Title: Chasing Ecstasy

Author: Nirvana

Rating: R

Category: Romance/Tragedy

Keywords: Love, Reunion, Coming of Age

Summary: AU, [SpikeFaye] It's not enough that she's nineteen and pregnant. Or that dancing, bounty hunting, and bartending is her way of life. Now, years later, she must deal with Spike Spiegel. The same man who turned her world upside down once before.

Disclaimer: We all know the drill, but I must say it anyway. I do not own Cowboy Bebop or any of the characters, they rightfully belong to their respective owners.

Author's Notes(WARNING!): If you have not read Forever Broken, what are you doing here?! Go find it, read it, and come back later. I'm telling you, you'll be completely confused if you read the sequel before you read the original. Thank you!

Chapter 1-Seven Months

Faye remembered being the careful mother to be. And of course, this was natural for her because this was her first child. She remembered reading everything, follow instructions, taking certain precautions. All because she wanted her baby healthy, strong. Some women who were expecting, hated the early months. The morning sickness and the terrible mood swings. But for some reason, Faye had embraced every single second of her pregnancy. She had felt full, complete, whole. Yes, she remembered, being pregnant had been delicious.

But in the beginning, it had seemed anything but.

She sat, more like spiraled out on the couch, watching Jet swing a wet mop back and forth. He roughly dipped it into a bucket, water spilling over the rim, before repeating the motion again. Back and forth and back and forth. His eyes were narrowed, his knuckles were white, veins were popping from his neck, he was grumbling to himself, he was angry with her. But who could blame him? It was the fifth time she had thrown up before noon and Faye was never, ever close to the bathroom to save Jet some grief. And he was obligated, according to Faye, to help her out. Because that's what comrades do, she would say with a nod. Jet's grumbling worsened.

It was late May now. Faye remembered days like these, when spring would silently slip away and summer would take its place. During these times, the days would seem to last forever. Everything slowed down to a grinding halt and miraculously, life started again when the temperatures would drop and autumn would barge in. She had counted all the days since she left Mars, left everything behind, left Spike behind. Tomorrow would be the one month anniversary, and reliving her memories was almost like a dull pain. It barely bothered her now.

Faye focused her attention back on Jet, she still couldn't understand why he had been so willing to take her in. She was the one who owed him her life. But this is what she always did, if everything else in life failed, she always had the Bebop.

Faye smiled. "Thank you, Jet." He had finished mopping.

He merely grumbled something about pregnant women before disappearing down a corridor.

Faye remembered when she walked to the docks, found Jet's ship, and told him she was moving in. He had tried to get an explanation out of her, he wanted to know why she had shown up so suddenly. But she hadn't been ready, she still wasn't. But Jet was uncharacteristically patient with her and would be ready to listen when she was ready to talk. Yet when she walked onto that ship for the first time, she hadn't even taken two steps before something grabbed her and tackled her to the floor.

Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV, a.k.a. Ed, had initially introduced herself to Faye by rubbing her cheek down Faye's thighs, running her tanned fingers through her violet hair, and licking the poor woman's cheek. Jet had explained, Ed wandered onto the ship one day and wouldn't leave. Even though he never verbally admitted it, he didn't have the heart to kick her off the ship, she was only eight years old. From then on, Faye had become tolerant of Ed, of children in general. Then, without realizing it, she started to really like her and her crazy tactics. She made life a little more exciting, a little too enjoyably weird.

Their main way of getting money was through bounty hunting. To Faye, the job had seemed glamorous, simple. Pick a bounty, catch the bounty, turn the bounty over to the ISSP. But with their luck, it never turned out that way. Something always went wrong. Their 'well-thought' plans went completely disarray, the Hammerhead or the Redtail or even both ships would break down because of engine trouble, or when they did get the bounty, the reward would be taken away because of some devious reasons by the ISSP.

All in all, life on the Bebop was ordinary, sluggish sometimes, but it had its bright moments. Jet blamed her for everything. Things had been perfect before you strolled in, he would exclaim. Now, I barely have any money to put food on the table for everyone else, let alone myself! He was like a father, criticizing, scolding. But before Faye had arrived, before Ed wandered in, he had been alone, traveling space and every planet and asteroid in the Solar System. Jet would never be able to understand it, but he needed their company.

Faye shot up from the couch, she could feel it. The bile, it was coming fast. She covered her mouth.

"Jet!" Edward was dancing, anticipation was evident on her features. "Faye-Faye is sick again!"

But it was too late. She tried, she really did try to make it to the bathroom. She ended up tripping on one of the table legs and falling. Jet had been at the end of the hall, sitting down and carefully clipping at small branches on his many bonsai trees when he heard the sickening sound of Faye vomiting. He sighed, there was no use getting furious anymore. He just couldn't wait until the first few months passed by.

Getting up, Jet went to the kitchen, grabbed the mop and bucket of fresh water and went to complete his daily, unwanted chore.


Three Months Later...

"Jet?" Faye called out his name for the nth time. She was biting her lip, the only sign of her anxiety.

"What is it, Faye?" What was the point of asking? He already knew what the question was.

"Be honest," She said firmly. "Am I fat?"

Jet studied her like he always did when she went through her episode of mood swings. He knew better, he even went out of his way to stay away from her, but she would manage to corner him. Faye was now four months pregnant. In the beginning, he couldn't even tell that she was with child. Sometimes, he'd even forget until she started vomiting all over the damn ship. But now the morning sickness, thankfully, had passed and most days she was fine. Her stomach was swelling now, and every so often, Faye would place her hands on her belly and frown and escape into her own little world. And he knew that she was thinking of her past lover, the father of her child. But those moments, when she believed no one was watching her, were happening less and less with each passing day.

"No," Jet finally responded. It was a lose-lose situation for him. If he said no, she wouldn't believe him. If he said yes, then she'd do everything in her power to strangle him to death.

"Don't lie to me." She whispered sternly. Her head was bent, she kept her eyes on her feet.

"Faye-Faye is fat!" Ed exclaimed. She knew very well that it always made Faye mad, and seeing her upset was always entertaining. But Edward knew she wouldn't try anything here, they were in public.

The naive, teenage wife, the perverted, middle-aged husband, and their rambunctious child. Or, at least that's what it looked like as each person passed the trio walking down the white halls of the hospital. They were a family in a sense, but at the same time, so far from it. Faye had a habit of disappearing for a day or two and taking some of the money Jet would secretly stash away for emergency's sake. Ed, not having much to do, would do everything physically possible to annoy Faye. And Jet had to deal with the both of them. Oh yes, their life was paradise.

Faye studied the picture in her hand. Her baby was growing and sucking its thumb. She remembered the ultrasound, seeing and feeling her baby's movements at the same time, seeing the strong heartbeat. And she knew, in that moment, she'd fallen in love. The ultrasound had been a fresh reminder that she was going to be a mother in the next five months. Faye was excited again. But whenever she thought of this baby inside her, she thought of Spike. But she didn't want to think about her past. It would only serve to ruin her good mood.

"I have some money." Faye announced. "Why don't we get something to eat."

Ed suddenly clutched at her legs, her ember eyes glassy. She looked at Faye as if she were her savior. Jet merely threw her a confused look but didn't say a thing. They left the hospital and stopped at a nearby restaurant. Faye let them order whatever they wanted. They drank, ate, and talked very little. There was so much tension between them, and she knew she was the cause of it.

Even though it wasn't intended, they stayed in the restaurant for hours, even after they finished their meals. It wasn't until Edward had fallen asleep against her, that Faye decided to talk.

"What happened to your arm, Jet?" Her voice was soft, innocent.

He had been staring out the window as she stared at his arm. It was the first thing she had noticed the second she saw Jet all those months ago. Faye had attempted to ask him about it before but he wouldn't say anything. Not until she was ready to talk about why she was on Ganymede, why she was pregnant. But she could trust him with her secrets. She was ready now.

"It happened years ago." Jet answered quietly. "After your mother..." He trailed off when he saw something flicker in her emerald eyes. But the moment was over, and Faye appeared not to have reacted at all. He continued. "I joined the ISSP and then a few years later, you left. I think you were..."

"Thirteen," She responded. "Almost fourteen."

"My partner and I were trying to catch this guy named Udai Taxim, he was an assassin for a syndicate." Jet turned away from her, he looked anywhere but at her. "I was double-crossed by my partner because that same syndicate was paying him to get rid of me, I was in the way. There was crossfire and I lost my arm."

His explanation had been short, straightforward. He was trying to leave her with the impression that he didn't care anymore. But the one thing that gave Jet away was the fact that he wouldn't face her. The topic still upset him. Faye felt a little bold. She wanted to reach out and touch his hand, comfort him. But Ed shifted in her lap and she lost her nerve. She dropped her raised arm at the edge of the table.

"What did you do after that?" She inquired.

"I left the ISSP and bought the Bebop and then the Hammerhead, I've been bounty hunting ever since." He looked back at Faye. "Your turn,"

Faye leaned back in her seat, there was so much to tell, she didn't know where to begin. So, she started a few years back, when she was thirteen. "The reason I left was because I was being a freeloader, and I couldn't stand bothering you more than I already had." She looked into his eyes. "You didn't have to take care of me, you could have just left me at some orphanage." Her eyes softened. "But you didn't, and that is something I'll never understand." She was silent for several minutes before she went on.

"I went to Venus, I had no money but I managed to get there by hitchhiking. While I was on Venus, I learned how to gamble and how to cheat. That's how I earned my money, and I loved it." Despite herself, Faye smiled fondly. "I stayed there until I was seventeen. I had been saving money so I could travel to Mars. The way people described it, you know? They made Mars sound like a haven for opportunities, riches, and fame. Naturally, it always appeals to stupid, young girls like myself. But I had a friend there, Tara, and she was able to get me a job at a casino in Alva City. I still cheated everyone out of their money and soon, everyone at that casino started referring to me as Poker Alice because I won every single game I played." She shrugged. "Not honestly, but I won nonetheless."

Faye let out a shaky breath, her gaze falling to the table. Now, it was starting to get hard. "Everything seemed perfect. I had money, I had friends, I had a life of my own. I couldn't remember being so happy, I was truly proud of myself." She ran her fingers through her violet hair in frustration. "I really thought I was going to be different from her, better than her. But then, when I turned eighteen, I met someone. His name was Vicious." She laughed a little. "He scared the hell out of me when I first saw him. But he was so sweet to me, the perfect charmer. We started dating a month later and-"

"Faye?" She looked up at Jet. "Is he...?"

"No," Faye answered hastily but firmly. She continued on. "I met him at a party. I was there waiting for Vicious, he wanted to introduce me to some of his friends. I remember trying to get rid of him, but he wouldn't leave me alone." She laughed again, caught up in the memory. She could still hear his voice in her head, smooth and deep. Suddenly, she longed to have Spike whispering sweet nothings in her ear. "He used...the most corniest pick-up line, offered me his jacket when I was cold, even though I didn't ask, treated me like a friend, yet, he didn't know a thing about me. I was a stranger to him. But he made me feel welcomed. Then his kindness became flirtation, then lust, then 'I love you.' And...I don't know, somewhere along the way, I fell in love with him too." Her gaze dropped to her hands. He was invading her thoughts, every single corner. His voice, his eyes, his touch, his smile. "...Spike."

Jet blinked, confused. "Spike?" Then it hit him like a crashing wave. "Spiegel?"

Faye's head shot up to meet his stare. Her eyes were just as wide as his. They both stood and the table shifted violently. They knocked over glass cups while silverware hit the floor, and poor Ed, her head was brutally smashed against the underside of the table. But she didn't seem to notice. She continued to sleep soundly, nestled in Faye's lap.

"You know Spike Spiegel?!" Both Jet and Faye exclaimed in unison, drawing peering eyes of strangers in their direction.

"Green, puffy hair?" Faye asked and Jet nodded.

"Mismatched eyes?" Jet asked and Faye nodded.

"A tall, lanky, easy-going, lunkhead...!" They kept going back and forth with their list until a waiter came towards them, clearly irritated.

"Please, I'll have to ask you both to keep your voices down. You are disturbing the other customers."

Jet and Faye mumbled apologies before seating themselves, their eyes never leaving each others. Faye was the first to recover from her stupor.

"How...how do you know Spike?"

He looked away for a second, pondering. Then, "A few years back. When I was still in the ISSP. There was some kind of embezzlement going on in his company and the person responsible had escaped from Mars and ended up on Jupiter. Supposedly, someone was murdered and I got involved in the investigation. Then I met him." Jet scratched his head, looking up at the ceiling. "I was surprised when I saw him, Spike looked like a teenager, probably was. But we ended up becoming friends. He...promised that he'd come back and visit sometime."

Jet looked back at Faye. "So you're saying that Spike is the father of your child?!" When she nodded, he wanted to laugh. How could fate be so twisted like that? She noticed immediately and attempted to kick him underneath the table, but he made sure she missed.

"I don't see how it's so funny!" Faye scolded. But her mask slipped, he could see her smiling ever so slightly. It was just plain weird how they both discovered that they both knew Spike Spiegel.

The waiter was by their table again, eyes narrowed. They knew that they were about to be kicked out. Jet and Faye looked at each other before grabbing Ed and leaving the restaurant. But once the waiter noticed that they hadn't paid for their meals, they started running, laughing loudly into the night. Once they were miles away, Faye continued her story with more ease. She could tell now, the tension had silently slipped away. But as she retold her story to Jet, she couldn't help but think her little whirlwind affair was almost like a clichéd romance that you would read about in a book or watch on television. But it was the truth, Vicious was the crazed boyfriend, Julia was the jealous girlfriend, and Spike was her secret lover. When she finished her story, Jet let out a long whistle.

"You always did have a knack for getting yourself into trouble." He shifted Ed on his shoulder. He was quiet again. "Do you still love him?" Jet sounded almost embarrassed.

Without hesitation, Faye smiled. "When I left Mars, I was so happy. I barely even thought about him. But now, with each day passing, I can't get him out my head. Every little thing reminds me of him. But love...I don't know. I mean, look at me, Jet. I'll be nineteen in a few days." Inwardly, she shuddered at the thought of getting older. "I know it's a tired excuse, but I'm still a teenager. What do I know about falling in love? Nothing." She played with her hands. "But, there are those times I wonder if he's with Julia and if they're married. And if they are, is she pregnant. I always want to know if he's, really, finally happy now that I'm gone."

"So why did you leave?" Jet asked.

Faye smirked. "Why Jet, are you telling me that you don't want me here? With you?" Her question had created the desired effect. He became flustered, stumbling over his words.

"D-don't look at me like t-that, Faye. W-what I was-!" Before she even realized what she was doing, she wrapped her arm around his, keeping her eyes on the ground.

"I always run away from my problems, you know that." She replied softly. He was tense, no doubt surprised by her sudden show of affection. Her smirk melted into a smile. "Jet do you remember when I was six and how you'd take care of me? You used to buy me gifts, take me to the theme parks, and read me stories about princesses and knights? You were just as old as I am now."

Jet was silent for a moment before he answered. "...Yes, I promised you I would."

She looked up at him. "I owe you, I really do." He was relaxing against her. "And eventually, I'll pay you back."

"How?" Jet inquired, he was laughing. He couldn't remember the last time they had a conversation this open. "You already owe me the money you stole from my stash. You're not really off to a good start."

Faye tried to step on his foot, but he made sure she missed. They continued towards the docks, talking about everything and anything. But it wasn't until they reached the Bebop, did Faye ask her question.

"Jet, don't lie to me." She said. "Do you think I'm fat?" She touched her stomach. "Do you?"

He sighed, exasperated. "Faye..."

Ed's eyes fluttered open instantly at hearing the question. She beamed. "Faye-Faye is fat!" She declared.

The girl was already running as Faye chased her throughout the ship, screaming profanities that echoed throughout the corridors.


Three Months Later...

Faye shifted her weight again, her hand going automatically to her back as pain shot through her spine. She was only on her seventh month, how was she going to survive if her back hurt all the time? And the stiff business suit she was wearing wasn't helping her at all. Jet noticed her discomfort and was about to say something but she shook her head vigorously, smiling. They had gotten this far, all the sources they had to find, and the people that needed to ask. She would be damned if they gave up right now.

"I'm fine," Faye said. She willed herself to stand up straight, at least until they got inside the bank. "Are you ready?" Jet returned her smile and nodded. She wrapped one of his arms around her waist, and he looked at her confused. Faye rolled her eyes. "If we're going to pretend to be a couple, we have to make it look convincing."

Jet sighed before Faye started walking, guiding him towards the bank. She had to put her acting skills to the test. As usual, they were bounty hunting. So far, luck had been on their side. Each bounty they had targeted, they were able to catch with ease. But they were small, only worth a few thousand woolongs, at the most, a million or two. But now, they had their chance, a bounty worth fifteen million woolongs. If they could capture this one, they would be eating Ganymede rock lobster that night.

Quietly, Faye and Jet walked into the bank. All eyes turned to them momentarily before everyone went back to their business. Like Faye had hoped, all the chairs were taken up. She smirked inwardly. Here goes, she thought She winced loudly.

"Honey," Jet said. "Are you all right?"

Faye managed to nod, putting up her best pained expression. "It's just back pain, all I need to do is sit down and I'll be fine." She turned her attention to the woman sitting near the doorway, their bounty. She was staring at the clock intently and Faye knew why. She was going to strike at two o'clock. They only had twenty minutes, so they had to end this as quickly as possible.

Faye gently pulled away from her 'husband's' support on her back and turned her eyes on the woman. "I'm really sorry about this," She said in mock sincerity. "But can I please take your seat? My husband needs to make a withdraw and it won't take too much time."

The woman was silent for a moment before she stood up. Faye sat down, truly relieved that the pain had subsided tremendously. Faye looked back up at her, the bounty was still staring at her, eyes as depthless as the night. Faye remembered Jet saying that her name was Taylor Dawson, a murderer, a con artist, a thief. But the way she carried herself, the way she moved with such ease, the way her presence demanded respect, reminded her of all the women she hated. Her mother, Julia, and herself.

"How far along are you?" Faye snapped out her thoughts, clearly surprised.


"How far along are you?"

"Oh, seven months. I still have a while." She answered, she patted her stomach. "The doctor is estimating that I'll go into labor around mid January."

To her surprise, Dawson smiled. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know, I decided to wait and see." Faye answered. She noticed Dawson glance at the clock again, just a few more minutes. If she didn't know any better, she would have believed that this bounty was using her to stall. She looked towards the front desk, at Jet, he was talking with one of the workers, he would glance at her from time to time.

"Baby names?" The question caught her off guard once more.

Faye smiled. "Honestly, I haven't really thought of any names. I think the right one will come to me when the baby is born." She realized then that this was the first conversation she had had with another woman about her pregnancy. The feeling...she couldn't describe it.

Faye turned her eyes to the clock, one more minute. She sighed, a little reluctant to cut the conversation short. But she was a bounty huntress and she needed that fifteen million woolongs. She looked back at Dawson then stood up, the pain in her back returning tenfold.

"I'm sorry, but I have another favor to ask you." She didn't wait for her to answer. She pulled out her gun, aiming it directly at Dawson's head. She smirked. "Put your hands up."

There was a scream, and chaos broke loose. People were scrambling to the exit, pushing, yelling, hitting.

Jet was behind Dawson, his gun already aimed, waiting for anything.

She looked mildly surprised, even amused. "You're a bounty hunter."

"Yeah, I am." Faye said. "Don't let my pregnancy fool you." Her smirk widened. "Besides, Taylor Dawson, you have fifteen million woolongs on your head. So don't even think for a second that no one would come after you. Nothing personal, I enjoyed the conversation and all, but...this is just business."

What happened next was so quick, like a blur. Faye felt a jab of pain hit her as Dawson suddenly sliced her wrist. Her aim went upwards, her gun going off and the bullet getting lodged somewhere in the ceiling. An explosion followed and white smoke suddenly clouded the room.

Faye covered her mouth, looked around, gun cocked and coughing violently. Jet was by her side.

"I'm fine," She said before he could even asked. "I was able to put a tracking device on her. We need to catch her."

"No," Jet said firmly. "I need to catch her while you stay here."

"But Jet-"

"I knew I shouldn't have brought you along." He was mumbling more to himself. "Too much stress."

Before Faye could stop him, he was already gone. She went outside, filling her lungs with fresh air, but she was alert. Yet there was no sign of the bounty or Jet. She scowled for a few moments. How was she going to find them? Out of the blue, a stroke of genius came to her. Even though it was near impossible, Faye ran the short distance to her Redtail and quickly sent a call to the Bebop. In no time, and to her relief, Ed's face popped up, her ember eyes wide. She beamed.

"It's Faye-Faye!" She announced.

Skipping the greetings, Faye got right to the point. "Edward, I need you. Can you help me?"

Ed nodded, bubbling with suppressed excitement. She already had her 'tomato,' or laptop, resting in her lap. She slapped on her goggles, her smile widening. "Why does Faye-Faye need Edward's help?"

"Bounty," Faye answered simply. "I placed a tracking device on her. I want you to pinpoint her location and tell me when she stops, moves, whatever." She smirked. "I'm counting on you Ed, you're my eyes now."

"Okeydokey, smoky!" Faye could hear the constant taps as the child's fingertips gliding over the keyboard. Seconds later, she was cheering. "Ed has found the culprit!"

Faye started up the Redtail. "Okay, tell me where to go."


"No lobster!" Ed was crazily jumping on Faye's bed, her voice was muffled under the blankets that covered her. "Edward is hungry! Edward wants food!"

Faye sat near the door, her eyes watching Ed as she continued to jump. If it had been under any other circumstances, she would have gladly and none too gently kicked the child out of her room. But she was miserable. Jet sat beside her, finishing up wrapping her wound with the gauze from the first aid kit.

"I don't understand it." He said aloud. "I asked you, real nicely too, to stay put."

"Sorry," Faye mumbled.

"But no, you had to get the bounty yourself. You had to show off even though you're seven months pregnant."


"Dawson was our biggest bounty in months!" Jet was yelling now. "All that surveillance and tracking! And for what?! Nothing! We lose the bounty because you," He pointed an accusing finger at her. "always have a knack for causing mayhem in a public monorail station!"

Faye looked at him. "I'm sorry," She said it very quietly.

She really couldn't argue. Losing the bounty had been entirely her fault. Take a monorail station, a bounty, a semi-insane pregnant woman, a few thousand unsuspecting civilians, and a gun. A few shots later, madness ensues and Taylor Dawson escapes.

"The cut was shallow," Jet muttered absently. "There wasn't too much bleeding."

"I'm sorry," Faye heard herself say again. "I wasn't thinking."

He said nothing as he stood up to leave.

She shook her wrist in his direction. "Thank you," He only nodded before he stepped out of her room. Faye turned her gaze on Ed, and the girl froze, as if she felt her icy glare. "Edward, you have three seconds to get off my bed." She declared, standing up. "One," Ed continued to jump, savoring those last seconds that she had. "Two," She took off the blanket and during the final second, she jumped down from the bed, doing a beautiful summersault and grinning broadly.

For a brief second, Faye wondered what it would be like to be Edward for a day. Probably, she thought bitterly, a lot simpler than my life. She moved towards her bed before collapsing tiredly. Lately, she was always exhausted.

"What are you doing?" Ed asked.

"I'm going to take a nap." She responded.

"Why Faye-Faye?"

Faye narrowed her eyes, frowning. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?"

"Why Faye-Faye?" It was like she never heard her.

She sighed. "Because I'm tired. Now," She did a shooing motion with her hand while she covered her body with the blanket. "If you'll kindly leave my room, I won't have to hurt you."

Faye didn't even wait to hear her bedroom door shut, she was already asleep before her head hit the pillow.


Faye opened her eyes and was met with white, she blinked a few times before she realized she was outside. It was raining hard, each drop pounding on her skin and chilling her to the bone. She shifted her attention from one place to another, old buildings surrounded her and thunderclouds were above her. It didn't take long for Faye to realize that she was on Ganymede, that she was six years old again. She was running away from home again.

Her arms wrapped around her body, attempting to the keep the warmth she did not have. Faye momentarily thought about going to Jet's house and spending the night. But she already knew how this dream would end, and realizing that made her eyes sting and her heart race. She stood out in the rain for as long as she could before she headed home. Her mother would be waiting for her.

Instead of coming in through the front door, Faye opted to take the back way, making sure to be as quiet as possible. Up the stairs, down the hall, to her bedroom. It was so close, she could make it. Her mother was no were in sight and she chose that time to sprint up the stairs. She was too scared to look back, to see if she was being perused. Faye knew that her mother could possibly be watching her, waiting for the opportune moment, and that made her tremble with fear.

Faye made it to her room safely, shut the door, locked it and hid behind her bed. She glanced at her nightstand, at her clock, it was the only light in the room. It was seven in the evening. There was no use trying to find food, the stash in her closet was empty. She was about to change out of her damp clothes, climb into bed and turn in for the night when the sudden banging at her door made her heart stop. Her back started to ache. No, no, no not again.

"Faye," Her voice was soft, gentle. "Open the door."

She remained quiet. Go away, she thought, please go away.

"I know you're in there Don't think I didn't see you." She said, the door creaked as she leaned her weight against it. "Your mother wants to talk to you, Faye."

"No," Her voice sounded stronger than she felt. But she would try to be strong, she would keep her resolve, she would-

She was banging on the door suddenly, her nails scrapping against the wood. "Open the door!" She screamed. "Faye!"

Faye covered her ears and shut her eyes. Why did she come back home? She knew, every time she wandered back, this would happen. I should have gone to Jet's, she chanted, I should have gone to Jet's. She remembered his deep, hearty laugh. She even longed for it, his laughter was too much like her father's. It constantly reminded her that she was safe from harm's way.

The door was going to break with the force. "Open the door Faye! Open it! Open it!" Her mother was screeching. Then...


Faye stood up, even though every fiber in her being told her not to. She approached the door, pressed her ear against it, listened and waited. Then abruptly, the door burst open. Breathing hard, her mother stared at her for a few moments. But Faye's attention was not on her mother's stare, but on the kettle she clutched so tightly in her fist. She could still see the stream drifting from the spout.

Faye stumbled back before she tried to run, but her mother was quick. She had her straddled beneath her and Faye was screaming now, crying, struggling. Her mother removed her jacket, her blouse. She felt her fingers on her scarred back. She continued screeching, until her throat throbbed and her voice faded.

"Next time you'll listen to me." Was the only thing she said.

"Please Okaasan," Faye pleaded faintly, her eyes were blinded by tears. "Please don't, I'll be good. I'll be a better daughter."

Her plea fell deaf on her mother's ears.

It was like time slowed when she felt the hot bottom of the kettle hit her skin. The raw, scorching pain traveled through her entire body in unbearable waves. The heat lapped at her skin, eating away at her flesh. Faye couldn't even hear herself screaming, the pain was all she could think about.

Then everything went black.

Hours later, she woke up in Jet's arms. He felt her shift in his embrace, heard her yawn, and released the breath he was holding in, relieved. Faye looked at him drowsily. She could hear sirens and other people's voice. Yet her mind was focused on one thing. She tried to speak but her throat hurt too much. But she managed.

"Where's my mommy?" She hadn't called her mother that in ages.

She watched as Jet visibly grimaced. "Faye.."

Something was not right. Her voice became stronger. "Where is she?" Before he could answer, Faye pushed herself away from his embrace. It was then she realized that she was outside, in front of her house. She ran towards the front door, past the police officers, past the yellow taping. She barged in and ran towards her mother's bedroom, but stopped when she noticed the trail of blood that led from her own bedroom to the bathroom.

Hesitantly, Faye followed the trail and froze when she saw her mother. Her eyes were blank, dull. She sat in the tub, the pool of water mixed with her blood brushing up against her chin. Her wrists were cut, deeply. But all Faye could wonder was why she wasn't moving. Suddenly, she was being pulled away, her head turned to the side. But she kept looking, remembering all the blood and her mother's motionless body.

And she remembered, even though she couldn't explain why, crying for hours after that.


When Faye woke up, she couldn't help it, she screamed.

She bolted up into a sitting position, running her fingers over her sweaty body and finding no blood, no fresh wounds. She covered her face. Why? Why was she thinking of her mother? Her eyes suddenly became too blurry to see. And before she realized it, Faye was weeping. No sobs or cries, just silent tears she couldn't control.

"Faye-Faye why are you crying?"

Faye yelped in surprise before staring at the dark corner of her room. Ed sat there, watching her intently.

"Why are you in here?" Faye asked softly, she turned away from the girl. It was embarrassing to be caught being so emotional.

"Edward has been here the whole time."

She blinked. "Even when I was sleeping?"

Ed nodded vigorously. "You were making noises." She stood up, walked the short distance to Faye's bedside and sat down again. She was still just as curious as before. "Why are you crying, Faye-Faye?"

Faye was quiet for a moment before she turned her eyes back on Ed. It was then that she noticed that even in the darkness, Edward's eyes were so bright, and so pretty. "I was having a nightmare, a very bad nightmare. About my mother." She collapsed back on her bed sheets, her heart had finally slowed down to a normal pace.


She nodded. "My mother was...a very sad woman." Her hands clenched. "She lost someone very dear to her and never got over the loss." Before Ed could say anything in response, Faye called out to her. She extended her hand. "Come here, Ed. Take my hand." The child did as she was told and was very surprised when Faye placed her tan fingers against her swelling stomach. Ed looked at her in wonder. "The baby is moving." She smiled. "Can you feel it?"

Ed nodded mutely, it was like someone was tapping on her palm.

Faye laughed. "It feels...like bubbles." Her smile faded suddenly. "Okaasan was a terrible woman, Ed. She treated me like trash." She sighed, her tears falling anew. "But I'm going to be different. I will never be like her. Ever."

"Faye-" Ed cut herself off when Faye bolted upright with a hiss.

"Bathroom," Was the only thing she said before she pulled the covers away from her body, and left her room, leaving behind a very awed Edward.

Faye tripped and stumbled her way to the bathroom. The pain she felt that afternoon during the bounty hunt had nearly tripled. Through the darkness, she managed to reach the bathroom and punched the button on the control panel. The door slid open and Faye stepped in. She suddenly crumpled to her knees, clutching at her stomach. Something wasn't right. The pain had never been this bad before. Then, she was screaming.

"Jet! Help me!"

A few moments passed before she heard his heavy footfalls. By the time he reached her, Faye was standing again, her eyes on the floor.

"Faye, what's the-?"

"I was dreaming about her again. About when she killed herself." Her voice was distant. "I...never understood what I had done so wrong for my father to leave us, and I didn't know why she hated me so badly. She blamed me for everything. " Faye's voice began to break. "From the very moment I found out I was pregnant, I thought, am I going to be like her? Am I going to...hurt my child? Cut them, hit them, burn them. Make this child believe that it was the cause of all my problems?"

"Faye..." Jet murmured.

"No," She whispered. "I won't do that." She rested her hands on her stomach. "I made a promise to myself, and I'm going to keep it. Starting right now." Slowly, Faye turned around and Jet was surprised to see that she was smiling brightly. "Jet," She called out to him gently. "My water broke."

His eyes widened suddenly before his gaze traveled low. It was like a waterfall, clear liquid was rushing down her legs.

Oh no...

Tears were welling in her eyes now. "Jet," She moaned loudly. Even through the pain, she managed to keep her smile. "I'm not supposed to go into labor yet! It hurts!"

Jet covered his face, shaking his head.

Oh God no...


"I hate him," Faye declared, clutching at Jet's hand.

"You don't mean that." He was trying to reason with her.

She closed her eyes, the pain was so unbearable. "I do," She argued. "I hate Spike Spiegel with everything in me. Look what he did to me." She was more depressed than raging. But Jet could tell she was in distress. She was nervous. "If he was here right now, I would kill him. Slowly."

He attempted to distract her. "Just remember to breathe." He demonstrated by taking in deep breaths, then exhaling slowly. He could vividly remember sitting beside Faye at her frequent birth classes. Practicing her breathing, staying calm, being strong, ignoring the pain.

She readjusted herself to sit up more properly before she inhaled deeply. And as Faye continued to control her deep breaths, a nurse came into the room. She had a pen and a medical form in her hand. She checked for vitals, and asked how the mother-to-be was feeling. She briefly touched Faye's hand to comfort her.

"You're coming along just nicely, Miss. Valentine." She assured her. "It won't be long before you're completely dilated."

Faye frowned deeply. "That's what another nurse told me three hours ago." She whimpered in pain.

"Are you the father?" The nurse was staring at Jet.

He sighed for the nth time and answered for the nth time. "I'm not the father."

The nurse scribbled a few more things down on her paper before she excused herself from the room. Jet turned his attention back to Faye, hoping that she would not start on her 'I hate Spike!' episodes. But it was too late. Her emerald eyes were already flashing with anger. Her cheeks became even redder, if that was possible. Just from hearing the word, 'father.'

"I hate him!" She was screaming, her fury reaching new heights. "That stupid, ugly lunkhead did this to me! I'll kill him!" She gripped at Jet's hand tighter. "I swear, he is the most arrogant, son of a bitch I've ever met! An asshole!" Then her anger suddenly became despair. Faye was crying again. "Look at me, Jet! I'm such a stupid girl! I should have had an abortion, he used me! He never loved me!"

"You don't mean that." He said again.

Awkwardly, Jet embraced her and she cried on his shoulder. He knew it was just part of going into labor. He had heard from the nurses that the mood swings were terrible. But, in a way, he had become Faye's surrogate father. And it saddened him that he could not ease her pain, physically or emotionally. Eventually, Faye's weeping did lessen and finally stop. She lay propped up against the stiff pillows, breathing deeply, her eyes on the windows, on the night sky. Faintly, she could feel the searing aches traveling through her but she was too lost in reverie to care.

Even though she said she despised Spike, everything about him was swimming in her hand.

She was remembering one particular night she had spent with him.

It was the night that he took her dancing.

Spike held Faye close to him. Even though the bar was blocks away, he still continued to dance with her in the deserted street. His right hand pressed against the small of her back and his left hand was entangled with hers. He danced with her, swayed her, moved with her in time with the slow, lazy beat of the silent music he could still hear in his ears. Spike buried his face into the crook of Faye's neck, breathing in her intoxicating scent and never getting enough of it.

Then suddenly, Spike gracefully dipped her and Faye felt that beautiful flutter in her heart when she gazed deep into his eyes. Look at what he's done to you, she told herself. He's swooned you without even trying. And knowing this, realizing she enjoyed being this intimate, this close to Spike, made her smile.

"What are you smiling about?" He was still dipping her.

Innocently, she blushed. "I can't tell you that." He finally raised her but kept her close to him. "But I'm sure you'll find out on your own." Her smile widened, caught up in his intense gaze. "Thank you for the dance."

As if on cue, Spike stepped away from Faye, giving her space. But he refused to let go of her hand. They started walking again, going towards her apartment. A comfortable silence settled between them. Yet Faye kept giving Spike quick glances. It was too obvious for him not to notice. But he waited, she would ask her question when she was ready.

It was unexpected.

"If you had a baby, what would you name it?"

Spike chuckled, a deep rumbling sound in his chest. It made her knees weak. He and Faye talked about everything and anything. But the topic of children had never come up. "There really is no need to ask me that question."


He was smiling but his eyes looked so serious. "I don't want to have children, Faye. I don't want a single trace of myself in this whole Solar System." He laughed again. "I mean, come on, do I really look like the father type?"

Faye was a little surprised by his answer. But still, she persisted. "But if you did, what would name it?"


"All right, Ms. Valentine. You are finally ready to deliver your baby." The doctor had now stepped into the room. She was a tall woman, a little intimidating, but had a disarming smile that made Faye feel a little more relaxed. "Your vitals are stable and you've been dilating excellently." She turned her gaze on Jet and beamed. "And you must be the lucky father, Mr. Black. Is this your first child?"

Jet put up his hands. "I am not the father."

The doctor's smile became sheepish. "I apologize, you'll have to forgive my error. There's a lot women giving birth tonight. It's been busy." She stepped over to Faye. "I want you to know that your baby is doing fine, even though this is a premature birth. Usually from the sixth month and higher, the baby will do fine without medical attention. But, if it goes in that direction, it'll just be for mere observation." She seemed more excited about this than Faye was. "Are you ready, Ms. Valentine?"

"Can he come with me?" She asked timidly.

"Of course," The doctor replied. She turned to Jet. "I'll have one of the nurses escort you down the hall so you can get dressed and wash your hands. While that's happening, we'll take Ms. Valentine just a few rooms down to deliver her child."

Faye swallowed, her hands clenching in determination. "I'm ready,"


Spike sighed softly, his features becoming thoughtful. "Names...names..." He murmured under his breath. Finally, he looked back at Faye. "Well, if I had a son-" He laughed suddenly, amused by the idea that some poor boy could end up like him. "I think I might name him...Spike Jr.?"

At this, they both laughed out loud. "Really? Would you?" Faye inquired.

"I don't think so. I'm not too sure about a boy. But if it was girl..." He was quiet for a moment and it was then that Faye noticed his eyes looked almost...dreamy. "My daughter," He whispered those two words with such affection.

"If you had a daughter?" She urged, she squeezed his hand in encouragement.

"I like the name Marie." Spike answered quietly. "And Audrey."

Faye suddenly stepped in front of him. She didn't have any rational reason, but she just wanted to know. With her free hand, she gently touched his cheek. And just like she had hoped, he looked directly at her. "But if you had one choice, Spike? Which one?"

His smile nearly melted her heart. "...Audrey..."

"Audrey," Faye repeated. The name brought her back to reality. She frowned slightly. "Hopefully, one day, Julia will be lucky enough to have a daughter for you named Audrey."

She felt him go rigid for just a second. Then, Spike placed his hand on top of hers, the one pressed against his cheek. His smile widened. "I think...Audrey would look more like you."


Faye was crying again. Not from the sudden memory, but from the horrible pain. She screamed, moaned, and pushed. Jet was still by her side, clutching her hand while the nurses gave her words of encouragement. But all their words fell deaf on her ears, her mind was too focused on ending the pain. And then, it was over. Exhausted, she collapsed against the pillows, panting loudly but relieved. A thin sheet of perspiration on her face made her hair cling to her forehead and cheeks in strings.

But the silence was what made her heart skip a beat. The doctor, the nurses, everyone was quiet. And what about her baby? Wasn't it supposed to be crying?

Faye sprang up, hysterical. "What's wrong with my baby?!" She exclaimed. "What's-"

She cut herself off once she noticed the small bundle wrapped in one the nurses arms. The blanket's pink, Faye thought, I have a daughter. But why wasn't she crying? Is she-?

"Very strange," The doctor whispered. "She's perfectly healthy, and everything seems fine, but she isn't crying. She smiled, murmuring. "...Definitely a rare birth."

Faye held out her hands, her maternal instincts washing over her. The nurse walked over and carefully handed the baby to her, whispering. "Congratulations, Miss. Valentine."

Faye scrutinized her child. She was so tiny but very warm. Slightly pinkish skin, a cute nose, wisps of violet hair, and...

"Jet," She mumbled. "She has brown eyes. Pretty, chocolate brown eyes."

"Faye," He hadn't spoken in so long. "If you want me to, I can call him-"

"No," She interrupted firmly. "I don't need him and neither does she." Faye looked at him. "This is my daughter, no one else's." She suddenly grabbed his hand, emphasizing her point. "And she has a family right here. She doesn't need anymore than that." Her head lowered.

Jet was quiet for a moment. "Okay," His gaze drifted to the newborn. "What about names?"

Hopefully, one day, Julia will be lucky enough to have a daughter for you named Audrey.

I think...Audrey would look more like you.

Faye thought for a moment. Then, "I like Joselyn," She stated. Her gaze went back to her daughter, to those depthless brown eyes. "Joselyn Valentine sounds nice."


Three Months Later...

"Come on, Jet." Faye begged. "It's a perfectly functional ship, I took good care of her."

"For the hundredth time, no!" Jet exclaimed. He turned his attention back to repairing his Hammerhead. "Besides," He added. "Do you think I have that kind of money on me? Faye, there are thousands of willing people on Ganymede who would buy your Redtail. Offer it to them."

Faye's eyes drifted to the silver cruiser and she frowned. "But I want you to have it. One, you'll give me a fair deal and two, I know you'll take care of it. If I sell it to someone else, they'll probably just tear it apart."

"And so what," He responded. "It won't be your ship anymore and you won't have a say." Jet sighed when he noticed the way she was pouting. "I won't buy it."

Faye merely blinked, she knew that this situation could be helped. She took a few steps back, bumping into the baby carriage. Quickly, she scooped her child up and walked closer to the Hammerhead. "Jet," She called out.

"Please, Faye. I need to-" He cut himself off once he met Joselyn's eyes. He frowned. It wasn't fair, Faye knew he had a weakness for her. And as if on cue, the baby smiled brightly.

"Think about Joselyn's future." She urged. "Wouldn't it pain you to see this beautiful girl on the cold, hard streets of Ganymede. Hungry, motherless, and homeless. Simply because her Uncle Jet," She purposefully emphasized his name. "Could not buy a ship that would cost him just a few thousand woolongs." Faye approached him until she was right next to him. She placed Joselyn in his arms. "Think of her."

Again, Jet frowned. "Faye..."

Faye grew serious then, but still managed to pout. "Please..."

He held up his hands in surrender. "Okay..."

She beamed. "Thank you so much. I promise you won't regret this and I'll pay you back some day."

"You say that every time I do a favor for you." Jet glanced down at Joselyn. His frown melted away as he watched her quietly suck on her thumb. "Anyway, what will you use the money for?"

"For her, of course." Faye crossed her arms. "You know, the other day, I was looking at some schools. And I found the best one on Ganymede. It has everything that I could ask for Joselyn. Also, there's a huge, new neighborhood being developed around the area. I went to check it out this afternoon." She looked at him. "I don't have any plans of moving out this second, I'm thinking more like long term. A couple a years from now would be nice. That is, if I can get the money." She noticed the way Jet was looking at her. "What is it?"

"From the way, you're going on, it seems that you enjoy being a mother."

Faye gave him a mock shocked look. "Being a mother is fun." She smirked. "You should know more than anyone else." She was thinking of those restless days and nights when she would collapse from exhaustion and Jet would be forced to feed or take care of Joselyn. She ran her fingers through her daughter's violet hair. "Just like everything else, it has its down points, but I think it has more perks."

"Oh yeah? And what do like the most?"

"The fact that she's mine." She replied without missing a beat. "It's the best feeling in the world to know that you have a child of your very own." Faye looked at Jet suddenly. "You should have a child."

"No," He answered firmly.

Faye surprisingly gave in without a fight. "I guess you're right. You already have Ed. Where is she anyway?"

"Somewhere, sleeping on the ship. With no real big bounties, there's not much to do except sleep."

"Speaking of sleep," Faye said. "I think Joselyn's getting a bit sleepy." She lifted her daughter into her arms, watching her eyelids droop with weariness. "I'll let her sleep in my room, it should be warmer there." She started for her bedroom but then turned around. "Hey Dad," Faye joked. "What's for dinner?"

"As much instant noodles as you can eat." Jet responded.

"Fantastic," She commented sarcastically.

Jet heard Faye's footfalls quietly fade away and he was abruptly thinking about her jokingly calling him 'Dad.' But if he looked at it from a different view, it kind of made sense. Faye, Edward, and Joselyn. Two daughters, and a granddaughter? No, he shook his head to convince himself, he wasn't that old. Thirty-two years was still considered young. He settled on three daughters instead, that sounded much nicer.

"Three," He said aloud. "That doesn't sound too bad."


Two years later....

Even though the ship officially didn't belong to her anymore, Faye still took the Redtail out cruising once in a while. May it be for bounties or just joy rides. She had found out a few weeks ago that Jet was selling her ship. At first, she had been furious with him and rewarded him with the silent treatment. Eventually, two days later, she broke it and demanded to know why. Like always, it was just for money and she could relate. Being a bounty hunter had never been the most dazzlingly job, they all needed to support themselves one way or another.

But tonight, Faye was ecstatic. The fact that this would be the last time she got to ride in this ship wouldn't faze her. She had just caught a bounty and couldn't wait to flash all those zeros in front of Jet's eyes. The thought of it made her grin and laugh hysterically. A few minutes passed before she spotted the Bebop and landed the Redtail unto the landing dock.

Faye wasted no time, she jumped out of the cockpit and raced into the ship, calling out Jet's name. She found him in the lounge area, watching television. But what stopped her was a certain Welsh Corgi in her path. She didn't know why Edward had brought the stupid mutt back with her, or why she had let him follow her. Either way, he had gotten onto the ship and Ed, Jet, and even Joselyn welcomed him with open arms.

Now, Faye was able to deal with kids, she had one of her own, but she had more trouble accepting dogs. Specifically, this innocent-looking puppy. Soon after his unexpected joining of the group, Jet named him Ein. For the most part, he was treated like a king. Frequently fed, bathed, and brushed by Ed with Faye's combs. He was always given rubs and pats from Jet, Edward, Joselyn and kicks and harsh treatment from Faye. In return for revenge, or just being a puppy and not knowing any better, he'd attempt to bite off her finger every chance he got.

Faye squatted, meeting Ein's eye level. "Well at least, Ed has a companion." She mumbled. "So she can leave me the hell alone." The dog barked happily in response. She always said that, and never meant it. Yes, Edward was an annoyance from time to time, but she looked at her in that whole younger sister sort of way.

She stood up again and walked over to the couch, sitting down. Faye smiled once Joselyn noticed her. She stood up, and on chubby legs, walked over to her mother.


Faye scooped her up, laughing. "You're getting so big! Before you know it, you'll be a mother and I'll be an old lady." She ran her fingers through her daughter's hair, it was habit she couldn't get rid of. "How are you?"

"Good," Joselyn answered.

"What did you do today?"

She thought for a moment, her brown eyes going to the ceiling. "I...helped Uncle Jet cook, and I played with Ed, and I played with Ein, and I took a nap, and I ate food, and I played with my toys, and...that's it!"

"Really?" Faye said in mock surprise. "You've had a really busy day. Don't you feel a little tired?"

"No," Joselyn answered hastily, thinking it was time for bed. "I'm not sleepy."

Faye smiled and hugged her gently. She placed her down on the floor before turning her attention to the man next to her. "Guess what I did, Jet?"

He glanced at her, then back at the television, then back at Faye. She was rocking back and forth in barely suppressed excitement. "You bought a house and you're moving out."

At this, Faye frowned. "No, not yet."

Jet swore under his breath and her frown deepened. She covered Joselyn's ears. "I heard that! Not around her!"

"You're getting a job."

"I have a job: bounty hunting."

"You're paying me back my money."

Faye grinned. "Something like that." She looked behind her. "Hey, Ed?"

"Yeeeees, Faye-Faye? You rang?" Her goggles hid her eyes as she stared intently at her laptop screen.

"Remember that bounty head that we were looking at a few days ago?" She was talking to both Jet and Edward. "You know, the guy with the long hair, really tall, bright eyes? Can you find his profile?"

It only took a few keystrokes before Ed had done what Faye requested. She dragged Jet from the couch to the laptop and held out her hands, presenting it to him. He still looked disinterested.

"So, what's your point?" He inquired.

His initial reaction did not sway her mood. "My point is that we're seventy million woolongs richer."

His eyes widened and she knew she had him. Hook, line, and sinker.

It took him a few moments to say something. "How...?" Jet asked. He looked amazed.

Faye pulled out her PalmPilot showing the actual deposit of seventy million woolongs. "I decided that this would be my very last bounty, I'm quitting and..." She rolled her eyes. "Getting a real job. So, I decided to go all out and make sure I came home with this." She smiled. "So...are you happy?"

Dumbfounded, Jet nodded, the beginnings of a smile tugging at his lips.

In a rush of happiness, Faye squealed in delight and jumped onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck. And completely catching him off guard. "We have seventy million woolongs!! It's ours! It's ours!" She looked behind her. "Edward, there's some grocery bags in the Redtail, can you get it for me?"

Ed, always happy, but even more exuberant at the moment, skipped wildly down the corridor towards the hanger with Ein in tow, barking loudly.

Faye disentangled herself from Jet and picked up Joselyn again. She tossed her in the air and caught her with ease, sending the girl into a fit of giggles. "We're, rich, Joselyn! We're rich!"

"It can't be possible," Jet said. awed.

"It is, and..." Faye went into the kitchen and returned with two bottles of cheap champagne.

"Hey!" Jet exclaimed. "Where did you find that?"

"Oh, come on," She scolded him playfully. "You can't keep things like this from me. If there's a will, there's a way." She plopped down on the couch. "You know," Faye's voice was quieter. "I finally have enough money to get the surgery."

Jet looked confused for a second. "Surgery?" Then it hit him. He looked at her. "Faye..."

She turned her back to him, and he could see the collar of her shirt scooped low. Letting him catch a little glimpse of those ugly scars. "I can finally get rid of them." She smiled wistfully. "I miss wearing halter tops." Faye remembered wearing a lot of halter tops when she was younger, every single color she could find. She loved red the best, it made her pale skin glow.

Faye placed Joselyn beside her on the couch and put the champagne bottles on the table. She clapped her hands together. "Tonight, we're going to celebrate until we can't anymore."

"I have the groceries!" Ed's voice echoed as she came running down the hall. She came back into the lounge, struggling with five, stuffed paper bags. "Chow time!"

Faye smiled at Jet, watching his eyes widen when he saw the huge, plastic-wrapped Ganymede rock lobster. One of the many, many things she had purchased before coming home. "And of course, you can't have a party without food." She said. "Lots and lots of food."

Like Faye promised, they celebrated until the early light of dawn. They ate, they drank, and they cheered. But like any other party, it became chaotic. But before Ed was able to spike her juice with champagne, before Joselyn began choking on a huge chunk of cheese, and before Faye started vomiting from having too much to drink, she relished in the feeling of having a home, having someplace to belong. And as she fell asleep at sunrise, her daughter sleeping and breathing easy beside her, she suddenly realized that she...was finally, truly happy.

Author's Notes: Okay, I finally finished. This has to be my biggest chapter yet. Over ten thousand words. I apologize if any parts were boring or drawn out but this chapter had to be written. For the sequel, I'm going to try and update more frequently but I cannot make any guarantees. But I hope you guys are just excited about this as I am, I'm really looking forward to continuing this. Expect surprises, new characters introduced, and of course, Spike and Faye's landlocked romance. I know I didn't put Spike in this, but I made sure to mention him a lot to keep everyone happy.

Anyway, what to expect for the next update:

Chapter 2-Drifting

-Spike makes his debut (Yay!)

-Seven more years have passed, so that means nine years total.

-Spike meets Faye for the very first time in years, not to mention his daughter.

So, please be as patient as you can, and I'll get the next chapter up as soon as possible. Always, thank you for the reviews, and I'll see you guys next time! Bye1