSE THAT WERE FOLLOWING THE STORY Yêu"- this story was removed from my profile, even though it is clear that the story is co-written. The story is still going on Natalie Dumas' profile. Sorry. Also, for those that are enjoying it, we are terribly sorry for not updating in so long. We have both been having our own personal struggles and family issues. The story is on hiatus for the time being. Our sincerest apologies. Favorite quotes: "We're all toys, broken and misused and thrown away. We might as well play for a little while." -Drowning Ophelia by Eva Natsumi "I can assure you, the president has a big stick." -Joe Biden (Sorry couldn't resist! That had to be the funniest, craziest thing I've ever heard come from a politician's mouth) "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great people make you feel that you too, can become great." -Mark Twain "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." -Marianne Williamson |
AMGerm Rocks (6) chibijem (120) EtherealWave (3) EverLastingXLove (109) herpaderpproductions (15) | HolderOfMyHeart (5) Lullabyes (9) Lunasent (18) Sanada (2) | SemiPrecious (5) Sunflora200 (2) Teensie-sama (24) |