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![]() Author has written 22 stories for Dark Angel, Harry Potter, Naruto, Rise of the Guardians, and Frozen. Hi. I'm (Batty) Big Sister, but people call me BS (yes, really), Batty or Bats. I live in the UK and am in my twenties now, but I've been writing stories here on since I was about fifteen. You may notice that I was fifteen/sixteen when I wrote some of my older stories, I'm afraid, where I seem to have gotten a bit carried away and 'teenagey' (for lack of a better word) in my writing. (I would like, in case I inadvertently upset anyone, to make it clear that I have nothing against teenagers or 15 to 16 year olds per say. I just find that this particular age group is especially vulnerable to a disease I call 'fangirlism'. You know what I mean? Good.) Eventually I'll try to get round to cleaning them up and making them a tad more respectable, but until then you'll have to bear with me. I'll probably even update them - eventually. There's nothing much worthy of discussion otherwise, except possibly to mention that (other than writing) I love computer games and, yes, animals. The latter may be obvious in some of my more recent stories. =0$ I also have to admit that I am a bit - okay, a lot - on the arrogant, pretentious and patronizing side at times... or at least I come across that way quite often. It's a character flaw I'm well aware of, but - for various reasons - seem to be useless at correcting. It's a tendency with a habit of coming back to bite me in the arse when I least expect it and I know that occasionally - well... quite often - I come across that way when I'm reviewing as well, despite my best efforts. If you've had a review from me that you feel was out of order, then please let me take this opportunity to apologize. I really didn't mean to slight you or offend your feelings. Please try and just extract the constructive criticism from my comment and just ignore the rest, because that was honestly all I meant by it. If anything I was probably just trying to offer help that may assist you in becoming a better writer, because if I bothered to read, let alone review, your story then something about it must have impressed me. I'm also a real quality snob (another fault ;0( ) and I can't stand anything with poor quality writing/structural plot weaknesses etc. Chances are a poor effort would just have me clicking off it again really quickly, so at least be assured that I must have liked something, if that helps. Another annoying habit of mine that I've got into can be seen in some of my more recent stories. I tend to post in 'Chapter segments' rather than full Chapters. It was a habit I got into when I was writing (on Three Cheers as a matter of fact) as a form of procrastination between exams, but as my chapters are usually at least 3 000 to 5 000 words in length having smaller segments is much easier for you to read... and for me to upload actually. You can check out my website at http:// for pictures or more information about me or my stories. See below for more information on my current stories here on : Naruto - Gaara's Little Friend Hamsters and Gaara, to me that's a perfect combination. In fact you shouldn't be surprised if Gaara's little hamster reappears in any later Naruto-based work of mine. Hamsters are nocturnal desert creatures and I know, from experience with mine, that Syrians especially can actually become very attached to their owners as well in a you-feed-me-and-play-with-me kind of way. That and they have the cutest little faces too; best pets on the planet in my opinion. The reason why I wrote is story though is because Gaara really does strike me as someone who needs a pet (although arguably he has Naruto for that role ;0). Sorry, bad joke.). Some of us really do need the simple bond of being needed and caring for a small animal that comes from pet ownership and Gaara has always struck me as such a person, to the point where I get a little frustrated when I'm reading/watching Naruto. I feel he really is someone who would get great happiness and comfort from having an animal greet him with the usual excited oh-good-human!-You brought-my-dinner and knowing that it was happy and healthy because he worked hard at making it so. I think that's probably what I wanted to write about in this story. (Illustrations: http:///apps/photos/album?albumid=11920311) A word on hamster care though, because I feel I ought to. As well as Hamsterlopeadia by Chris and Peter Logsdail, mentioned in the notes for Chapter 2, another good source of help and advice for those of you might need is . This is a forum with many people who are experts in hamster care. If you have a problem, chances are they can help. - Naruto's (and, by extension, Sakura's) Little Friend A possible sequel to GLF that I'm considering mainly because I've had so much fun writing GLF. It'll be short and fluffy, just like its predecessor. It won't be a Naruto/Sakura romance - despite the name - or at least no more so than the original manga and anime are really. I think I'm mainly intrigued by the complete contrast it would be to Gaara's pet ownership. Whereas I feel Gaara, by nature, is given to be a little obsessive about the correct care and lifestyle for his hamster (like me), Naruto would be a total sort-of do-it-by-ear unorganized jump-in-the-deep-end-and-realize-you-can't-swim kind of owner, which sounds like fun to write after the dictatorial hamster care of GLF. - She Was Beautiful This is an idea that’s been swamping my mind for a little while now and I ended up writing it just for some relief. It’s a Gaara/OriginalCharacter (my favourite kind of Gaara story). I’m suffering from a slight idea-overload for this story and I have enough material to write about three books, but I’m going to have to try and restrict that or it will end up like some of the others and not get completed in years. It should be posted as soon as I finish GLF. Well that was the plan anyway. What actually happened was that SWB ended up swamping my mind so much that I couldn't write anything else anymore. So I posted it. Hope you end up enjoying reading it as much as I did writing. ;0) I also lowered the rating a bit, so more of you could read it (I felt that it wouldn't affect the story too much after all). (Concept Art: http:///apps/photos/album?albumid=11605279) - Rotes Blood Oh, dear... I went and wrote another story... This my attempt at horror, because I've never really done 'scary' before and I wanted try it out, see how I do and hopefully improve my skills. (Not that we've gotten that far yet, but hey...) RB isn't updated as regularly as SWB, but I'm doing my best to work on it and bring you more updates soon. - Ino, Sakura and the Chocolate Monkeys This is a basic Ino & Sakura friendship one shot. It's just me mucking around with some ideas and I wouldn't expect you to read it or anything... Harry Potter - Three Cheers For Lily Evans I have something of a confession to make here I must admit. I mentioned before that I’m something of a quality snob with stories and I confess it was mainly a hunger for well-written stories that led me to have anything to do with the Harry Potter fandom (more stories in general means that it becomes easier to find good ones) and not so much actual enjoyment of Harry Potter for its own sake. I was about eighteen/nineteen when I started Three Cheers, mainly because I really wanted to write some fanfiction again, and perhaps it’s a sort of cosmic justice for my dubious attitude that it never really generated much response. I may go back to it, but I may not. There was a cannon-based error in my inclusion of Bellatrix Lestrange (who when one looks at the official timeline does not actually attend Hogwarts at the same time as Lily. To my surprise, I must admit.) and that will need to be ironed out, as well as loads of 'hot of the press' errors by the looks of it. It really depends on whether I feel like anyone would particularly care about my finishing this story that would lead to my doing so and at the moment I really don’t feel anyone would. If that not true please do let me know. Dark Angel - Daddy’s Girls No, I have not forgotten about this story. I just haven’t worked on it in years. It was one I started at sixteen and I’m frankly appalled by the quality of some of the later chapters and I feel I’d need to put them through a total re-write before I could do anything with it, but I promise I will – eventually. I know a lot of people really loved this story and I’m touched by your continuing support. I promise that eventually, I’ll do you justice. - The Kitty 327 Series Oh my liver-pickled onions! Kitty 327. Now there’s something I prefer not to think bout. It was originally intended to be a four-part series involving various transgenics to varying degrees throughout various stories. Max goes through various pairings until she finds ‘true love’ and Zack was to be heavily featured as the main character in both Episode 1 and 3… and then I went and spoiled it all by getting all giddy and fan-girling all over episode 2 (in the way fifteen/sixteen year old girls are sometimes prone too and that’s why I can be so disparaging about my writing at that age) and it’s just … frankly embarrassing. It’s in serious need of clean-up… but I know that some people really did like elements of that series a lot, so eventually (after I’ve dealt with Daddy’s Girls) I will do so… Although you may not ever see episodes 3 and 4,but I will at least try to bring it to a decent conclusion. - Power I cannot count the number of times I have been asked to continue this or to write a sequel. It’s not going to happen for the simple reason that you only have too look above to see lots of examples of what happens to me with long-term projects. As intriguing as the idea of devising a plot with some kind of relationship with a truly (and maintained truly) evil character is, I just feel it would be cheapening Power and those who like it to start a story which I know will just be left hanging for ages and ages while I do other things. I’m really sorry, because it really is an intriguing plot to devise, but the answer is still no. - Various Other Stuff; all written when I was fifteen or sixteen. It includes poetry - heaven help us. |