So yeah, this series is basically cancelled.
Look I'm going to be honest with you: this was coming for a while now. I haven't worked or updated this for over a year now, being at the bottom of my priorities list when it came to writting. Don't get me wrong, I do like Fire Emblem Rekka No Ken, and I would love for there to be more interection between them and "Mark" in some sort of remake. It's just...this story was becoming a real drag to write, and it all boils down to one thing: all of the supports were starting to become the same. Looking at my outline I noticed that all the support conversations had the basic structure. C support was light and fun, B support started getting serious when one of the two characters accidently said or revealed something, A support got really serious, and then S support was the confession. It was just getting really repetitive and I just didn't want to keep writing that. The only ones that were slightly "different" were the ones that involved characters that were already canonically married; and even then it was just a matter of "the spouse is dead", "no we aren't actually married," and "we're not married anymore."
Now, you're probably thinking, "but beefandrice, isn't that how most supports are structured in the Fire Emblem series? Aren't you just doing what the actual writers of the games have been doing for a while now?" Why yes random stranger, you are correct. However, there is one thing that seperates me from them: I'm not getting paid for this. I'm sure that if I was being compensated for the time spent on this then I could continue to churn out these supports, which would TOTALLY not become boring and generic after the 10th time.
So yeah, this project is cancelled. Is it gone forever? I can't really say. Maybe, MAYBE, in the future, when I finished everything else and have nothing else to write I might find this again and say, "oh right. This was I thing. Eh, what the hell, I might as well," and then finish it. Don't get your hopes up though. I'm sorry to all 35 of you that were actually following and were intered in this fic.
But hey, at least this opens up more time for me to work on my other ongoing stories. I mean it's not like I'm starting another new, long term project that will take up more of my free time; because that would be incredibly stupid and borderline irresponsible. Yep, sure am glad I'm not doing that.
Difinetly not.
See you soon, and happy New Years.