Author has written 3 stories for Phineas and Ferb, and Misc. Games. Good day, Koondra here. Writing, drawing, watching, reading and gaming are what take up my time. So, all in all, just general fangirling. So despite other's claims, I'm clearly a very, very, very busy person. Not lazy at all. My favourite genre for all things is fantasy and as well as fanfiction I've also got a few original stories done. Once I get into something, I really get into it. For example: - I watched all nine seasons of 'Supernatural' within 1 month, my exam month - I read 'Homestuck' from start to finish without sleep and a slow, oh so slow internet connection - I have every Pokemon video game completely finished, including old ones such as 'Pokemon Snap' and 'Hey You, Pikachu!' Flameblaster13 A yes, this was I. Many many years ago, the being known as Koondra (yes myself, ya big dummy), was known as Flameblaster13 because...well, because. I make my return from an extremely long period of absence in order to share my new stuff as well as get back into the community 'cus I miss you all. My old, old, old, stories (see below) will eventually be...rewritten...although I've yet to actually reread them for fear and shame of my terrible writing from days past. Confession time. I am somewhat ashamed of my old self but I do want to give a massive round of applause to anyone that liked or supported my old stuff. It meant a lot back then and still means a lot to me now. Seriously, thank you. Nevertheless though, I promise the old stuff will eventually be reborn but in the meantime I'll be writing new stuff for y'all to read. The Old Ones: A Platypus's Mind -- Rewrite postponed indefinitely. Perry the Platypus : The Secret is Out -- Rewrite in progress. Rouge Platypus (Goodness me, please forgive the misspelling of 'Rogue'. Perry most certainly didn't turn french. Oh hear me dear reader, I was young, stupid and terrible at spelling.) -- Rewrite and sequel in progress. |
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