Author has written 90 stories for Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, Phantom of the Opera, Dark Shadows, Samurai Champloo, As the World Turns, Kingdom Hearts, Sweeney Todd, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Sucker Punch, American Horror Story, Once Upon a Time, Gone with the Wind, Hannibal, From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, That '70s Show, Magicians, Stranger Things, 2016, and Path.
1. "...and if there is a Hell, I'm sure this is how it smells"...:points @ my aunt's food- My cousin
2. Your eyes are like the element boron...except yours aren't yellow, and - oh, what the HELL am I talking about?" -some random dude I met
3. Quick...let's do the "Rain Dance" so that the rain gods will give us rain cancel our show! Hiya-hiya-ho! -dances eccentrically- Ben and Shannon (this was for marching band back when I was in high school, and no, we do NOT believe in rain gods, haha)
4. There, there...shut up, boy-Homer Simpson
5. You know what would REALLY suck? What if Hell was marching band practice over over for the REST of your LIFE? (it SO would be...) -Nikki
6. A man who is wrapped up in himself makes a small package-Unknown
7. God's last name is NOT "Damn"- some button thingy
8. How can you have a beautiful ending if you don't make beautiful mistakes? - Fortune Cookie pic in the Ataris' CD
9. All we are and all we seem is just a dream within a dream- Edgar Allan Poe
10. Damn right, I'm good in bed...I can sleep for DAYS- some button
12. How do you embarrass an archaeologist? Give him a tampon and ask him what period it's from.
13. Kindly refrain from any physical contact that is NOT of an erotic nature - David Addison
14. (Maddie) UNHAND me! (David) Well I'll try, but I don't think they'll come off...
15. (Maddie) I was not born yesterday! (David) It's true, I had lunch with her yesterday; if she'd have been born, I think I would've noticed.
16. No, it's Maddie! We're in the bed in the wall! (Agnes cringes) Oh...do you want me to leave? (Maddie) NO!
17. (Maddie) Get your hand off my behind... (David glances) Is that your behind? Is that my hand? See, that's what I like about this place... You learn something new every day.
FAVORITE COUPLES (in no particular order):
-Maddie Hayes/David Addison (Moonlighting)
-Will Graham/Abigail Hobbs (Hannibal)
-Joker/Rachel Dawes (The Dark Knight)
-Maggie Evans/Willie Loomis (Dark Shadows)
-Timothy Shaw/Rachel Drummond (Dark Shadows)
-Spike Spiegel/Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop)
-Mugen/Fuu aka Fuugen (Samurai Champloo)
-Carolyn Stoddard/Joe Haskell (Dark Shadows)
-Leticia Faye/Desmond Collins (Dark Shadows)
-Lucy/Damien (As the World Turns)
-Mr. Gold x Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
-Belle x Jefferson/Mad Hatter (Once Upon a Time)
-Hannibal Lecter x Clarice Starling (Hannibal book series)
My AO3 ACCOUNTS: AO3 (regular) and http:///users/GoldenJezebel (adult)
MY YOUTUBE ACCOUNT: http://www.youtube.com/user/KendraLuehr
MY DEVIANTART ACCOUNT: dA main and dA secondary/more Hannibal-centric