Reviews for Wizarding Betrothal
Guest chapter 24 . 12/24/2019
Quileutepack.Seth16 chapter 24 . 6/6/2019
Awe :) how cute :)
princecharlesthe69th chapter 23 . 5/15/2019
that was so cute!
princecharlesthe69th chapter 24 . 5/15/2019
awwwww that was so cute! love the story idea.
natalieeannee chapter 3 . 4/29/2019
i love james.
' think weddings not funerals '
he's dedicated and sweet

... awful shock for him though,.. to find Lily so unwilling
Guest chapter 20 . 12/25/2017
Wow plot twist
Guest chapter 24 . 9/23/2017
At first when he said Sirius I almost had a heart attack
When Ben asked her out I wanted to kill you (no offence)
When she kissed Ben I wanted to scream
When James forgave her so easily I thought whether is that what love feels like
When I read Ben's letter I felt immensely sad
When read the ending I couldn't help having a big goofy grin on my face
Ur story is gr8 and now I am lazy continue writing u may become famous one day and when u do plz mention my name thx
Keep on writing and I should stop writing
Priscila chapter 24 . 7/26/2017
I thought they were together for 3 years, since James was 21 when they met. Or do you mean two years since they've been properly dating? Love your story!
puppyloverhca chapter 2 . 3/11/2017
HOW THE FUCK DID LILY KEEP HER TEMPER? I would have walked in late to dinner and pretend to have forgotten so my mum and dad can't yell at me.
Silverfyre16 chapter 3 . 1/15/2017
Omg, I almost had a heart attack when he said his name was Sirius. I was like "HUH? ISN'T THIS A LILY AND JAMES STORY?! DID I GET IT WRONG? ARGH!" The age gap surprises me a bit too.
Guest chapter 6 . 10/21/2016
This is great, but extremely ooc
Viv chapter 24 . 10/11/2016
Beautiful! Lovely! Imagine all the compliments in the world, I'm giving them to you
natalieeannee chapter 24 . 7/18/2016
well this plot and characterization was completely unexpected to me!

Lily being rebellious, the whole work of Mr. Potter, the relations of the Mauraders.. Petunia.. etc.!

Kept me reading and loving the whole thing for sure! Though, everything was very unexpected to me.

Thanks for writing! Nice work.
SiriusHadesWinchester chapter 24 . 6/14/2016
This is amazingly perfect. It only makes what happens next even more devastating! AHH! 3 it
new fan chapter 24 . 10/29/2015
Wow, I just read your story from start to finish tonight and I LOVED it! Thank you for posting it!
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