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![]() Author has written 6 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Kamen Rider, Anime X-overs, and Familiar of Zero. Heya, this is The Wild Fang speaking, letting you guys know that I'm still alive. Yes, this big bad wolf from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is still kicking and whatnot. You guys may know me from my collaboration with others, more prominently with Fen-kun, but yeah, I also do my own stuff... just, not too much lately since I'm currently working right now. So, if you guys wanna discuss something with me, or just for a random chat, hit me up and see what happens. I hope it doesn't explode on me. o.o; Have a Skype? Be sure to add me: wild_fang555 (just be sure to let me know beforehand since I hate stalkers... and nearly got hacked one time, so hope you guys understand.) My good friends: Animegirl426 (first friend from other website that we used to do our RP back in the day before opening this account and the one that supports me on making my first fanfic), Overlord Prinny (my first best friend when I was still new here and quite a fun guy to ask with), CanadianRider, Fenikkusumaru (My partner in crime, for shizzle! If you guys get to know him better, he's actually pretty funny at times as well since our mind are synchronized VERY well with each other, despite the long distance... XDD), SerpentDragon (Because he's da' bomb! XDD) My RL Sister in this fanfic? = syke8angel (seriously, she's my little sis with different taste of story... I only found out about this a few months ago... lol) What'cha do--ing?: Just keep calling, just keep calling, just keep calling & calling & calling Song of the day?: Brand-new World by Shiena Nishizawa (I'm telling you, it's the best stuff ever!) What to do, what to do...: Gonna be a slow updates on those collabs stuff. Work, dudes and dudettes. Work. I'll try my best to update my work as quickly as possible... Oh well, all I can say is enjoy my work and feel free to hit me with good or bad reviews, just don't spam it. For now this is what I have in mind just to share with you all: Path of A Wolf: Follow the journey of a young rookie named Storm Ryder as he ventured through all the hardships that he have to face. He met new characters along the way (including the 5D's characters) and made some new friends and not to mention some enemies as well. But there's one particular girl that will change his life but who is this person and why did he have the urge to help her after knowing her for so long? Read it to find out and don't forget to review it! (The format changes upon reaching a certain arc, so please bear with me on the first arc, since this is my first fanfic.) Arc 1: The Introduction of the characters. (Complete) Arc 2: The World Tag Grand Prix (WTGP) arc. (Complete) Arc 3: The Invasion of Meklords arc (Complete) Arc 4: The World Riding Grand Prix (WRGP) arc (in-progress) Arc 5: The Ark Cradle
Storm Ryder: "A legandary soldier once steps into the battle, the war will be ended! Synchro Summon, take arms, Legendary Six Samurai, Shien!" = Prologue "A legandary soldier once steps into the battle, to end the war that was once started! I Synchro Summon, Legendary Six Samurai – Shien!" = Chapter 4 "A legandary soldier once steps into the battle, to end the war that was once started! Synchro Summon, come forth, my loyal warrior, Legendary Six Samurai – Shien!" = Chapter 6 "Walking the path of heaven, to rule everything! As for my name is Justice! SYNCHRO SUMMON! Full Force, Colossal Fighter!" = Chapter 7 "Awaken from your slumber, feast on this soul as I summon thee… Earthbound Immortal Yuraq Alculla" = Chapter 22 "With the flames of hope, fight back and respond to people's wishes! Synchro Summon! Soar the sky, the King of Dragons, Trident Dragon!" = Chapter 29 (with Amber.) "With these two monsters, I have constructed an overlay network! XYZ Summon! Come forth, Number 39: Kibou Ou Hope!" = Chapter 29 "A warrior that once steps onto the battlefield, to end the war that was once started! Synchro Summon! Wield your blade high, Legendary Six Samurai – Shi En!" = Chapter 37 "Awaken from your slumber, feast on these offering that was meant for your sacrifice, gather your dark energy around thee and create an ideal world of your own… I summon thee… myself, Earthbound Immortal Yuraq Alculla!" = Chapter 37 (under the possession of Yuraq Alculla) Amber Lockhart: "The roar of the dragon will cry through the battlefield, let all of doubts vanished in flames! I Synchro Summon, Red Dragon Archfiend!" = Chapter 4 "The dragon's roar shall call forth the ultimate one; unleash its great power from its capacity! I Synchro Summon Red Nova Dragon!" = Chapter 4 "Descending from the heaven, show me the power of light! Defend this city and the entire citadel... Synchro Summon! Heed my call, Avenging Knight Parshath!" = Chapter 12 "Sending all hope to all with a mighty roar, Let no darkness come within! Synchro Summon! My heart's light, Ancient Sacred Wyvern!" = Chapter 18 "Let your fangs sink into my enemy, destroy that is in front of you! Synchro Summon, bark, Synchro Tuner, Guardian of Life, Isis!" = Chapter 18 "Let the flames of punishment destroy your foe, unleash the anger that is bestowed upon you! Accel Synchro! Turn your enemy into light, Divine Pheonix Maka!" = Chapter 18 "Sending all hope to all with a mighty roar, Let no darkness come within! Synchro Summon! My heart's light, Ancient Sacred Wyvern!" = Chapter 26 "Weapon of hope, decends from the sky! Cuts your way through and pierced through the light for the future! Synchro Summon! Come out, Armory Arm!" = Chapter 34 Akira Katsuragi: "Now, time for me to sacrifice my Cell and Genome… to make way for my strongest monster of them all! Say hello to my little friend, Steelswarm Hercules!" = Chapter 37 "Fill the void of the world with these two monsters, as I constructed a Darkness Overlay Network! XYZ Summon! It's showtime! Steelswarm Roach!" = Chapter 42 "Let the power of darkness expands beyond the infinity as these three cards appeared to corrupt the overlay network! XYZ Summon! Forever in darkness, Evilswarm Ouroboros! = Chapter 47 Kira Thantos: "With these 2 monsters, I have contructed an overlay network! XYZ Summon! Appear to me, Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max!" = Chapter 15 "With these two monsters, I have constructed an overlay network… XYZ Summon! Make way for Number 22: Fran Ken!" = Chapter 22 "All hail the dark knight, EVIL HERO DARK GAIA!" = Chapter 42 Ace's Team: "All hail Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder!" Takuya - Chapter 26 "I can sacrifice it all just to Special Summon my Uria, Lord of the Searing Flames!" Setsuna = Chapter 27 "Now, by sacrificing all three of my fiends, I can special summon the last one, Raviel, Lord of Phantasms" Max = Chapter 29 "Everyone, feast your eyes on the mighty… ARMITYLE, THE PHANTASM OF CHAOS!" Max = Chapter 29 Team Eternal: "With the offerings that I've prepared for thee, one of the wickeds, appear to me and claim this world as one of yours. For as I summon thee… The Wicked Dreadroot!" Elene = Chapter 32 O dragon of the Wicked Flames, revive from your slumber and erase the existence of a being for thee Utopia! Arise from the ashes, The Wicked Eraser!" Kasumi = Chapter 33 "O thee, the dark sphere of the Netherworld, the beast that rivals with the Beast of the Lights, accept these sacrifices for your grand return and blacken the world with your overwhelming darkness! I summon thee… The Wicked Eraser!" Iruka = Chapter 34 Team 4 Clovers: "I fused both of my Red Eyes Black Dragon & Meteor Dragon from my hand, in order to Fusion Summon, Meteor Black Dragon!" Shira Ryukino = Chapter 40 "Machines have become a revolution from the past; witness the weapons of the future! Synchro Summon, come forth, Genex Ally Axel!" Dimon = Chapter 40 An evolution of machines evolved to a new level, arise from the ground and defend your scientific citadel! Synchro Summon! Wake up! Locomotion R-Genex!" Dimon = Chapter 41 "Ye, who dwells within the deep ocean, arise! And show them the terror of the sea! I shall Ritual Summon, Evilgishki Mind Augus!" Oberon Malketh = Chapter 42 "From the depth of darkness, a hero shines upon them with a beam of light… appear to me, Elemental Hero Escuridao!" Yukino Ayuki = Chapter 42 "Appear to me from the realm of light, as I offer thee the evolutions of the monsters… accept thy offerings and spread your light to this citadel! I welcome thee… Genesis Star God, Sophia!" Yukino Ayuki = Chapter 42 Kizuna: "Awaken from your slumber, feast on this soul as I summon thee… Yuraq Allcula!" = Prologue GHOST: "Now, reveal your network to me. XYZ Summon! I summon thee… No. 11 – Big Eye!" = Chapter 18 "By the power of light, consumed by darkness, follow my command for my sake! I synchro summon Ancient Sacred Wyvern!" = Chapter 20 Path of the Wolf: The Advanced Force: The movie fic from Path of The Wolf that took place 1 and half years after the final chapter, with the collaboration efforts of the owners of the OC (Amber Lockhart by Animegirl426) and another series of the story (Kira & Yukino Thantos & Lumina from Tag Force Advent by overlord prinny). The details will be added later on as previews of the story has already been shown in the story. Arc 1: = COMPLETE = Arc 2: = COMPLETE = Arc 3: = IN PROGRESS... = Arc 4: = PENDING = Arc 5: = PENDING = UPDATE: The story WILL be published one chapter at the time, just for the heck of suspense and due to lack of time I have to do things, added with real life stuff... lol Kamen Rider Kaze Debut: How would I make a debut for my own story of Kamen Rider Kaze in one of the movie of Riders? Here's how I do it! = COMPLETE = Kamen Rider Kaze: 5 years after the battle with Dark Void and still haven't manage to defeat it with the "Ultimate" Form, it began its revival and sending his minions to create destruction. One man, who wields the "heart of the wind" steps up and faces the challenge with the help of other Elemental Riders. Six elements of the world, six dark elements, old nemesis of the past, new generation of Elemental Riders, one hope. Decide your elements of fate! This one is based on Neo Decade story requirements. The World of Kaze: (2011) Elemental City, the city that came to life during the night, which was once a place where a dark crisis that happened 5 years ago (2006). Dark Void nearly got the whole world in his grasp but a female rider with the power of the wind, Kaze, managed to stop the inevitable but was unable to completely stop its destruction and cost her life for the sake of justice. Without reason, nobody remembers this incident at all, as if, this thing never happen but only certain people can remember it as clear as a day, which is VOID Organization. In the present day, the new owner of Mizu, Aquariu Myer must find the new owner who has the "Heart of The Wind". The previous owner of Kaze passed her belt to her little sister to give it to Storm Ryder, a happy-go-lucky man who can feel the "Heart of The Wind" which he found and wears the belt by accident. Choosing the element of wind by his own will, a new Kaze must fight alongside Mizu and other 4 elements of Riders to stop the revival of Dark Void. Can they all work together and save the world once again or is it the end of the world? Let the elements decide their fate. Rider: Motif - Elements of the nature (including Light and Darkness, for the balance, of course.) Belt features: Swipe and insert the cartridge in order to scan out the weapons that is needed. (The size of the cartridge is the same as the cassette tape, the one that you use in your radio in the old days) Using the cartridge to change the Rider form depending on the element that you choose. (Only for Kaze and Mizu. Other Riders have different way to transform.) There are 2 buttons on the cartridge for weapon of choice, that must be hold down while swiping before re-inserts back into the slot for activation. Weapons (Main Rider only): Base form (Kaze) - Cartridge scan: Speedster (Booster shoes that is used to increase speed (Faiz reference for Faiz Axel), equipped with nitro booster at the back of the boot and a card scanner and slot for scanning and perform finisher with it. (Natural Disaster [Finisher Move: Tornado Edge.) and Flight (A pair of retractable "wings" that attaches on his back allows the user to fly for a short period of time. (The only weapon option that was available for all of its form.) This form relies on speed and agility. Natural Disaster (without weapons): El Viento (Kabuto's Style Rider Kick but replaced with compressed wind instead of lightning) Compressed Form (Arashi) - Second form after Kaze. This form relies on power and defense. Cartridge scan: Armed Shield (A rectangular shield with guided missiles at the front of the shield, resembling a claw. Natural Disaster: Gust of Storm) The scanner of the weapon is located at the left side of the shield and it slot located at the middle of the shield. Compressed Form (Plasma) - Obtained after level up and the third form of Kaze. Must have high stamina in order to use this form where it overwhelms the user and drain its energy faster but in return, gain overwhelming strength and speed. Can be Jump to skip Arashi by compressed 2 times but it charges longer. Cartridge Scan: Lightbringer (a.k.a. Lightsaber) Natural Disaster: Plasma Cutter. It is the only form that must use the scanning belt for the finisher. Break Form (Galaxy) - The final form (only for Kaze) that must be used on base form. The special cartridge is needed to use this form, which he will gain from a certain character. Once he slots it in, he can compressed it three times to change it into a new form with a different kind of belt. While it has the familiarity of OOODriver, but it is squared and the cartridge is in the middle of the belt. The left side is a touchable screen with a picture of a gunblade for the user to use it. The cartridge can be slide to the right side of the belt in order to declare a Natural Disaster. Initially, the form can only be change depending on the number of Galaxy Bullets on the gun (6) that haven't been used for a Natural Disaster. Once it is out of ammo, the cartridge will self destruct and can never be used again. Cartridge Scan: Gunblade (Natural Disaster: The Big Bang, a charged up shot that stabs the enemy and pull the trigger before declaring the move name.) Bike: Kawasaki Ninja ZX-7R, which was provided by the twins' father's company for the rest of the riders later on the series. Name and appearence: Storm Ryder (20). A man with short, spiky top hair, who wears a headphone around his neck and wears a white T-Shirt with a black jacket with yellow line at his back, a black pants and white shoes with blue lines at the sides. Have an "X" scar right between his eyes for no reason. Always having a cheerful thought but at the same time an airhead, no matter what the condition what he is facing. Like the wind, he can change the person's thoughts if he manages to convince them with right words, but this only happens when he really serious about doing something about it. Storm's Catchphrase: Saa, arashi ga kuru no... junbi wa ii? (Now then, when the storm's coming... are you ready?) Monster/Kaijin: In the past, they used to called it Lost Element, where the dark void creates his own army by his powers. In the present day, it is called Infected by the city people due to the use of Dark Cards that increases the desire of a person to its limit and depending on its desires, the element is also changed as well in any kind of forms such as animals, orcs and so on. Notable Allies: Aquariu Myers (Female protagonist, Kamen Rider Mizu), Kazuma Heishiro (Kamen Rider Ryuu), Melissa Loubard (Kamen Rider Gaia), Akira Inayo (Kamen Rider Yami) and Akane Inayo (Kamen Rider Raito) (Note: Akira and Akane are both twins and at first, an enemy of other riders. But after being saved by Kaze in his second form, they became new allies with him.) Antagonists: Dark Void and the 6 Dark Elements. ALTERNATIVE WORLD OF KAMEN RIDER KAZE: Situation: The world has been in a complete destruction as darkness remains to rule the city. Despite that the Elemental Riders has managed to defeat the Dark Void, Kamen Rider Yami has back-stabbed toward his allies, including the leader of the team, Kaze. With the powers of a Lost Element fused within Yami, Kaze was utterly defeated while the other teammates has been killed by Yami and Kaze was left with an "X" scar between his eyes as a remainder of his defeat by the hand of his best friend that thirsts for power. In the present day, Yami, now known as the title Dark Renegade, rules the city with an iron fist and commands all of the survivor in the city to be turned into a Lost Element, via any means necessary. With Kaze leading the F3 (Freedom Fight Force) to save the remaining survivors of the city and to retaliate the enemy from attacking the innocents, he has been doing it all alone and ever since that day, he can no longer trust any riders that comes to help him out. He also believes that the Winds of Fate has caused him to be what he is and blames it for everything that has happened to this day. With a certain rider makes an appearance, will the Winds of Fate changes to his side? (More details will be added later on...) Kamen Rider Mirage!: The Spin-off after Kamen Rider Kaze in the future. If you think saving one city is hard enough, try saving 9 different fantasy worlds known as Anime, but the question is... which world would it be and how is she is going to cope with every situation that she has to faced?. Now, reflect your actions! Fill in the blanks for each of the following: World of: (Any world other than the ones that I mentioned) Pairings: (It could be anyone from that chosen world, just as long as there have the specific skills that can help Mirage and Illusion out) Rider World's Kaijin that was involved in that mess: (Pick one. It doesn't matter if it's from the show or the ones from your own stories, just as long as you guys can give in some of the details of the enemy Kaijin and its special powers) Situation: (I'm giving you guys a chance to lay out the situation. If I don't know how to make one, maybe I'll contact with you guys via PM?) Rules of the worlds that you want KR Mirage to travel: - NO mecha themes or card games anime related show. Leave those kinds of things to Super Sentai and Duelists of their respective worlds... - Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tail and Bleach is a no go. Those guys know how to fend off with their own powers. List of the worlds: (Even if all of the worlds are filled up, that doesn't mean that I'll make it a permanent decision just yet. If there are more stories that suits well with this, I might change other worlds that would be involved in it. So, don't give up just yet. The only time it would be permanent is when they are visiting it.) 1) The World of Shana (Complete) 2) The World of Index (Currently in) 3) The World of Rosario and Vampire 4) The World of Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka? 5) The World of Sword Art Online 5.5) Exclusive Rider World ??? 6) The World of Accel World 7) The World of Tiger & Bunny 8) The World of ??? 9) The World of ??? 10) The Final Battle = EXPOSURE Familiar, Life is SHOW TIME! Meet Nozomi Saigo, one of the survivors from the Solar Eclipse ritual, the Sabbath. He also wields the power of hope that protects the people of the city known as Kamen Rider Wizard. When he receives a calling from another place where magic does exists, how would he cope with the situation in an unfamiliar surroundings? Remember this, minna! Life... is SHOW TIME! When I was doing my own damn business, reading some stories and such and at a certain profile, this has caught my attention... Just a simple critic. "Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to the unhealthy state of things." - Winston Churchill "In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new." - Anton Ego, Ratatouille On Constructive Criticism: How there is a difference between trolling, hate mail, and true constructive criticism. (Not written by my hand, but it is an excellent description of what criticism is and aims to do.) As soon as you make something, one day, someone, somewhere is not going to like it. It is a fact of life, and it's just something which you should be able to take when you post something on this site. If you can't, cry me a river and then get. Off. The. Site. Don't start saying how you hate people who dislike your work, don't declare them Satan and never, ever retaliate by trolling their own stories or suchlike. That will do you no good. What you need to do is simple: Take a look through the review. Is there anything in there that isn't swear words or abuse? If not, you've got yourself a flamer, someone who dislikes your story purely because you killed their favorite character, don't ship their favorite couple, or didn't ruin the life of someone they hate. You can safely ignore these. The internet is anonymous, so people tend to be a lot nastier than in real life, so don't take it personally. Pay them no mind. Should the reviewer insist, block him/her, again it's nothing personal, they're just being a troll, basically an advanced kind of flamer If however the reviewer actually claims to have a point, take a closer look. Say the gist of a review full of swear words is that X and Y would never get together so quickly. Consider the following: if confronted with the situation you place your characters in, say seeing your love interest bathing naked, how would the character react? Scream? Faint? Run away? Join him/her? Take into account how much characters know about one another, their ages, their personalities, and most importantly: Don't just treat them as action figures who dance at your command (I could go on about this for much longer, but that's another comment). You should always keep in mind that maybe the reviewer is right, even though the review itself is loaded with swear words, insults and more. Another kind of review that is hated a lot is the 'Grammar Nazi' kind. If you get one, DO! NOT! IGNORE! Nothing breaks the flow of a story as much as a badly misspelled word or shaky grammatical construct. Just go back and fix it. This, in my opinion, is the most stupid kind of review to hate. There seriously is no reason why; these reviewers are so obviously trying to help you, hating them is kind of like dangling of a cliff and then feel offended when someone offers a hand. Lastly, for some strange reason reviewers are just as insulted as some writers when confronted with the bad quality of their reviews. FANFICTION- UNITED NATIONS!! Has anyone else noticed how a lot of us get along and make friends on here and we can be from completely different countries? WTF!? We're here making world peace on the INTERNET and we have all those ambassadors and senators and whatever struggling with it!! If you realize this (or read this and agreed) copy and paste this and add your name and country (country is optional) to the list. SPREAD THE PEACE!!: Naruto-fan-Okami-chan (USA), NaraTemari011 (Puerto Rico), Lala girl in Lalaland (USA), Kakashi Forever (England), ChiyoChiyamamoto (USA), Mischa Rowe (Australia), Ita-hime (Canada), Little-bad-Angel(Austria), Bloody.-.Fang5507(USA), Greywing44 (USA), The Wild Fang (Malaysia) READ THIS! IT MAY SHAPE THE FUTURE OF FANFICTION AS WE KNOW IT! Greetings to the fine folk that moderate our site. I, along with many, have been writing and posting on your fine site for years now, some of the better examples of up and coming writers out there are are now suddenly finding some of the stories we've come to love at risk of being removed without the chance to even rectify our errors. For some, that means the permanent loss of a story. While I don't have anything that (I believe) violates your terms of use, there are those out there that are never able to recover a story in it's original form, this is something I find to be almost worthy of a legal action, as while we cannot claim ownership of a character, the stories are OURS and simply destroying them is something that is inexcusable. It's quite easy to simply add an MA rating, additional filters or even a simple requirement for a free membership to read the stories presented here, and would cut down on hateful anonymous reviews and posts at the same time, so I have to question as to why such a thing, in all this time, simply wasn't added. If you're worried about falsification of a registration then have an appropriate disclaimer and then there can be no dispute, you took your steps and the PARENTS didn't monitor their children, if that is even your concern. If it is more of a personal view or desire then please at least let people know and give them a chance to remove a story that you and yours find offensive, most people on the site are actually rather cordial when it comes to such requests. While I cannot say for sure if this letter will even reach those that may be willing to listen, of if it's more akin to a wide spectrum purge in preparation for something bigger, please understand that you are going to be looseing a LARGE number of your writers, and thus your income from a lack of readers if there is not some level of action taken to help with this situation. For those that may agree with this, please fell free to sign on and send this to the support server, maybe we can get some movement on this. Psudocode_Samurai Rocketman1728 dracohalo117 VFSNAKE Agato the Venom Host Jay Frost SamCrow Blood Brandy Dusk666 Hisea Ori The Dark Graven BlackRevenant Lord Orion Salazar Black Sakusha Saelbu Horocrux socras01 Kumo no Makoto Biskoff Korraganitar the NightShadow NightInk Lazruth ragnrock kyuubi SpiritWriterXXX Ace6151 FleeingReality Harufu Exiled crow Slifer1988 Dee Laynter Angeldoctor Final Black Getsuga ZamielRaizunto Fenris187 blood enraged arashiXnoXkami tstoldt Mystic 6 tailed Naruto ElementalMaster16 Dark Vizard447 Darth Void Sage of the Force Shiso no Kitsune The Sinful Kage640 Ihateheroes swords of twilight Kyuubi16 darthkamon narutodragon bunji the wolf Cjonwalrus Killjoy3000 blueexorist White Whiskey Ying the Nine Tail Fox Gin of the wicked smile tstoldt The wolf god Fenri JazzyJ09 sleepers4u The Unknown 007 Gallantmon228 MKTerra Gunbladez19 Forgottenkami RHatch89 SoulKingonCrack Dreadman75 Knives91 The Lemon Sage Dark Spidey VioletTragedies Eon The Cat of Shadows kazikamikaze24 animegamemaster6 LLOYDROCKS demented-squirrel swords of dawn The Immoral Flame blueexorist Challenger Shywhitefox drp83 Bethrezen Dragon6 bellxross unweymexicano The First Kitsukage kingdom219 brown phantom littleking9512 kurokamiDG Auumaan FrancineBlossom BDG420 Her Dark Poet bloodrosepsycho Shen an Calhar NarutoMasterSage4040 Masamune X23 Kuromoki Sliver Lynx devilzxknight86 Unis Crimson Zero X Limit SinX. Retribution reven228 JAKdaRIPPER Third Fang IRAssault Grumpywinter absolutezero001 Single Silver Eye animekingmike Daniel Lynx zerohour20xx arturus Iseal Chash123 Kamen Rider Chrome Ten-Faced Paladin Fenikkusumaru GeckoGecko554 The Wild Fang YOU KNOW YOU'RE AN AUTHOR IF... You talk to yourself a lot. You talk to yourself about talking to yourself. When you talk to yourself you often talk to yourself like you're talking to someone else. After uttering a profound peice of wisdom like that above, you stare at the cookie in your hand with awe and say, "Wow,this stuff is great for sugar highs..." You live off of sugar and caffine You'll check your e-mail every day of the week one week, and then dissappear off the face of the earth the next. Your e-mails tend to be pages long and incredibly random. When replying to an e-mail, you'll never actually address the point of it. You tend to collect Bic Stics off the ground like picking pennies off the ground. No matter where you are in a room you never have to get up to find a pen/pencil and paper. The letters on your keyboard are wearing off. Your friends and family think that you have carpal tunnel syndrome. People think you have A.D.D. You think it'd be cool to have A.D.D. You constantly start talking in third person, present or past tense. You start thinking about making lists like this and start giggling for no "apparent" reason Your friends stopped looking at you funny for no apparent reason a loooooong time ago. And FINALLY, the one way to tell if you're a good writer: You failed English 101. (copy that into you're profile if you fit one or more of the descriptions)
Fanfiction Failure Metarules for Writers Things to look out for as an author to help you win more than fail at fanfiction. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #1-- Readers will absolute love a completed work but will invariably pick apart and inadvertently attempt to destroy it if given a hand in its creation.Be especially wary of open forums and chat channels in this regard as they usually have opinionated folks who haven't ever written anything or anything in nearly forever. Either have a healthy self image or screen your pre-readers carefully to avoid this failure. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #2-- The phrase "...that's just another excuse to (plot device)." indicates you are dealing with a person of below average insight as to how fiction is written. These people should not be allowed to influence your work in any way because everything is a means to an end and is therefore "an excuse" to achieve that end. For example; "...(plot device) is just another excuse to lock Ranma as a girl." This is an empty statement attempting to hide behind factual expertise; a bludgeon used by particular readers that don't get their way or don't approve of your plot. It contains no value beyond personal opinion and should therefor be treated as such. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #3-- There is no impossible in fanfiction. Every once in a while you'll run into that anal retentive plot nazi that will say it simply can't be done like that. It doesn't matter what 'that' is because 'it' simply can't be done and they are, of course, the foremost authority on such matters. Normally this advisement is made by people that don't know they're closet creativity thieves; people who don't realize that their favorite series usually has either plot holes you can drive a death star through or that same series has Lucky God martial Artists, Flying airships, and springs of drowned Asura-zebra-octopi-phoenix-yeti-bulls. Sadly, their disagreements usual come down to little more than opinion of what is in reality- say it with me -magical bullshit. As such, these people should be given as little creative share in your work as possible. All that said, there is a difference between the broken ideology of "can't be done" and the more realistic "shouldn't be done". Consult the Rules of Fanfiction Failure for a head start on those. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #4-- "It's been done before!" is never an excuse not to do it again. Some of the best works you will ever read in fanfiction "have been done before" and it's still amazing how these will be the first words out of reader's mouths when running an idea past them- even though they absolutely HAVE to know somewhere in the back of their mind that this is an empty statement, because half the fics they enjoy "have been done before". Don't take this one personally. It's reflex. Smile, nod and continue writing anyway with Rule of Fanfiction Failure #8 somewhere in the back of your mind. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #5-- Fanon is not a sin. That's right folks, its time to drop the rosaries and stop going to those cleansing ceremonies because contrary to what you have been led to believe, fanon is not the end of the world. What is the end of the world is not knowing the difference between fanon and canon. Even if you don't know, your readers will and there's a good chance that your fic will deserve the smack-down heaped upon you even as your pitiful cries of "no flames" go unnoticed in the fic summary. Fanon often personalizes a fic and can- and I stress can -make it better than the original source material, but like Fan Fic Failure #13, knowing what you're doing to canon before you rape it at the alter will make or break a fic. Fanfiction Failure Metarule #6 -- Do what they tell you not to or shouldn't. Who are 'they'? They are the know-it-alls of fanfiction; even other authors. This particular rule is a close cousin to metarule #3 and has served me well over the years. They tell you not to put specific dates in your fic? Do it. They tell you that writing about X will only cause problems. Go for it. Not only will you set your work apart from theirs as unique, your readers will appreciate you tackling subject matter others are afraid to touch. Trusted prereader advice should always take precedence over this rule, but always keep it in the back of your mind. Asking yourself 'why' somebody advises against certain material is half the battle whether you take their advise or not. *Message to all Writers* So I figured I may as well throw out some tips for people who are trying out writing for the first time. Now, I'm not trying to sound pretentious. I'm not that great of a writer on this site. In fact I wouldn't even consider myself a good writer. I only started writing last year and I'm still pretty inexperienced. They're are hundreds of writers that are better than me out there. These are just things that happened to work for me in the past, I can't guarantee they'll always work but I'm just throwing it out there. Whether you choose to actually use them or not is completely up to you. This does NOT count towards one-shots and Crack fics. 1) First of all, before you even begin writing, try having more than just an idea for a fanfic. I see this alot in this site and what usually ends up happening is that the story becomes too loose, too far fetched to actually be brought to a good conclusion. Usually these kinds of stories end up being discontinued or in some rare cases, the main character just ends up randomly dying. This happens so much to otherwise potentially good stories by writers whose skills so obviously surpasses mine, it's almost tragic. I mean, I can understand if you discontinue a story if you find out that you're too busy with life, but it's kind of depressing when I see an author with more than 70 stories and not a single one of them managed to get past the third chapter before being discontinued. Even more so when that same author had writing skills that were practically godly in comparison to mine Now I'm not saying you need have every specific detail written down on a piece of paper. Most of the time, just having a rough outline of the plot in your head will suffice. Plan key events and such. And most importantly, ask yourself: How can I tie this story together into a satisfying conclusion which WON'T piss everyone off? And PLEASE don't say "It was all a dream!" Cuz then as a reader I feel like I just wasted hours of my time. Because as a reader you make too much of an emotional investment in the main character while reading the story for it all to be a freakin dream. 2) Do not overpower you main character. Try avoiding making your main character into some kind of invincible god, unless that's exactly your intent. If you do,make sure his/her enemies are equally if not even more powerful. Otherwise it kind of takes the excitement out of it. cuz if you know the main characters already won so really, why bother with the rest of the plot? It's one of the reason I tend to stay away from Naruto fics. My favorite character in that series is actually Rock Lee. Why? cuz he's a talentless loser living in a world full of overpowered characters and you see him struggle. Let's face it, we know Naruto isn't going to lose because he has the strongest tailed beast inside of him. He physically can't lose. Rock Lee on the other hand doesn't have shit other than pure grit and determination which is why watching him is so enjoyable. That episode where he was fighting Gaara was just heartfelt. I'm sure many manly tears have been shed watching that lovable idiot keep getting back up after being pounded into the ground, trying to prove himself to the world. Could that have been possible if he was an overpowered god? I don't think so. Make you character work for his happy ending. Watch him crawl through the mud. It only makes the conclusion more satisfying. 3) Now unless you're going to go for some really dark themes with your story, I'm going to assume that most stories will have a somewhat of a happy ending. When creating a happy ending, remember to make sure the ending isn't Utopian. Basically throwing your main character inside a perfect world where he won't have to worry about any other problem for the rest of his life. Inherently as human beings, I think we all realize deep inside that life will always be struggle and we will always face challenges until the day we die. Having a ending where you remove all that, well we all know that's highly unrealistic, if no downright impossible. 4) Summaries: Oh yes alot of us in the fanfic community hate summaries. But if you actually care about people reading you story then the summary is very important. I don't read every new fic that pops up on the on this site, though I can't say this is how everyone does it, I usually read the summary and then look at the numbers of reviews before deciding on reading it. But if your story is new then you better hope you have a damn good summary or that I'm bored enough. And don't try to brush it off by saying that you can't make good summaries cuz let's face it. If you can't even write a simple summary, why would I believe you can write a full story? Harsh but that's how it works. Feel free to take time in writing you summary. If you're going to write a story that can be anywhere from 40,000 words to 300,000 words long, I'm sure you can take some time to write a 30 word summary. Remember that it should be informative enough to give potential readers an idea about the plot so they can become interested, but vague enough so you won't reveal the entire story as to keep your readers curious enough to actually read it. 5) Details, Details Details: When you're writing a fanfic don't just throw in dialogue. All good fanfics can describe the events that are actually going on. As a write you are try to paint a mental imagein your reader's minds. And a picture is apparently worth a thousand words. (Though that's debatable). And while I honestly don't have the right to be lecturing people about this, cuz I suck at describing scenes in a story. The only way I can think of at getting better at this, is reading other people's stories. See how they create a mental image in your mind. That's how most human beings learn, by imitating others. And some of you will be like "Oh, General RTS, you get you ideas off other people! You're so unoriginal!" Well yes you're right. I'm not original AT ALL. No one is and anyone who tries to say they're original is a liar. I am not original, I am the collective effort of everyone around me. now I'm not going to say these rules are going to work all the time. They're just general guidelines I go by and they happen to work for me. You don't HAVE to work with these rules. Don't ever let me, or anyone else limit your imagination! EVER! Well I honestly hope this helps and inspires people to write fanfics, and if you're first fic didn't turn out that good. Don't feel discouraged. Learn from your mistakes and try to do better next. Human beings can only progress! Good luck! |