Tough Call

Alec leaned on the railing overlooking what was known in the transgenic community as 'HQ'. They had decided to retain this room as a recreational room, both for sentimental and tactical reasons. Since one of the tunnels to access the new HQ was built through here, that meant a lot of them were still coming and going into this building, which was rather convenient to make anyone doing surveillance from the outside believe it was still transgenic-central. Some people might say they were being overly paranoid, especially considering there weren't that many people left to do surveillance. They just considered it routine.

He reflected on the fact that they were still residing in Terminal City.

It was completely unreasonable. They had the whole city for themselves. The whole country, actually. But still, for a number of reasons, they'd stayed. Some of them were valid, like having a place where every transgenic around the world would know to go to in case of need, since there weren't the usual TV broadcasts anymore; the rest were more sentimental than not. This was the place were they'd all come together. Were they had decided to fight for their cause. This was... home.

And besides, they weren't limited to the confines of the perimeter fence anymore. It was still there, but mostly for defense purposes. Transgenics could now walk around the streets of Seattle without any kind of problem. It was a new experience for them. And even though it was gross at the beginning, and kind of sad –even the toughest trannies admitted it- it was now perfectly normal.

. Logan had caused some problems, of course. He had come to TC to ask for some info or other and had watched two X6s making out like crazy – they'd just started their 'romance'- and had been horrified that they (Max and Alec) were allowing these two children to behave like that. Alec had been rather amused. Sure, they couldn't be over 15 or 16 years old, but wasn't it natural for kids that age to want to be with another person that they liked? Besides, Logan had been after Max, who had to be at least ten years younger, and he hadn't found that the least bit horrifying, right? Logan had been livid, and although she clearly saw Alec's point – she'd had a hard time hiding her smile- Max had tried to placate Logan, as usual. That was, until Logan asked what would happen if the 'little girl' went into heat, which Max did seem to find a little bit disturbing.

It all would have gone great, except Nicole had chosen that exact time to pass by and say in her usual no-nonsense voice, "X6s don't go into heat, they fixed that problem back at Manticore." It had been a great way for Nicole to get even with him. He still remembered her accusing face and words when Max had gone to her, that day long ago, to thank her, because unintentionally or not, she had become the reason her friends were alive. She'd just looked at Alec and said, seriously. "It is always great to be used as the scapegoat in someone else's schemes." At which Max had frowned a bit but then laughed. Of course, she had totally misunderstood what Nicole meant, but that was okay with Alec.

Negotiations were discreetly taking place between the transgenics and what was left of the humans. Most humans had left their homes and moved to Atlanta. Transgenics guarded that area. There were still Familiars out there, and humans would be the first thing they'd attack. Alec knew humans did not exactly accept them, but the ones in Atlanta knew that they were alive only because of that vaccine the transgenics had made for them. They'd watched in the news how even people that did not take the contaminated vaccine died anyway, because of the other virus, the one in the water supplies.

Of course, the other side of the whole Familiar affair was that now every transgenic around the world was virtually under his command. Actually, also under Max's, but none of them trusted Max much, and Max left both the strategic and the tactical decisions up to him. She had admitted herself that she hated planning things. She was more a spur of the moment kind of person. She was great at that, he had to admit. She was able to make the most badly thought out plans and the most unlikely situations turn into successes. That was just his Max. So she was the one that went out the most, she planned all the little 'food gathering' missions –hey! they still needed to eat too!- and she spoke to the press –Sketchy and Miss Adams, who was back in Atlanta- whenever there was a need. They just loved her. Who wouldn't?

Just then he sensed the object of his thoughts, an instant before she entered 'HQ', followed by a couple of X8 that were looking up at her adoringly. The highest influx of transgenics into TC were kids, X8s and X6s, and they all loved Max.

Those kids had been a blessing in getting Max out of her misery. She'd been completely depressed the first couple of weeks after the solstice, as more and more news about dying people arrived at TC. He had hated to see her like that. It even made himself question his decisions when she sank into the deepest of her sorrows.

But when he watched her like this, with kids around, smiling, happy, free, he knew he'd done the right thing.

It wasn't for the reasons some of the others would have, mostly the older transgenics: that intense hatred of humans. He didn't hate them. They just weren't his concern.

All he cared about was the safety of his people, and above all, that of Max and the baby. So if the humans (because Familiar or not, Sandeman had still been human) decided to kill each other, how was it their concern?

Sandeman thought he had fooled them, but of course he'd known what the doctor was up to. Did he really expect them not to check the contents of those vials? Please! But he chose to say he was saving the world. And Alec had asked Max if she thought they should do as the doctor said. She had asked him if he thought the doc was telling the truth, and Alec had honestly told her that yes, he was not lying. What he didn't mention was that even though he was not lying, he wasn't saying what Max thought he was. But Max hadn't asked that, had she? After that, Max had given the go ahead, and what were they supposed to do? They helped the doctor.

And after all, the humans taking that vaccine took one problem out of Alec's head. He had millions less to worry about when it came to the safety of Max and his baby.

Some people might consider it murder, or murder by indifference. But the transgenics had never forced anyone to take that vaccine, hadn't even told them to. They had chosen to believe the doctor.

Nicole had summarized quite well that one day at Crash. None of their business.

Now he could relax for a while. Whatever came, they'd be ready for it. In the meantime, he had a lovely woman, he was about to have a baby with her, and friends surrounded him. And they were all safe. At least, as safe as they could be.

And that was it.

He climbed down the stairs just as Mole and Biggs came into the room, arguing, as usual.

"Yeah, right, you just want to go check the weapons. Sure." Biggs was saying. "And the fact that Asha will be there has nothing to do with it. Uh huh."

"Oh, shut up, like you are one to talk. In fact, did you ask the lady boss permission to go check them out?" Mole challenged back.

"Why? Do you do that?"

"Nah, that's what you are here for."

Alec laughed. It was like this all the time. He raised both his hands when they looked at him for support. He wasn't stepping into that argument. Instead he walked towards Max and placed his arms around her, stealing a kiss.

Mole snorted, "Look who we are turning to for help."

"You are right, buddy." Biggs agreed dramatically, "Poor bastard."

Alec just smiled at them, before turning back to Max to kiss her properly.

Three minutes later, everyone around them was still whistling. Hey, he could hold his breath for well over four minutes, no sweat. Why kill the joy?

Yes, he would continue to enjoy the peace. As long as it lasted.

They'd worked hard for it.

A/N: Ooooookkkkay. That's it. I sincerely hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks again to all the people who have read and all my reviewers, you guys are great. And I cannot end this without a huge, HUGE hug for my very good friend Infie, for the constant support and feedback, the patience and cutting abilities, and her being...her. *HUGS*