Lucina Reacts to Fanfiction, Part 1!

A/N: Welcome, one and all, to the first ever chapter of Lucina Reacts! The reason I did this is I decided, on a whim, to see if anyone did anything like a very small and unknown fic called Weiss Reacts, where the characters of a small, unknown series called RWBY react to fanfiction, for Fire Emblem. Of course, there wasn't any.

This disappointed me. I also happen to have a liking for Lucina- adorable, badass, Marth expy...and I love screwing with the characters I like. *chuckles evilly*

Having never written Fire Emblem before in my life, I decided to throw my hat into the ring. Don't burn me alive please...

So. After spending weeks agonizing on how best to approach introducing fanfic to a world with no computers...I think I did it. Maybe.

Let's do this. I regret nothing. Warning for spoilers, although seeing as the bloody title itself is a spoiler...

DISCLAIMER: Fire Emblem belongs to Nintendo, otherwise Lucina would be the main character of Awakening, not Robin (I love Robin, but Lucina's too awesome~)

All mentioned franchises and characters belong to their respective owners.

I'm going to say this now; there will be a lot of OOC, OCs and AU stuff. I apologise duly for any readers disappointed.

A new dawn rose over Ylisstol, blessing the capital of the Halidom of Ylisse and washing the buildings with the orange light of dawn.

It had been almost a year since the fall of the Fell Dragon Grima at the hands of the Shepherds- most specifically the hands of Robin, their tactician and his vessel to be- and less than half a year since Robin had been found in a field in south Ylisse, devoid of the Mark of Grima and at last, capable of living peacefully.

Lucina stood outside the castle, the Parallel Falchion planted firmly in the ground, looking over the waking town, allowing herself a little smile as a passing thought of the tactician briefly surfaced in her mind. She sighed, taking in the fresh air.

"I still can't believe it." She mused to herself. "I can't believe that it's all over. The Fell Dragon is fallen...Robin is home..." The princess smiled once more.

"This land is at peace. I don't need to be here anymore." Lucina stated. "Perhaps...I should travel the world. Take the chance to see what I could not take advantage of in such troubled times..." She sighed, looking back at the castle.

"I'll just say goodbye to Father, Aunt Lissa...Robin..." She halted briefly, before shaking her head. "...and myself.

That...sadly isn't a rare sentence." Lucina sighed and pulled out the Parallel Falchion from the ground before turning to leave.

The princess nodded assuredly. "This place is at peace. It'll be quiet for a long while."

In any other world, Lucina would be correct. But this was no other world, and Lucina was about to be taken into an entirely different kind of chaos- one that she could never have predicted.

And to be honest, nobody else would have.

Without warning, a green flash filled the sky above and disappeared just as quickly. Lucina's eyes widened, before she quickly around. "What?"

Her eyes scanned the skies frantically for any sign of attack upon Ylisstol- was this some sort of powerful Wind magic? Was Naga turning upon them?

Or, Naga forbid, was Grima...resurfacing?

She shook her head. "No...I can't allow such thoughts to fill my mind. He is dead...and nothing shall change that."

And just as suddenly, a blast of green shot out from the skies, smashing in the grounds outside Ylisstol. A clod of dirt flew up from where the object had landed, descending without further incident.

Lucina sheathed her sword, shaking her head. "No...oh gods no...please, let this just be something normal." Hastily, the princess ran down through the road to the castle, pushing through the gathered anxious citizens looking up into the sky, wondering what had just happened.

"Excuse me!" The princess yelled, pushing past the group. "Pardon me!"

As she passed everyone, Lucina overheard the comments of the citizens.

"What was that?"
"Was it a rock from the sky?"
"No way. That stuff's the stuff of legend! That was CLEARLY a god's wrath!"
"The Fell Dragon is upon us!"
"No, he isn't, dipstick! That Robin guy killed him, remember?!"
"Quit raising such stupid conspiracy theories!"

She shook her head before she managed to push out to the front of the city. Visible to the side of the road was a small crater, steaming, large cracks emanating from the sides. Lucina quickly moved to its side, crouching next to it and examining the inside.

"...that's...unusual." She rubbed her chin. "...the seems to have a spiral pattern instead of what would be expected of a normal rock falling from the sky...and what is..." She pushed her hand into the crater, pulling out a black, untitled tome. It was cold to the touch, she noted, which was reassuring- if it was warm, she would conclude that this impact was magical in some form.

"A book fell from the sky?" She examined the book closely. "What? That's certainly..."

Suddenly, the book 's black leather cover seemed to engrave a mark into its front. Lucina's eyes widened as she recognized the mark.

"...the...the Mark of...Grima..." She shook her head, unsheathing her sword. "No. This unholy thing MUST be destroyed immediately!"

Roaring, Lucina pulled up the Parallel Falchion and attempted to stab it into the tome.

She felt her blade bounce off of the tome, before she looked at it once more- the tome hadn't even been dented by her assault.

"What? Impossible." She shook her head. "No...I must be logical about this." She picked up the book.

"I must show this to Father and Robin. Perhaps they might know what to do with it..."

Meanwhile, in the throne room of Ylisstol...

Chrom, Exalt of Ylisse, sat in the throne. In front of him was a plain chessboard, with pieces of ivory and glass, and his tactician Robin, sitting directly in front of the board.

Both men were rubbing their chins in contemplation. Chrom nodded, before raising a piece and moving it. He chuckled. 'I've got this now. For once...I'll beat Robin at this...'

"Your move, Robin."
"Check." The tactician stated calmly, moving his piece into place. Chrom looked in disbelief at the chessboard, before sighing and chuckling.

"You got me again." He shook his head. "Best five out of seven?"
"I've beaten you five times, milord." Robin chuckled. "At least you aren't wagering anything. I'd rob you blind if you were."
"Heh." Chrom chuckled. "You're right there. Remind me never to bet against you."

"Father! Robin!"

"Huh?" Both men looked over at Lucina, running down the length of the room, clutching a tome in her hands.

"Lucina! What's wrong?" Chrom stood up, clutching the hilt of the Exalted Falchion.

"Does it have something to do with the green flash?" Robin inquired calmly. Lucina nodded, before displaying the tome to him.

"This...this tome has the Mark of Grima!"
"Impossible." Chrom shook his head. "The only bearer of such a tome was Validar! And we killed him!"

Robin held a finger up calmly. "Hm...perhaps, Chrom, but...Lucina...did you actually READ the tome first?"

"It has the Mark of Grima on it! have a point..." The princess looked away, blushing slightly in shame.

The tactician took the tome in his hands and opened it, flipping briefly through the pages, examining it carefully.

"It's empty."
"Huh?" Chrom and Lucina stared at him. Robin nodded calmly.

"Completely and utterly empty." The tactician chuckled. "Very much empty."
"It resembled the tome Validar used..." Lucina looked somewhat ashamed. "...but that doesn't explain why it has the Mark of Grima on it."

Chrom nodded. "Indeed. Robin, go find Miriel. She might have some insight into this book..."

"Wait...and it has something to do with the green flash?" Robin inquired. Lucina, thankfully, managed to regain composure and nodded brusquely.

"And you found it..."
"I found it in a crater at the side of the road into Ylisstol. The crater had-"
"A spiralling pattern into the ground." Miriel stated calmly, adjusting her glasses as she walked into the room. "I examined the crater myself, and I may be able to deliver some propitious insight on the tome. Hand over the book, Robin."

"Uh...okay?" The tactician calmly handed over the book to the sage, who pored over it calmly, muttering to herself, curious.

"Refreshing. A mystery that I cannot simply deduce." Miriel nodded. "From what little I can glean from this cosmically-originated tome, it...seems to have absolutely no link to the Grimleal or the Fell Dragon. Of course, that is all I have identified about the tome, but...if you allow me take it with me, our knowledge about this shall ameliorate quickly. I shall convene with Laurent and-"

"Nyeheheheheh!" Henry popped in, hanging upside down from the ceiling like a bat, wrapping his cape around himself. "This is a pickle, hm?"
"Henry, how did you even get up there?" Robin scratched his head.

"Why, a curse!" Henry chuckled. "Curses can be used for all kinds of things, don't you know?"

Lucina, Chrom, Robin and Miriel all simultaneously looked aside, sighing. "Yes, we know, you've taught us that lesson many times..."

"Hm...this book...I wonder if we can use it to make Risen?" Henry jumped off the ceiling and somersaulted in mid-air, landing on his feet and gazing at it.

"It's empty." Robin calmly stated. "No spells to be found."

Henry sighed dramatically. "Oh, well...perhaps my studies into the wonderful arts of necromancy will just have to continue..."
Chrom grumbled. "Misuse of dark magic isn't funny, Henry."
"But Risen are JUST so cute..." Henry squealed happily, sighing. "Nyehehehehe...but you probably wanted me to help figure out what this tome might contain. It looks boring, seeing as it's empty, but I'll help you."

Miriel sighed, passing him the tome and the Plegian dark mage pored over it, giggling.

Lucina looked over at him. "Have you found out anything about it?"
" looks as though this tome seems to match its reader's thoughts! Perhaps it contains spells depending on whoever holds it!" Henry concluded, before turning around, crouching and muttering. "Perhaps I could use this for making hexes of my-"
"No." Robin snatched the book out of his hand. "No hexes, Henry."
"Yes, thank you, Robin." Miriel cleared her throat. "Perhaps you could hand over the-"
"Let's test out Henry's theory." The tactician stated. "Since we have nothing else to go on, perhaps we should try it. Lucina will read it first. She found it, and if the book has nothing to do with the Grimleal, then I see no threat in her reading it."

Henry pouted, crossing his arms. "You're boring! But fine...I suppose..."

Robin shook his head and passed the book to the princess. "Go on, read it."

"Are you sure you don't want to?"


She nodded. "Well...I suppose I have nothing else to do..." Sighing, she opened the book and stared at the blank page.

As she did so, the pages fell open.

"Gah!" She turned away, closing her eyes, clutching the book with an iron grip as it began trembling. The pages flipped as if driven by a strong gale, words popping into existence onto the blank sheets, before they stopped moving as suddenly as they started, settling back on the first page.

Robin stared at the tome, mouth slightly agape. "What in the name of Naga..."

Lucina opened one eye, looking at the now-filled front page. "What the..."
Henry clapped happily. "What a show!"

Miriel pinched the bridge of her nose. "Excuse me for a moment." Swiftly, the sage grabbed the boy by the ear.

"Ow! G-get off of me!"

"Allow me to vacate the room with this ruffian." Miriel sighed as she dragged Henry out by the ear, ignoring his protests.

Chrom sighed. "Thank the gods." He rubbed his temple, before looking over to his daughter.

"Lucina? What do you see?"

"I see..." Lucina opened both eyes and slowly began to read the tome. "...what in the name of Naga...this is a novel."
"A novel branded with the Mark of Grima?" Chrom tilted his head. "Just when Sumia went to buy herself some books, too..."

"I don't think Mother has read such a...badly written novel." Lucina chuckled softly. "Look at this..." She showed the book to her father.

Chrom squinted, looking at the book closely. "...written by...who is RobiLuciFan1234?"

"That sounds like no name I've ever encountered." Robin mused. "Perhaps it's a complicated pseudonym? It sounds somewhat unprofessional."
"And what is an...a-n? A a-slash-n?" Lucina scratched her head. "This book is turning out to be much less of a worry than before..."

The Exalt laughed, approaching his daughter. "See? Nothing to worry about."

"Wait..." Lucina paused. "Why...why is my name here? And why is my name spelt...Luicna? What?"

"Perhaps it's just a coincidence." Robin said reassuringly.

"No, your name's here too..."

"Seriously?" The tactician moved to Lucina's side, reading the book closely. "Robin and...oh my gods."

"I-it's..." Lucina felt her cheeks grow red. "...what in the name of Naga?"
"What? What's going on?" Chrom approached the pair and read the passage with them. "...this..."

The three had stumbled upon a very indecent story involving Robin, Lucina and a very large amount of 'chocolate syrup', whatever that was. It was...very horribly written, to say the least, with many misspellings and seemed to be written entirely to satisfy the urge of the writer for such indecent happenings.

Whatever the case, it was certainly enough to set off the trio.

"What the..." Lucina shook her head. "N-no! These indecent thoughts in my head..."
Robin gritted his teeth, himself also blushing. "What in the name of the gods is this tome?!"

Chrom glared at him. "You sure you didn't write this?"
"I-I was in here with you the entire time, Chrom! How could I have done it?!"

The princess just dropped the book, shocked.

"W-who...who could write something so...indecent..."
"Whoever this RobiLuciFan1234 is...we'll have to hunt them down." Chrom clenched his fist. "Nobody writes such indecent stories about my daughter and my best friend!"
"Y-yeah!" Robin chimed in.

"R-right." Lucina nodded, drawing her Falchion. "We must f-find the perpetrators and bring them to justice!"

The Exalt nodded resolutely, before turning to his tactician. "And you...if you get ANY ideas from this story...I'll remind you, my daughter is off limits! I have no wish to be a grandfather this early! I have no idea where Morgan gets such ideas that I would be her grandfather, but even so...

You keep your distance, okay?"

"H-hey!" Robin shook his head frantically. "I-I'm not going to do something like that!"
"He won't!" Lucina chimed in, sounding slightly disappointed.

Chrom sighed, grabbing the book from his daughter. "Right. Now that that's settled...

Robin, Lucina, find the rest of the Shepherds. We'll meet in the barracks.

We have to find the writer of this unholy tome and punish him!"


A/N: So...Robin, Lucina and Chrom get their first taster of fanfiction. Woo. Shame it had to be a lemon...

Oh, dear, what could this mean! After all, Morgan has to come from somewhere, right? *wink*

Next chapter, Lucina Reacts to Fanfiction, Part 2! Now with more Shepherds, VA jokes courtesy of THE GREAT AND MIGHTY KAMI-I mean, Kyle H-I mean, Frederick, and demolition of the fourth wall!

So, I hope you enjoyed that, leave your thoughts, ideas, criticisms, suggestions, reviews and comments and I hope you have a great day! Until next time!