Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Hi there! I've been answering a number of questions about I Am My Own Knight on my livejournal. Please click on over there if you are interested, and ask away with any other questions that you may have. I would like to offer my most profound thanks to everyone who has read my stories. I have continued to get reviews on Wizarding Betrothal long after its publication, which truly astounds me. If you want to chat, please feel free to private message me or e-mail me. You can also stop by my Live Journal. Please take a look at I Am My Own Knight. It is a fic in progress that I am having a lot of fun with. Please let me know what you think! I hope you've had a chance to check out Wizarding Betrothal and Where Toads Could Be Vampires. My opinion is that Where Toads Could Be Vampires is a better piece of writing, but Wizarding Betrothal has proven to be more popular. Perhaps that is because of the greater quantity of fluff and romance. Regardless, I've enjoyed them immensely, and I hope you will too! Thanks for stopping by! |