
Chapter 1

By: Rachel

Rated: R (language, violence, sex, and drugs)

Genre: Drama/Suspense

E-mail: (soon changing)

Web Address: www . DoujinshiAdoptions . cjb . net

Finally a new fanfiction!! I thank a person in my tech class for introducing me to King Crimson, you're awesome! :) If you like the Seatbelts(the musicians that do Bebop's soundtrack), you'll want to check King Crimson out!

Happy Holidays everyone! This fanfic, however, is not a holiday fanfic. It's about drugs, addiction, and overcoming them, and fear, as well as Spike/Faye fluffiness. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Cowboy Bebop.

It had been six months since he had seen or heard from his companions. No screaming little girl, no devilish laughter from a mischievous vixen, and no stern tone from a balding ex-cop, or the whimper of a dog begging for food.

He had decided to go for this one though. It was his fault, not theirs. It was his decision to go after the bounty. Deep within the syndicates, he fell back into the hell he yearned to get away from for so many years.

Spike found himself lying on a cold concrete floor in the back of an abandoned warehouse on Calisto, one of Jupiter's many moons. His eyes were rolled back, and his body was sprawled out. He swallowed his drying throat, as he exhaled, letting out a raspy breath of air as he blinked his dilated, two-toned eyes.

With his crimson-colored coat, under his head, he turned his head to the left and looked down. His blurry vision didn't let him see what was paining his left arm. He couldn't see what he knew was there. His addiction was the liquid coursing through his veins. The drug he found himself aching for.

Spike grinned and let out a puff of air in an attempt to laugh. It was an old Earth drug, not like bloody-eye, or any of the post-Earth drugs created after the gate incident.

He licked his lips; his tongue was dry, however. Spike frowned, and reached his right arm over to his left and gripped at the cringe needle in his arm and tossed it away with a hissed gag.

Something was different this time. It wasn't the same high. He forced himself to sit up and his eyes widened and he bent forward, spilling out what food was left in his stomach. His eyes watered as he heaved for breath, and spit distastefully onto the floor. Spike looked around in the darkness for any sign of a person, or a telephone. He mouthed the words he longed to speak. Help me. His eyes drifted shut and he threw himself forward, and with his right arm he pulled forward, scraping his feet on the floor.

Disgusted as he felt his feet slipping in his own vomit, he longed to go back in time, six months in the past. "Faye…" His right hand fingered at the floor as he tried to muster the strength to move forward at least one more time. "…I should have listened…" He gritted his teeth as his eyes teared again. "…listened to you…" He passed out; exhaling as his body went into shock…

…Six Months Ago…

"Faye, stop!" Spike growled through clenched teeth. Narrowing his brown eyes, he balled his fists as she continued to protest his decision. "I'm doing this!"

Faye screamed out in frustration. Spike blinked, and rubbernecked, his head back to glance at her before he reached for the handle to his bedroom door. "Please, will you hear me out at least?" Her green eyes burned for him to listen to her.

Spike licked his lips and nodded weakly. He released his balled fists and let them rest at his sides. With head bowed he hand managed to notice that Faye's hands were up at her face.

She chewed at her right, red polished, thumb nail as she thought of how to speak her words of choice. Looking up, she put her hands at her sides and let out a huff. "It's too dangerous." This was a weak answer to say the least. "No, I didn't mean that." She sighed and shook her head, putting her right index finger against her lips; she tapped and let out a hum.

"Faye, just call me on my receiver and tell me then." Spike reached for the door again, but Faye shoved him away sharply. His eyes lit on fire and he hissed, baring his fangs.

"It's hard to tell you this, damn it!" Faye bowed her head and threw her arms to either side. "I don't want you to go. Not because it's dangerous…but because I don't want you to leave without me be with you." She sighed in defeat. "That didn't come out to well either.

Spike suddenly got where she was getting at, and his eyes widened a little, and he fought to hold back a smirk. He licked his lips, and yawned. "Is that so…?" He nodded, and rolled his eyes. "I don't feel that way, just so you—"

"I love…" She looked at him as she registered in her mind, what he had just said. Spike watched her heart shattering before his very eyes. Her lower lip trembled.

Spike opened his door, and grabbed a bag with his already packed necessities, and swung the strap over his shoulder and let it dangle behind him. He turned and let out a breath as he looked at Faye.

Her shoulders sagged; her eyes were glassy with tears. She held back an outward cry as Spike guiltily walked past her. "Listen, I'll keep calling, I promise you, okay?"

Spike turned and looked down the hall, only to find that she was gone. Turning he yelped and jumped back, she was right in front of him, her hands on his chest, pushing him back. "I don't care if you go or not, but how do you feel?" He stared at her.

Love that vixen? He grabbed her right hand and kissed it after lacing his fingers with hers. "I'll tell you when I come back, how about that?"

Faye jerked her hand back and slapped him. "Bastard."

Spike shut his eyes as the left side of his face stung painfully. "Well, goodbye then." He arched his right eyebrow up for a moment as he heard her shutter a cry. "Don't miss me Faye. That would be like missing a dead man. You can find someone who will love you more than I will ever be able to."

She screamed and shook her head, pulling at her hair. "Stop it! Stop it, stop it, stop it," she screamed until her voice started to leave her as well, "Spike, leave, and don't come back! I don't want to ever see you again! Leave!" She balled, crawling into a ball as she wept.

…Present Time…

The phone rang as her shaky hand reached up and answered it. "Hello?" Her weak voice spoke. "You…found him?" She smiled as the hot tears welled in her emerald eyes. "I'll be there soon; yes…I'm his wife." She lied. The man on the phone hung up and she dropped the phone to the ground.

A smile crossed from ear to ear as the balding man ran into the room. "You're crying Faye."

Faye nodded. "Jet," she laughed, covering her mouth with her hands, "Jet, they found him. He's alive." Faye bent down and rocked slowly back and forth, wrapping her arms around her legs.

This is a short chapter for me; however, I hope that you all enjoyed it. Do you know which drug I'm talking about? Guess if you can. Anyway, I'm taking facts from a drug assembly I had about three years back in middle school, and real life too. Real life meaning that my mom's best friend's daughter was/is an addict of this drug, and as a result is now pregnant and has Hepatitis C. I won't say names; however I will say the best of luck to her and the baby. Anyway, since I consider my mom's best friend, to be my aunt, I'll just say that my cousin is due in February 2005.