Reviews for Motherlove
taemin chapter 1 . 12/5/2005
Damn good story.
defenestratedcat chapter 1 . 8/3/2003
aw... makes me look at peter in a whole new light. excellently written, bravo. dark, gloomy, and just damn well written! good job!
Anon chapter 1 . 7/21/2003
This story made me cry. Peter did bad things for a good purpose, the poor thing.
Valerie E. Mackin chapter 1 . 2/1/2003
Beautifully done. I must admit I'd never thought to look at the situation from Peter's point of view. I am deeply impressed...I also recommend not reading this story to the theme from Little Women if you don't wish to cry.
cyanide blue chapter 1 . 9/8/2002
*Speechless, so squeaks in awe*

This may be the best fic I've ever read. Seriously.
Kanna-Ophelia chapter 1 . 8/19/2002
Oh, very nice fic indeed, and on a character who needs more attention. Peter's motives were never fully satisfactory to me in PoA. You might want to watch the quite excessive number of exclamation marks you use as they jar a little, but on the other hand over-emphasis is quite in accord with a weak character like Peter. And I always find the weak characters more intriuging than the ones who are sure of themselves...
lonestar6 chapter 1 . 7/13/2002
hello, hmm. I am one of those comepletly obsesive people who need alot of medicine. I read you collumn... liked it. So I read a story... and another and another. I'm sorry, dont be scared.. you have five whole months before I stop by your house w/ a camera. OK hmm. I like the way you depicted peter. I am doing a Expose on Voldemort

kinda the same... except he really is evil. OK then bye.. until 5 month anyway

Gaia Myles chapter 1 . 5/31/2002
Aww...that's good. Very moving. I really like this portrayal of's always a breath of fresh air after the typical fics. Keep up the superb work!
Clayin chapter 1 . 5/27/2002
*sobs* that's so sad! i never really gave much thought to Peter's betrayel beyond what he said in the shack...that he betrayed the Potters because he was afraid of Voldemort. excellent writing!
Almah chapter 1 . 5/4/2002's really amazing. Your writing is so descriptive. It's beautiful. I feel very close to your characters, you put your readers into the characters' shoes. Big hearty kudos!
HomemadeMagic chapter 1 . 2/16/2002
Oh my God.

That was amazing.

are you sure you're not JK Rowling in disguise?

That ruled.
Finn Mac Cool chapter 1 . 1/14/2002
That was truly wonderful. You capture Wormtail's motivation perfectly (I much prefer Wormtail to Pettigrew). Though he was clearly brighter and more powerful than anybody gave him credit for. After all, he formed the plan to frame Sirius, and had the magic to kill twelve Muggles and blow up a street. Maybe that's why Voldemort came after him. I repeat, that was truly wonderful. May you walk with the gods!
Tafkae chapter 1 . 1/6/2002
Awwwww! I love it! I love "As the Pan Thwaps" too! *grins* I love angst and morbidity, that's all I ever seem to write about...

(o.o) Ed
Jicklet chapter 1 . 11/5/2001
Very cool, well-written fic! (Just like your others.) I agree, we need to

see more than just the bad side of Wormtail. And

the idea of Sirius taunting him is very realistic.

I'm looking forward to reading more HP fics from

you. (BTW, thanks for updating your site; and I'll

read "Even Now" soon.)
Ismini chapter 1 . 10/19/2001
Finally, a nice Peter-centered fanfic! Although he's not of my favourites, I admit he deserves more attention... And he's not what we see in the books, or in other fanfics... I don't remember if he mentioned something about his mother, but sinnce you have it here, I'm sure he did. I believe that it was in-character, although we've never really seen the real Peter, and the reasons you portraited here were interesting and true enough. The cursing was pretty bad, but it was needed to express the depth of emotions in his soul(oh boy, I'm sounding like my Greek teacher...). You could've been more specific about his interaction with Rhemus(that' probably 'cos he's one of my faves) but I guess Serius was far more important for the plot. Very well-written, thus wonderful story. I would suggest you write more Harry Potter fanfics, but you are of the best writers in any category you use, so..._ Dunno what to say, I could add some things to flatter you, but I would finish a few years later...