Poll: After I finish 'A Black Rose in Bloom', would you be interested in seeing a re-write of Jealousy/Lives Beyond Jealousy and Revenge? By re-write, I mean updating the style, fixing some errors, adding a bit more plot, ect. Vote Now!
Author has written 11 stories for Bleach, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, Soul Eater, Blue Dragon, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX. Well, since I hardly bother with profiles, I'm going to keep this sort of short and sweet. Since I don't check the e-mail with notifications much, if you feel the need to talk to me urgently, I can also be contacted at piplupisnumber1 on , which I check daily. I check the e-mail once every 3 or 4 days or I'm on vacation, so its not like its going to be that much of a wait, but whatever. That's also where all of my art is if you want to check it out. My YouTube is also TheIceRyujin, which I also check almost every day since I listen to music everyday. With those matters aside: Info about some of my favorite stories I wrote: Jealousy: / Lives Beyond Jealousy and Revenge This story was inspired by playing both 5Ds Tag Force games (More specifically the 5th one) and seeing how Hat Guy had a sort of love triangle between Ruka and Sherry. With a little idea tweaking, I got the idea to make a sort of rivalry between the two girls for Hat Guy. It sort of escalated to a Tag Force 6 guess or something like that. This is probably my most favorite story I've written so far, as Ruka, Sherry, and Hat Guy are all my most favorite characters out of all. Lives Beyond Jealousy and Revenge will be the last part of the series (if things go according to plans) A one-shot based off of a dream I had. It was a little different then this, but oh well... I couldn't remember all of it... I'm actually a Kluke x anyone fan, as I don't really have a preference as long as it isn't total crack... Another one-shot, but this one is based off of a real life event. I have a friend and everyone yelled they didn't like him, and the girl he crushed on said she didn't like him, but he didn't hear it. Of course, I did... So this story is about that. I wasn't anything like Rei though... I was a wimp and sat there because I didn't want to risk hurting him... |
Jstonedd (17) | Tyler Nator (5) |