
"So, what are you going to do?" The girl with the mismatched eyes asked the boy next to her.

The boy had short brownish hair, and a pair of greyish eyes. His clothes were nothing out of the ordinary, but just by looking at him one could tell that the boy was not all he seemed. He appeared to almost radiate an aura of power that commanded respect.

"That depends," the boy said. "Why direct me to him?"

"You and King Joseph have some things in common," the girl says with a shrug. "I feel you can use each other to achieve your goals."

"You mean I use him, don't you?"

"Pretty much. I honestly don't really care what happens to him. By the way, you are aware of just who they all are, correct?"

"It matters not to me who I need to take down, especially with a goal as lofty as mine," the boy responds.

"Still, I think it can help to at least know their names," the girl insists.

"I disagree. However, I can tell you probably won't leave until you give me that information. Please proceed."

The girl with the mismatched eyes gives a bright smile. "Awesome. First off, there's the gandalfar, Saito Hiraga."

"The one with the jacket, correct?"

"Yes. He can wield any weapon with perfect mastery, so watch out for him. Next, is his masters, the Louises. They're void mages. Void mages are practically legendary, and are the most powerful mages in existence in this world. King Joseph actually is one, so you could potentially use that."

"Interesting," the boy muses. "Go on."

"Right. I'll skip Shana, because I'm sure you're rather familiar with her."

The boy chuckles. "Quite."

"Next up are two butei from Japan. They're highly trained bounty hunters, so you should keep that in mind. They're known as Aria the Scarlet Ammo and her... Well, the relationship between the two is hard to pinpoint, so we'll call her his partner. His name's Kinji. He can raise his combat ability several times in times of extreme stress and under the proper circumstances."

"Those circumstances being?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out!" The girl says with a wink, earning a frown from the boy. "Next is the little rich mistress, Nagi, and her butler, Hayate. He's a tough one, so of the two worry about him. He's rather protective of her though, so maybe use that? Or avoid it? Not my place to suggest too much."

"Again, rather interesting," the boy begins thinking of ways he could use that knowledge.

"Next up is the Palmtop Tiger herself, Taiga, and her boyfriend Ryuji. Of the entire group, you can worry about them the least. They were high school students before this, not much combat experience, and Ryuji looks tougher then he really is."

"Why bring high school students into this?" The boy wonders aloud. "All the help you can get, I suppose."

The girl with mismatched eyes shrugs. "The next two are a little trick to deal with. First off, the living weapon, Eve. She can morph any part of her body into various implements, blades, shields, things like that. I imagine if she out her mind to it she could pull off even more deadly things. The last one is Fuka. I know she may not seem like much, what with her cute little prinny hat, but she has deluded herself so much she's capable of using all of her potential as a human. That translates to her beating down demons by the truckload by at her old home in the netherworld."

The boy digests this information, before smiling. This would certainly be interesting.

"I appreciate your help. I'll go introduce myself to the mad king now. Thought I don't believe I ever caught your name."

"Never gave it, Snake of the Festival."

"Please, call me Yuji. It seems more fitting."

With that, the snake disappeared to make contact with the mad king Joseph. Despite having accomplished her goal, the girl was uneasy.

"I'm sorry, all of you. But it was necessary." The girl sighs. "You'll forgive me eventually, right?"

With that, the girl lies down on her back and looks to the sky. She spends just a few moments studying the stars, before closing her eyes.

"You sure that was a good idea?" another voice asks.

The girl with the mismatched eyes doesn't bother looking at the new girl. "What are you doing here, Louise?"

The girl called Louise (who had no relation to anyone else named Louise) looked remarkably like the girl with mismatched eyes, with a few key differences. Unlike the blonde with mismatched eyes, the new girl had jet black hair, and a pair of green eyes. She also had cat ears and a cat tail to further separate herself from the girl with mismatched eyes.

"I- I just came to see how you were doing. Your friends kept telling me you were busy, so I decided to see what that business was," Louise says as she sits down next to the girl.

"Yeah, this is pretty much what I've been doing in my spare time. Working both sides, trying to get things on track and hit my goal," the girl replies, her eyes still closed.

"Like I asked, are you sure that's a good idea?" Louise asks.

"If I just work with them, then the snake could do something unexpected and ruin everything. I work with both of them and I can nudge both tracks onto the same end. The good end."

"Just... be careful, okay?" Louise asks. "You know what could happen if things go wrong, right?"

"I know, I know. That's why I'm doing this. Keep that 11% of existence safe, or something like that."

"Let me know if you need any help," Louise says. "I'm always willing to help out."

"In that case, you mind just sitting here with me for a bit? I could use the company," the girl says. "It's been a while since I've talked to anyone. I've been far too busy."

Louise nods. They spent some time talking with each other, as the night wore on, and an irreversible series of events was set into motion.