Author has written 151 stories for Harry Potter, Cowboy Bebop, Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon X-overs, Fanfiction Poetry, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, RENT, West Wing, Supernatural, Shakespeare, Dollhouse, Inception, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Good Omens, Torchwood, Mad Men, New Girl, A song of Ice and Fire, Web Shows, Marvel, Twilight, Hannibal, Pacific Rim, Arrested Development, A Wrinkle in Time Trilogy, Thick of It, Grimm, Les Misérables, Firefly, Hunger Games, Hansel & Gretel, House, M.D., Everworld, Breaking Bad, American Horror Story, Homestuck, Discworld, Deadpool, Star Wars, DC Superheroes, and Millennium Trilogy. College grad. Ficcer. Beta of Kaesa, and many others. Pennames include lostlikealice, cyanide blue, and thinkatory. Tumblr: thinkatoryprocess LJ/DW/IJ: thinkatory AO3 (which shares most, but not all, writing with FFN): thinkatory If you're interested in any Homestuck stuff I've written, go check out my AO3; I don't post it here because FFN eats the formatting. See my co-writing under the co-author name We The Kiz, namely the epic Harry Potter fic, Fathers and Sons, and sequels to come. |
beggerwench (0) Black Tangled Heart (37) Catrina Flame (8) | Jon Carp (6) Penelope-Z (24) Rb (59) | She's a Star (346) soul of fyre158 (3) Trin2 (12) |