Perry's Origin
"Thank you for coming Agent P." My boss told me from the driver's seat. I sat in the backseat of his black "spy" car. We were driving to the International Danville Airport to pick up Carl who has been on his three week Australian trip with his college class. I looked out the window as we passed by the outdoor scenery.
"You know Carl would be thrilled to see you after all that time," He continued as I kept watching the scenery roll by. "Sorry I have to take you away from your family just for this Agent P, but you'll be great company for me as I wait for Carl's flight to come in. Again, hope you can forgive me."
I looked up front. No problem (I was being sarcastic)! Phineas and Ferb just made a giant water park in their backyard, I much rather wait forwhat might be hours at the airport watching you sleep, then be with my loving owners! I rolled my eyes as I focused my attention on the outside world once again.
We drove on in silence as we neared the airport. We then saw a sign that read "No pets allowed".
"Darn it!" He said. I sighed. I wondered how he was ever going to sneak me in. We then saw a Clothes R Us store across the street.
"Agent P," He said. "How will you like it if we make an unplanned stop so you can pose as my long lost nephew Kenneth?"
I looked up front, and sighed. Somehow, I knew this would come up. It seemed whenever I go out in public, in order to keep my title, I'll have to be a master of disguise. Hopefully, I won't look too ridiculous.
I looked ridiculous! MM made me wear a dark green striped shirt, a blonde wig, navy blue pants, and even bumblebee striped Pikie shoes.
Why does mostly every time when humans dress me (espcially Monogram and Carl) I wind up looking ridiculously stupid? Why can't I choose what I want to wear? I picked a hip outfit at the mall (and I looked cool, even a total stranger I never met before said so) when I had to snatch away that Pizzazium Infinionite from my nemesis's daughter, Vanessa (and oddly enough Candace, Stacy, Baljeet, Buford and Ferb. Why they wanted it, I don't know. I imagine Ferb wanted it to impress Vanessa or something. I think he secretly has some feelings towards her. I don't know).
The worst was when I had to wear that pet cone. That still haunts me to this very day (I hope I don't have to wear it again).
I also didn't like having to wear girly clothes, like the outfit Vanessa forced me to wear, and that 'Parris' disguise when I went to Phineas's school (What can I say? I was in the girl's locker room. I had to wear something)!
Any who, I looked down at myself in my new outfit, then glared at my boss.
"Oh, relax Agent P!" He told me. "You look fine! We won't be there long; you can take it off on the drive home from the airport." I rolled my eyes, and sighed. Okay, whatever you say; let's get this over with!
When we were at the airport, we went inside. It was crowded with humans and their suitcases and luggage everywhere you turned.
We looked at the screen above that told us which flight was on time, or is going to be delayed, or even cancelled. We waited until it changed, and looked for Flight 596, Carl's plane
Our eyes widened as we saw it. It was delayed by three hours!
"Well," My boss began. "Why go home when we're coming right back? We can just sit, and relax until he comes. We have plenty of time before his flight comes in. Come on Agent P!" He began to walk away towards the correct gate number. I gave Monogram an irritated look, and plucked my shirt. You're kidding me, right? You expect me to wear this for a whole three hours?
Monogram noticed my displeasurment on my face.
"Look Agent P," He said. "I know you don't want to wear this, but we're not going back. Just wear it until after we pick up Carl, okay?"
I sighed, and shrugged. Whatever.
We walked to the gate where Carl's plane was going to land, then went to explore around the airport.
We ate at a restaurant. Monogram ordered a Grilled Cheese, I ordered fish (Monogram showed me the menu, and I pointed to what I wanted, and told the cashier guy)
After we ordered, we took our meals and ate in silence.
Next we went to the bookstore. My boss mostly looked in the Newspaper as I looked in the books. We even went to the kiddie playground in the building. I didn't want to but Monogram urged me into it, and a little kid around six or seven, kept pestering me to play with him (He really liked my tail), so I finally gave in. My boss talked to the kid's mom as I played with the kids.
When we went back to the gate, we still had another hour and a half to wait. We sat down in our seats.
"Well Agent P," Monogram told me. "We could play 20 questions while we wait. I'll start." He then looked at me as I gave him a look.
"Ohh right!" He realized. "Animal, can't talk. Number between 1- 100 game?" I nodded. Alright, something to kill the time. I'm game.
We played that game for ten minutes before my boss fell fast asleep. He couldn't guess my number in five minutes, he was getting tired, so he fell asleep right as he was guessing a number (if you're wondering, the number was six.)
I poked him with my finger a few times to try to wake him up, and chattered right in his ear. But no matter what I tried, he was completely out of it.
I sighed, and went back to sit in my seat. I looked at the clock, still an hour and twenty minutes to wait. I looked forewords, and sighed. What can I do to kill the time?
I looked out the glass window. In over an hour, Carl would be back from Australia. I looked forewords again.
Awe, Australia, my home country and continent; the country where I was born.
But wait a minute! You readers don't know of my origin, do you? Well, you know how I became the greatest agent the O.W.C.A has ever known, but not my origin; not where I came from! You know my siblings, my mom, and my two best friends, Matt and Mac. But you don't know my dad, how I met my friends, my swim class, how I met those no good anacondas, and their leader Percival (Personally, I like Dr. D better as my nemesis. He's ten times more stupid, clumsy, and much easier to defeat and outsmart then Percival is), or any other background information about me.
That's it! How about I tell you the story of how it all happened; that'll make you guys happy, and it'll kill a huge amount of time! So just sit back and relax, while I tell you where it all began.
It happened years ago in the great outback. That's right; I'm an Aussie.