Reviews for Somnus Frater Mortis Est
zergling101010 chapter 1 . 3/28/2017
"Your hair Is uglier." LMAO OH MY GOD HAJI, that made me laugh so hard I swear XD
Damn, this is good! I didn't even realize that you're also the author of Unvollendete, which is also amazing! And I have plans to read another one of your fics, which I didn't realize was also written by you... (I should really pay more attention lol)
Now I know it'll be good though :P
aryastark chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
what an awesome fic. please write more stuff.
Kherianne chapter 5 . 2/22/2016
Lol.. So sweet my EYES got cavities. I love this fic to bits.
Kherianne chapter 2 . 2/22/2016
The first half of this chapter was so FLUFFY, I thought you had an obsession with SHEEP. Not that I DISLIKE fluff. In fact, I was delirious with happiness. It was a welcome respite from all the angst in your other fics.
Kherianne chapter 1 . 2/22/2016
I can't seem to stop reading your fics. The conversation between Kai and Haji is priceless!

The only fic I'm steering clear of (as far away as I can) is the SolomonxSayaxHaji one.
Nona chapter 3 . 12/22/2015
You have to be one of my all time favorite writers. Not just for fandom stuff but in general. Your prose is very unique. It would be heavy and purple on any other writer but the way you handle it... It WORKS. it also suits the characters and the stories which makes it even more awesome. I hope one day you do more fanfiction.
Hugabouv chapter 5 . 6/17/2014
Ha HA great ending... with a twist :)
scarlet1200 chapter 5 . 4/16/2014
I loved how you made this realistic she's not going to be all happy happy she is a war veteran you made us really see that but wish you'd write more!
TheLastRomantic chapter 5 . 1/11/2014
A few awkward sentences here and there, but the meat of the story was beautiful. I love what you did with the cat child and you write amazing fight scenes, many people really struggle I know I do. Also I love how you really develop the emotional epiphanies, the one where Saya in on the car crushed is incredible. And the incorporation of the quotes was seamless. I felt this last chapter was kinda too wordy? If that makes sense too drawn out for her emotions, but thats just how it felt to me. But that may just be style differences.
Love and thanks,
BLack-SHadowedLIght805 chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
What's the name of the lullaby?! I REALLY wanna find it! It sounds cool! !(_;)
luxartisan chapter 5 . 12/15/2012
Ok, so now I'm totally addicted to your writing. I bow to your immense talent. I hope you don't mind if I took mental notes so I can improve my own stuff. BTW...when are you going to be published? Or are you already? If not, get to it. I'll be checking out the rest of your cache tomorrow. Promise to let you know my take on your other stuff. I'm sure you've heard many accolades, but I know how delicious they are even a few years after the fact. Been there, done that. Would like to get there again in a new fandom. Be well. Angel
The Original Dirtyangel chapter 5 . 10/30/2012
So, I read this fic after watching the entire Blood series and feeling completely frustrated with the whole Saya/Haji situation. Thank you for writing this. It was exactly what I needed: Eloquent, erotic, and fulfilling.
Esther Clemmens chapter 5 . 5/19/2012
I LOVE this from beginning to end. The end had me laughing and laughing.
Esther Clemmens chapter 4 . 5/19/2012
You are truly truly gifted. I'm hanging on EVERY word!
Esther Clemmens chapter 1 . 5/19/2012
I have one word for this- BEAUTIFUL! I can feel the pain and confusion when you describe Saya. Just beautiful!
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